Incontinence underwear

mrshisname Member Posts: 186
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
At a DaVinci support group meeting, a nice woman mentioned she had gotten these very underwear-like garments for her husband. The incontinence pads slip right into them. They are very pleased with them so I just ordered two pair for Jesse. You can check them out at:


  • bobshell1956
    bobshell1956 Member Posts: 18
    Thanks for the Great Tip
    One more week to see if I will need these or not. These look much better that the depends underwear.
  • dav5942
    dav5942 Member Posts: 16
    Had them but never used
    Had the depends but never used them. Used the pads with "whitey tighties" for three days, worked fine.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm sure you do but keep
    I'm sure you do but keep your receipts. I bought several boxes of pads before surgery. My wife is an optimist and kept telling me I wouldn't need them. Well she was correct! I used one pad the day the cath came out 'the one they told me to take to the doc's for cath removal'. I have Been dry since! Wishing your hubby the same success. I was able to send the one box of pads back but the opened box minus the one pad I gave to another man at our local prostate cancer support group who has been having problems with leakage for over one year.

    Perhaps buying the incontinence udnerwear will give your hubby 'good luck' and he won't even need them! Crossing my fingers for him!

  • mrshisname
    mrshisname Member Posts: 186
    lewvino said:

    I'm sure you do but keep
    I'm sure you do but keep your receipts. I bought several boxes of pads before surgery. My wife is an optimist and kept telling me I wouldn't need them. Well she was correct! I used one pad the day the cath came out 'the one they told me to take to the doc's for cath removal'. I have Been dry since! Wishing your hubby the same success. I was able to send the one box of pads back but the opened box minus the one pad I gave to another man at our local prostate cancer support group who has been having problems with leakage for over one year.

    Perhaps buying the incontinence udnerwear will give your hubby 'good luck' and he won't even need them! Crossing my fingers for him!


    Lucky underwear
    Henceforth, the incontinence 'tighty whities' will be referred to as his 'lucky underwear'. He loves that idea!! Hope it is his good luck charm, indeed! You guys are the best!
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member

    Lucky underwear
    Henceforth, the incontinence 'tighty whities' will be referred to as his 'lucky underwear'. He loves that idea!! Hope it is his good luck charm, indeed! You guys are the best!

    I needed pads following surgery for about 7-8 weeks.
    Went through one box of 52 (cutting most of them in half) then bought two more and on only the second batch....only use half a pad when drinking beer for an event..when I know I will be having more than one or two for what I call the "lazy leaks". After you've had several beers I'm not sure that's it's "you just don't care" more than you just can't tell when leaks are going to
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    Lucky underwear
    Henceforth, the incontinence 'tighty whities' will be referred to as his 'lucky underwear'. He loves that idea!! Hope it is his good luck charm, indeed! You guys are the best!

    If you makes you feel any
    If you makes you feel any better I am still wearing a pad every night waiting for the “leak” since I bought a box of 48 pads…almost out no leaks….May my luck rub off

    The best to you this Tuesday
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    bdhilton said:

    If you makes you feel any
    If you makes you feel any better I am still wearing a pad every night waiting for the “leak” since I bought a box of 48 pads…almost out no leaks….May my luck rub off

    The best to you this Tuesday

    You know Wearing a Pad every now and big deal
    I cut them in half so it's only really a 1/2 pad....I really could care's so small and doesn't bother me when I choose to wear one that I would rather do that than walk around thinking hmmmmmm wonder how that cancer is growing down there....much less stress if you ask me. Less stress = longer...and most importantly more fun life!

    Randy in Indy
  • shane59
    shane59 Member Posts: 86

    You know Wearing a Pad every now and big deal
    I cut them in half so it's only really a 1/2 pad....I really could care's so small and doesn't bother me when I choose to wear one that I would rather do that than walk around thinking hmmmmmm wonder how that cancer is growing down there....much less stress if you ask me. Less stress = longer...and most importantly more fun life!

    Randy in Indy

    firm fitting underdaks work well
    I have just used firm fitting undies since week 2 and just a tenna pad slipped in self adhessive pad dont really need them now eather I guess they are a security item . like Randy they are good for social outings to catch the odd squirt after a few drinks coke lemonade or whatever .Its all about relaxing and not thinking about the leaks so much .slowly slowly catch the monkey .Good luck to all may the drips be small and only when you laugh .
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    shane59 said:

    firm fitting underdaks work well
    I have just used firm fitting undies since week 2 and just a tenna pad slipped in self adhessive pad dont really need them now eather I guess they are a security item . like Randy they are good for social outings to catch the odd squirt after a few drinks coke lemonade or whatever .Its all about relaxing and not thinking about the leaks so much .slowly slowly catch the monkey .Good luck to all may the drips be small and only when you laugh .

    Ok, here's a good one
    I'm driving to meet the sweetheart at one of our favorite brewpub's for dinner...was hurrying a bit and took a curve pretty fast and had to steer pretty hard through the turn....yep...some leaked out in a hard I'm thinking is that stress incontinence or centrafugal incontinence! LOL

    Randy in Indy
  • gumbyrun
    gumbyrun Member Posts: 59 Member

    Ok, here's a good one
    I'm driving to meet the sweetheart at one of our favorite brewpub's for dinner...was hurrying a bit and took a curve pretty fast and had to steer pretty hard through the turn....yep...some leaked out in a hard I'm thinking is that stress incontinence or centrafugal incontinence! LOL

    Randy in Indy

    The pad man doesn't come any more
    Prior to my oldest daughter's second birthday, her mother told her that after her 2nd birthday the diaper man wouldn't be around anymore more so she better quit wearing them. It worked and except for a few accidents she got out of the diapers and into "big girl panties."
    Fast forward 24 years...
    Well, I had my eight week appt with the urologist on Wednesday and he gave me the same message. "Get rid of those pads!" Well, I went home with no pad and no leaks. I have been dry at night for a while. Wine does not seem to leak(?) nor does good beer even though I wear the pad just in blanket for awhile I guess. Even my wife said I was hanging on to them a bit too long and said I treated them like a friend! LOL.
    I have a pretty active week coming up, lots of climbing around machinery, up and down ladders, etc., so we'll see how that one goes.
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    gumbyrun said:

    The pad man doesn't come any more
    Prior to my oldest daughter's second birthday, her mother told her that after her 2nd birthday the diaper man wouldn't be around anymore more so she better quit wearing them. It worked and except for a few accidents she got out of the diapers and into "big girl panties."
    Fast forward 24 years...
    Well, I had my eight week appt with the urologist on Wednesday and he gave me the same message. "Get rid of those pads!" Well, I went home with no pad and no leaks. I have been dry at night for a while. Wine does not seem to leak(?) nor does good beer even though I wear the pad just in blanket for awhile I guess. Even my wife said I was hanging on to them a bit too long and said I treated them like a friend! LOL.
    I have a pretty active week coming up, lots of climbing around machinery, up and down ladders, etc., so we'll see how that one goes.

    Talk about Stress Incontinence
    I started a new project constructing a two story structure with screened in porch on top and with what I call "man cave #2" below it on the walkout house I have. I was going to do some digging before the big machinery is brought in to dig the big hole and thought I better put a half pad on for this just in case.

    OH MY....I dug for a couple of hours....went in and was going to get out of the dirty duds and get into my lifesaving hottub...pad was probably as full as it was right following surgery. So... note to self...start working on keggles again.
  • mrshisname
    mrshisname Member Posts: 186

    Talk about Stress Incontinence
    I started a new project constructing a two story structure with screened in porch on top and with what I call "man cave #2" below it on the walkout house I have. I was going to do some digging before the big machinery is brought in to dig the big hole and thought I better put a half pad on for this just in case.

    OH MY....I dug for a couple of hours....went in and was going to get out of the dirty duds and get into my lifesaving hottub...pad was probably as full as it was right following surgery. So... note to self...start working on keggles again.

    that just stinks. I hope that things improve soon.
    Jesse has been doing his Kegels religiously! We shall see how it all works out.
  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169

    that just stinks. I hope that things improve soon.
    Jesse has been doing his Kegels religiously! We shall see how it all works out.

    pads -
    I am just at 6 months post DaVinci, and some days get by with one, but generally two a day,rarely three, plus one at night (really needed maybe once a week, but when it is, it is). Kegels daily - they have helped, but I am far from there.

    Last flood was on the way to my first IGRT session. They have you drink 16 oz. of water 45 minutes before. Bad news for the jeans, but they wash. Worse for the car seat. Had my "dry run" wet, and drove home in a mess.

    After I looked at the progress from 7-8 per day for the first 2 months, I suspect it is because I drink less fluids now. A sort of self defense. Probably not the best idea, but...