How-to-not-cheer-up a cancer patient

kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Happy Friday everyone (well not quite yet for some you!)

I had my chemo yesterday (doxil/carbo) and not feeling as draggy as I thought I would be. And now I am off to the urologist. I am so happy to report the bladder and kidney are working and no infections for a few weeks, and no bleeding for one week. It has been a bit of an upward climb since getting the stent in. But, I think I an on the right track now, and I learned to appreciate clear urine, a bladder that works and doesn't hurt!!! The things we always take for granted, right?

I had a CA125 draw yesterday and an hoping to report a dive soon, but keeping my fingers crossed....

Meanwhile, I ran across this article and some of you have probs already seen it but will attach for those who haven't.

Hugs all around!!!


  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    You may or not remember, but I am the leading expert on urine! LOL I've gone through hell and back with the stents and nafrostomy (spelling) tubes. I don't know about you but originally they put the internal stents in, both sides I might add with no sedatives no nothing and I can't even begin to tell you the pain I went through, it was awful.
    Two months later I went into complete kidney failure because the stents didn't work anymore and they had to do the emergengy nafrostomy proceedure, that's where you have tubes coming out of your back and down your leg with a bag on each side and that's where my urnine would go, so I had to empty it all the time.

    But now they took the bags away (can you imagine I went with this bag since December 15th) about a month ago, I was so happy I can't tell you. I still have these tubes but they are small and sure beats the bags. But that came with a price because as you do know I was hospitalized with a UTI this last time. The antibiotics works wonders and I am feeling almost normal.

    I go for chemo tomorrow which will make it number 5 and boy has it wipped me out, I'm so sleepy all the time, but I still have the energy when I'm is great.
    I always said what you said "the things we take for granted" like a bath for example, I no longer can take baths because of these tubes and I loved my baths so much with nice smelling salts or bubbles. Sigh....oh well...but I'm alive, that's the main thing.

    Word of warning, always keep on top of your kratinin (spelling) levels. Apparently anything just above 100 is good but anything above 200 is a red flag, mine was 2000 when I went into kidney failure, as a matter of fact I think I should have dies from that. So I joke and say if that didn't kill me that means I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Right?

    Love you all tons
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    dorion said:

    You may or not remember, but I am the leading expert on urine! LOL I've gone through hell and back with the stents and nafrostomy (spelling) tubes. I don't know about you but originally they put the internal stents in, both sides I might add with no sedatives no nothing and I can't even begin to tell you the pain I went through, it was awful.
    Two months later I went into complete kidney failure because the stents didn't work anymore and they had to do the emergengy nafrostomy proceedure, that's where you have tubes coming out of your back and down your leg with a bag on each side and that's where my urnine would go, so I had to empty it all the time.

    But now they took the bags away (can you imagine I went with this bag since December 15th) about a month ago, I was so happy I can't tell you. I still have these tubes but they are small and sure beats the bags. But that came with a price because as you do know I was hospitalized with a UTI this last time. The antibiotics works wonders and I am feeling almost normal.

    I go for chemo tomorrow which will make it number 5 and boy has it wipped me out, I'm so sleepy all the time, but I still have the energy when I'm is great.
    I always said what you said "the things we take for granted" like a bath for example, I no longer can take baths because of these tubes and I loved my baths so much with nice smelling salts or bubbles. Sigh....oh well...but I'm alive, that's the main thing.

    Word of warning, always keep on top of your kratinin (spelling) levels. Apparently anything just above 100 is good but anything above 200 is a red flag, mine was 2000 when I went into kidney failure, as a matter of fact I think I should have dies from that. So I joke and say if that didn't kill me that means I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Right?

    Love you all tons

    Yes, I remember,
    your story very well!! At a CRE of 2000, I know you know you are soooo lucky to be alive!! You have been through way more than me, and admire your stamina!!!

    Fortunately, my doc keeps a close watch on the CRE and it was 120 (low, but up from my usual 70) when he asked me if I was having any problems urinating. I didn't then, but a week later got this sharp pain in my middle back. He took a CT and could see the ureter was blocked by what they think is an adhesion. He said at that point, that if the stent didn't work, we could let the kidney die (you only need one) or put in a tube. I was blessed that the stent went in smoothy (they don't give drugs here either!!) and was very uncomfortable but not painful.

    It was after the stent went in, that I got so down, because it bled for a month and I had to take 3 cycles of anti b's. Now, all is clear, and therefore the post above:)

    I have a question, Linda. After they took the bags off, and only left the tubes, where did the urine go? Are your kidneys functioning again?

    Sorry to hear you are so exhausted, but pray the chemo is beating those little guys up!!!!

    Enjoy hearing from darling Meghan!

    Love you too,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    just had to say you are in my prayers, I also have had stents but think they are out now. Also only one working kidney and thank god we can do just fine with one.

    Sad to read about the bleeding and trauma and chemo side affects ~ sending extra prayers up for you today my sweet sweet friend. Let us know how the urologist goes. Love Ya Bonnie