still in shock

hopeful in tally
hopeful in tally Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
19 days since I received the diagnosis. 2 days later I got an MRI. 7 days later I had surgery. DCIS was diagnosed with multiple LCIS markers. I am now WAITING for appointments with Oncologist and radiation treatment. The pathology was good. It had not spread. I am still in shock. I happened to find this website by accident and found it reassuring to not be alone. At this time, I have many friends ... many prayers ... a wonderful, loving husband ... but I still feel alone and in shock. When will it get better? Radiation is frightening ... the unknown is frightening ... I hope to hear from others in similar situations. Help me understand what the future will bring. I feel like I may have found the "sisters" I desperately need. Hopeful ... but scared in Tally.


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Welcome hopeful
    Most of us found this site by accident,when we start to look up all our problems. So from what you wrote you will not have to have chemo. Radiation is not to bad at all. Just that you have to go everyday for the amount of treatment they plan for you. I had to do 35 rad treatments. I got a burn the last 2 weeks of rads. It was just like a sun burn. Not everyone burns and they will tell you what to do to try to avoid a burn.You won't have hair loss from radiation.It will be just like having an xray. It's very doable. Your not alone, there is so many of us on this site. You asked when will it get better ?

    I started this journey last April 09 and I can tell you that today it's better than is was last April. Again welcome
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Hi Tally
    Although i'm sorry for the reason you are here. The waiting is the hardest! Wait for this visit with this doctor for this result ... it seems to go on and on and on at the beginning.

    I found this site in September when I was scared out of my mind, overwhelmed and thought I was the only woman in her 30's dx with cancer. Since then, I've found out that I am not alone and that women in the their late teens and 20's are dx. Hang in there. It does get better. I'm much better now than in September.

    HANG IN THERE, come here often to ask questions, to lament, to cry, to celebrate victories ... we're here for you.

    One day at a time amidst the fear, the unknown, one day at a time.

    Sending you much love and cyber hugs,
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    You have come to the right place
    This is the place to come if you want to talk to fellow survivors who have been there/done that. As great as it is to have supportive friends and family, sometimes they just don't get it. No matter what you are going through, you will always find someone on this site who understands.

    Take care of yourself, seof
  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82
    seof said:

    You have come to the right place
    This is the place to come if you want to talk to fellow survivors who have been there/done that. As great as it is to have supportive friends and family, sometimes they just don't get it. No matter what you are going through, you will always find someone on this site who understands.

    Take care of yourself, seof

    World of Our Own
    In talking to someone yesterday who had heard about my diagnosis and has been through it herself she said, "Welcome to a world that no one understands but those of us who are living it." I am pretty new to this site but I have found it very helpful so far. I am having bilateral mastectomy on Thursday, April 15th and have gotten some much needed information from others who have already been through it. Things I would never have thought of and anyone who hasn't been through it would not think to ask me. Everyone here is so supportive and no question or comment is considered "dumb".
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Welcome, Hopeful. Glad to have you on board. You will get through it. I didn't think I could do it but I did. I did it with the help of family, friends, and these wonderful people on this site.

    Take care.

  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Always a shock
    Hopeful: It's a shock, no matter what our age. I'm sorry you have to experience this along with the rest of us but I'm glad you've come to this site where you'll receive a ton of good information and support. I was dx in Sept 09, surgery Oct 09, chemo Dec-Feb. I opted for bilateral mastectomy so had no radiation but my 79 year old adopted mom went through the rads and did it at her age! Such good news that your lymph nodes were clean! Mine were, too. Make sure your Oncologist orders the Oncotype DX test on your tumor - it will determine if you're a candidate for chemotherapy or not - and what kind would be most effective. I was estrogen/progesterone positive and node negative - so I took 4 rounds of chemo which I finished up about 9 weeks ago. It's a long process and one that makes us a little crazy at times but it's a doable process and you'll be just fine. I'm 7 months out from dx and I'm feeling great - hopeful and alive!!!