TT Surgery Postponed - Hurthle Cell Neoplasm

loispol1 Member Posts: 84
edited March 2014 in Thyroid Cancer #1
Hi All, I was all set for my surgery tomorrow and then became ill Friday, the day after my complete all-day pre-op appointment. I have an elevated red and white blood count and some other CBC abnormalities, diarrhea (now resolved) and upper abdominal pain. My GP ordered a stat ultrasound and now per that report, I might have a blood clot in my portal vein (by liver, in the liver?) Anyway he wants me to have either contrast CT scan or MRA, which is a special MRI of the blood vessels. Because the surgery was postponed and I was able to get an allergist app't, finally, I am going to have anesthesia skin testing (I am a highly allergic person). I didn't think I could coordinate this before, as it was not coming together, so I agreed to the surgery without the testing. The postponement has bought me time hopefully have a safer surgery. Unfortunately (flash back from FNA results!) I have something else possibly serious going on with me. I have to deal now with MRA testing. I could be allergic the contrast that will be used. If only I had a real plan! If only I didn’t have these dang allergies!Anyway, I am now researching contrast allergies and skin testing and premedication for contrast dyes. I could be earning another degree with all the studying I have been doing! With the MRA I will not have to worry if I need RAI in the future after the TT. There are possibilities for contrast allergic reactions especially in persons like me with asthma and previous contrast allergic reactions. Last week was horrible, worrying over the surgery. I was only worried about the anesthesia and a possible allergic reaction; now I have this new concern. I am totally exhausted. Too much medical stuff is going on with me right now!!! I have an allergy appointment for next Monday (long drive) then on Wednesday an echocardiogram (hour drive back and forth) and my neurologist appointment back here in the same day (I forgot to cancel my app'ts before surgery). I do not feel well! I have also been having irregular heartbeats, more than usual. I saw my GP this AM and he told me he wanted an answer by the end of the today; which test I would have. My answer was I have been researching this all day and I do not have an answer yet, I am leaning towards the MRA but I would want to be pre-medicated as a precaution. Now I am worrying about an allergic reaction while inside the MRI tube and all alone in the room during the test! Perhaps the MRA can wait until after I see the allergist? When it rains it pours! I wonder if I will I ever have my thyroid surgery or even a diagnosis? I also have 2. 3 cm hypoechoic cyst on my liver shown on ultrasound, unchanged from last year, actually last year it was larger at 3.3 cm. Could this be connected to my thyroid Hurthle cell neoplasm? I need a vacation from this!