job lost

prv Member Posts: 107
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well, ladies I just got laid off today. I am a pathologist and there are about three job openings in the entire New England area (where I currently live). I have three months to find a job before no pay check. I am spiralling downwards and having trouble staying positive. This has been the worse ten months of my life. I don't know what I will do. I have no moral support. I will likely have to declare bankrupcy and lose my house. I am exhausted. I can't even find the tunnel never mind the light at the end of it. I am numb. Don't know what to do. What should i do? I have so many bills! I am tired of this life. When is something good going to happen? Thanks for listening.


  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    on no! That is awful!!!

    on no! That is awful!!!
    Are you off work because you are recieving traetment?? If so,i'm sure they are not allowed to make you redundant/fire you while on sick leave. You would have a good case for suing them if so.

    Can you talk to your bank/mortgage provider and explain the situation? They usually have options for people who find themselves in situations like this and can sometimes work out a payment plan where they might reduce your mortgage payments for a certain amount of time.Or they may recuce the interest owed til you're back on your feet. The mortgage ppl would be my first port of call. The last thing you need is to lose your home.

    Until then,it may be a case of turning your hand to anything to make ends meet.

    sorry you're having to go through this. I hope things imrove real soon.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    I am so sorry that this is
    I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I don't know what to tell you or even what to suggest. I hope that others pop up with suggestions for you. Are you still in active treatment because I also thought that they could not lay you off while you are being treated? I will say prayers for you that you can find another job that will allow you to maintain your house. The tunnel is still there and although the light seems non existant it is there also. Please don't give up. We are here to listen and perhaps, someone will have just the right ideas for you.
  • prv
    prv Member Posts: 107
    fauxma said:

    I am so sorry that this is
    I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I don't know what to tell you or even what to suggest. I hope that others pop up with suggestions for you. Are you still in active treatment because I also thought that they could not lay you off while you are being treated? I will say prayers for you that you can find another job that will allow you to maintain your house. The tunnel is still there and although the light seems non existant it is there also. Please don't give up. We are here to listen and perhaps, someone will have just the right ideas for you.

    not in treatment
    I am not in treatment now. Just finished rads a month ago. I am on arimidex and in a clinical trial getting zometa. I worked at this place for ten years - now what?
  • katznc
    katznc Member Posts: 70
    One thing at a time
    How horrible for you. I am just waiting for the same to happen to me as my company has had trouble paying me, their bills(including health insurance)and now with cancer I am just so expendable.

    Are you talking about 3 months of pay from your job or 3 months only of unemployment? Most states (but not all) now have extended unemployment and some will pay up to 60 or 65% of your cobra insurance, this includes companies with less than 20 employees. Unemployment isn't a lot but it does help. Find out right away what your state is now doing and file for unemployment. If you are talking about pay from work you will be able to collect as soon as the pay runs out. Large companies can absorb the cost of health insurance so look to them first for a job. Maybe you can branch out your search for a job to drug companies etc at least as stop gap.

    Perhaps you can otify any medical places of your problem and that any medical bills may be paid in very limited installments for the time being. Be very careful about anybody else.

    I know this is heartbreaking for you but hang in there. The women on this website share their miracles, big and small everyday with the rest of us. There is no reason why you can't have one too.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    This is terrible news. I
    This is terrible news. I was "laid off" once and I remember the horrible and desperate feeling I felt at the time. The positive news in your situation is that you have 3 months of income to figure out what to do next. As hard as it is, try to stay positive, you will accomplish more in that frame of mind. A lot of times these days it seems that job opportunities are never advertised because so many people are looking for jobs and "friends" are recommended. So, my point is to network. Start today and let us know how you are doing. Even if it is just to vent we'll try to get you back in the positive frame of mind. Good luck to you!!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I'm so sorry this is going on in your life right now. This is a very difficult time for you and you don't have to put extra pressure on yourself to "remain positive." Forget positive right now. You're struggling and you need a plan and a goal. Take a day to mourn and be angry about all of the crap life has thrown you. Take a walk; veg out; breath deeply, because tomorrow you are going to develop a plan. As difficult as it is and as exhausted as you are, face everything head on. Gather your bills first and look at your savings. Figure out how much you need a month and how many months you can pay bills and stay in your home on what you have and unemployment. Cut back on everything you possibly can. Then apply for those 3 positions. Then, I agree with MyTurn, start networking like crazy. Call everyone you know and let them know you're looking for a job. Get that resume brushed up. Then apply for temporary jobs in the meantine. Maybe look at a temporary employment agency. I did that when I was in between jobs even though I was way overqualified for anything on their list. I still worked and brough in some money, though. You can survive this like you survived cancer. Good things will start happening for you. Good luck. And you have moral support here. We know you can do it.

  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    Wow - talk about getting
    Wow - talk about getting kicked while you're down! I don't know what state you are in (state of panic?), or what you have for assistance. I am in Wisconsin. I was jobless when dx, and going to school online. I found out I couldn't handle school and treatment at the same time, so was technically going to find myself in a position where unemployment would no longer be an option. (I am not a very good liar. I coiuld have kept my condition a secret, but that's just not me.) I applied for disability. Fortunately I was dx early in the semester, and technically was still attending school until about a month before disability kicked in. I was very fortunate that we also have a Well Woman Program in our county. I applied and am on the program for the duration of my treatment. It will pick up all my medical bills and medications. (Actually it is a form of Medicaid)

    Actually, when I found myself facing no income and no insurance, I called anyone I could think of who might have an assistance program. I told my onc my situation, and that if I couldn't finish treatment, there was no sense in starting another round of chemo. My clinic had a program I would have qualified for that would have picked up my medicals (xcept no hospitol benifits) but the Well Woman Program had more provisions. The Amercan Cancer Societey also has some assistance avaailable for people who are being treated. In my county we also have a Pink Ribbon Advocacy group that will help pay bills for anyone being treated for bc. Get on the phone and check around. Often if one agency can't help, they will tell you who can.

    It is so devastating to lose a job you have been at for ten years. I lost a job I had been at for eighteen years, and I didn't want to poke my head out the door for a long time. It can be as emotionally traumatic as a divorce, or death. No surprise when you consider working full time means you spend the majority of you waking hours at work, and it becomes a kind of home and family to us. Often we define ourtselves by our work positions, which may not be right, but sometimes it cannot be helped. Friends made sure I didn't "hermitize" myself too much, and I made it through. I was able to collect unemployment, which was about a third of what I was bringing in at work. But I made it through. And I kept my faith in God, which gave me the strength to keep going.

    Another thing, if you had insurance from work, and choose to COBRA in on it, there should be a stimulus benifit that will pay 80% of the bill for a period of time. At least there was when I lost my job Feb 09. Whoever is administering the COBRA plan for your company can enroll you in that.

    There is also mortgage modification programs which will work with your mortgage holder to re-finance into something you can afford. You would go through your mortgage holder to get that rolling. And if they won't pick up the ball (I've heard stories of banks that just drag their feet on these.) Maybe go to another bank and ask if they won't help you out. I am not real sure how these work, because I have never gone through that, but know there is mortgage help out there, and is there just for people like you - who have lost their job and don't want to loose their house.

    Just hang in there, and don't let the fact that they let you go get to you. I've seen the devastation of layoffs from both sides of the coin. It can be just as traumatic for the people who still have their job to see you go. I have seen tears in the eyes of those that have to deliver the news, and walk people off premisis. No one likes to see things like this happen. And please don't consider it a reflection of your skills and abilities. Often the decision is completely random as to who gets it and who stays. (Almost like drawing names out of a hat) If you're one of those who needs to stay completely busy, fill the spare hours with volunteer work. It is also a good way to network, and will make you feel useful.

    It sounds like you will receive your regular pay for three months as a part of a seperation package. Cut down as much as you can on spending, and use it it clear up old bills, and get used to the frugal lifestyle. Just peck away at them as you can. You will feel alot better when you don't feel overwhelmed by bills. Then after the three months, you should be able to collect unemployment if you don't find a job. It may not be much, but it is better than nothing. There is no shame in it. You have paid into the system, so don't feel bad about the system paying you back something.

    And don't worry if for a while you get up each day, and keep looking at the clock thinking "if I were at work, I would be doing this or that right now." It is just a part of mourning the loss of your job. Try to find things to keep your mind busy. Organize the bills, make out a budget, tackle some project you have been putting off because you had to work every day.

    I am worried about you PRV. The situation is not as hopeless as it feels right now. I promise you, the tunnel is there, and there is a "good" light shining.

  • prv
    prv Member Posts: 107

    Wow - talk about getting
    Wow - talk about getting kicked while you're down! I don't know what state you are in (state of panic?), or what you have for assistance. I am in Wisconsin. I was jobless when dx, and going to school online. I found out I couldn't handle school and treatment at the same time, so was technically going to find myself in a position where unemployment would no longer be an option. (I am not a very good liar. I coiuld have kept my condition a secret, but that's just not me.) I applied for disability. Fortunately I was dx early in the semester, and technically was still attending school until about a month before disability kicked in. I was very fortunate that we also have a Well Woman Program in our county. I applied and am on the program for the duration of my treatment. It will pick up all my medical bills and medications. (Actually it is a form of Medicaid)

    Actually, when I found myself facing no income and no insurance, I called anyone I could think of who might have an assistance program. I told my onc my situation, and that if I couldn't finish treatment, there was no sense in starting another round of chemo. My clinic had a program I would have qualified for that would have picked up my medicals (xcept no hospitol benifits) but the Well Woman Program had more provisions. The Amercan Cancer Societey also has some assistance avaailable for people who are being treated. In my county we also have a Pink Ribbon Advocacy group that will help pay bills for anyone being treated for bc. Get on the phone and check around. Often if one agency can't help, they will tell you who can.

    It is so devastating to lose a job you have been at for ten years. I lost a job I had been at for eighteen years, and I didn't want to poke my head out the door for a long time. It can be as emotionally traumatic as a divorce, or death. No surprise when you consider working full time means you spend the majority of you waking hours at work, and it becomes a kind of home and family to us. Often we define ourtselves by our work positions, which may not be right, but sometimes it cannot be helped. Friends made sure I didn't "hermitize" myself too much, and I made it through. I was able to collect unemployment, which was about a third of what I was bringing in at work. But I made it through. And I kept my faith in God, which gave me the strength to keep going.

    Another thing, if you had insurance from work, and choose to COBRA in on it, there should be a stimulus benifit that will pay 80% of the bill for a period of time. At least there was when I lost my job Feb 09. Whoever is administering the COBRA plan for your company can enroll you in that.

    There is also mortgage modification programs which will work with your mortgage holder to re-finance into something you can afford. You would go through your mortgage holder to get that rolling. And if they won't pick up the ball (I've heard stories of banks that just drag their feet on these.) Maybe go to another bank and ask if they won't help you out. I am not real sure how these work, because I have never gone through that, but know there is mortgage help out there, and is there just for people like you - who have lost their job and don't want to loose their house.

    Just hang in there, and don't let the fact that they let you go get to you. I've seen the devastation of layoffs from both sides of the coin. It can be just as traumatic for the people who still have their job to see you go. I have seen tears in the eyes of those that have to deliver the news, and walk people off premisis. No one likes to see things like this happen. And please don't consider it a reflection of your skills and abilities. Often the decision is completely random as to who gets it and who stays. (Almost like drawing names out of a hat) If you're one of those who needs to stay completely busy, fill the spare hours with volunteer work. It is also a good way to network, and will make you feel useful.

    It sounds like you will receive your regular pay for three months as a part of a seperation package. Cut down as much as you can on spending, and use it it clear up old bills, and get used to the frugal lifestyle. Just peck away at them as you can. You will feel alot better when you don't feel overwhelmed by bills. Then after the three months, you should be able to collect unemployment if you don't find a job. It may not be much, but it is better than nothing. There is no shame in it. You have paid into the system, so don't feel bad about the system paying you back something.

    And don't worry if for a while you get up each day, and keep looking at the clock thinking "if I were at work, I would be doing this or that right now." It is just a part of mourning the loss of your job. Try to find things to keep your mind busy. Organize the bills, make out a budget, tackle some project you have been putting off because you had to work every day.

    I am worried about you PRV. The situation is not as hopeless as it feels right now. I promise you, the tunnel is there, and there is a "good" light shining.


    thanks everybody
    I still feel like crap. I went to my support group last night and they helped alittle. Today I applied for three jobs. Tomorrow or next week I will follow-up on them with phone calls. I also called about five headhunters to see if they could help me. I may have to move out of state. At 56 yo this is not something I look forward to. I don't know if I can continue my clinical trial if I go out of state. Plus my kid just loves her school and is finally doing pretty good. I am kind of in a panic right now but you guys had some really good suggestions.
  • Youcandothis
    Youcandothis Member Posts: 79
    prv said:

    thanks everybody
    I still feel like crap. I went to my support group last night and they helped alittle. Today I applied for three jobs. Tomorrow or next week I will follow-up on them with phone calls. I also called about five headhunters to see if they could help me. I may have to move out of state. At 56 yo this is not something I look forward to. I don't know if I can continue my clinical trial if I go out of state. Plus my kid just loves her school and is finally doing pretty good. I am kind of in a panic right now but you guys had some really good suggestions.

    So sorry
    You sure don't need another kick from life but I guess we don't get to choose. Re your daughter, she's seen you go through a lot. Moving doesn't sound very attractive, but if it must happen maybe the two of you can make it work if you frame it that her being positive and accepting a move is her contribution to family well being. Staying put while jobless could be far more stressful for both of you.
    Really hope things improve fast!
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Hi PRV, I wish I could say something to make you feel better. But you came to the right place for info. I also got laid off after 22 years. The day I was let go along with 7 others who all had health problems. Can't prove that this was the reason...too much wasted energy. I had battled breast cancer the previous year and was scheduled for a hysterectomy the same month I was laid off. Had that surgery and they found it was ovarian. So I had to scramble before my insurance ended...had the staging surgery in December. I have now been off since October of 2008. I have to renew my apps for free medical care at the cancer center and the hospital every 6 months or so, and they can also help you with transportation costs for at least one year. Contact the social worker at the treatment center or ask one of your doctors. DO NOT KEEP SILENT about anything and try to do things on your own. That was always my what I could for myself. But I have found there is no shame in asking and you might be surprised by the help you receive.

    I currently have a 20 hour a week minimum wage job and still get the extended unemployment. There are tiers of unemployment to go through, there are mortgage folks who can help. I don't own, but I have heard of programs. Ask the loan company where you have your home loan. Please, I cannnot stress this enough, DO NOT keep quiet. This is not begging. You worked and through no fault of your own you lost a job. Be honest with your creditors. I was. And no I am not back on my feet yet. But people have worked with me. Take care of the financial things first. Then work on getting a job and job hunting. It is extrememly difficult to do both, believe me I have tried. The stress alone will do you in.

    One last thing. No matter how much money you get. When you get that unemp[loyment, give yourself a treat. It does not need to be big, even if it is just buying a chocolate bar. It is so important to have something to look forward to. And if you cannot afford internet, try your local jobs center, You can use theirs for free as well as the fax and copier. If you need any other ideas, please post. I have a lot of things that worked for me that others have passed on that helped me. Maybe it can help you. I wish you the best. Hugs, Cindy not think you are old at 56, I am 55. you can also get money for school that you do not have to pay back if that is what you choose to do. Maybe this is the time to re-invent yourself and do something you have always wanted to do.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    This is terrible news. I
    This is terrible news. I was "laid off" once and I remember the horrible and desperate feeling I felt at the time. The positive news in your situation is that you have 3 months of income to figure out what to do next. As hard as it is, try to stay positive, you will accomplish more in that frame of mind. A lot of times these days it seems that job opportunities are never advertised because so many people are looking for jobs and "friends" are recommended. So, my point is to network. Start today and let us know how you are doing. Even if it is just to vent we'll try to get you back in the positive frame of mind. Good luck to you!!

    This is awful. I am so
    This is awful. I am so sorry. I am praying that you find another job very soon and that you continue to take good care of yourself. Keep us updated on how you are!

    Hugs, Debby
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    So sorry
    You sure don't need another kick from life but I guess we don't get to choose. Re your daughter, she's seen you go through a lot. Moving doesn't sound very attractive, but if it must happen maybe the two of you can make it work if you frame it that her being positive and accepting a move is her contribution to family well being. Staying put while jobless could be far more stressful for both of you.
    Really hope things improve fast!

    I'm so sorry that you lost
    I'm so sorry that you lost your job. You really don't need the extra stress. But, with your credentials, I bet you will find a new job very soon. Luck to you!

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    So sorry to hear that you have to deal with this now.

    As others have said, there are a lot more resources out there than you might think of at first. Don't be shy about availing yourself of the help that's available.

    I know that in CA we have Worksource Centers that provide a great deal of help with unemployment benefits, resume writing, job referrals, free training, etc. If you're not in CA, check with your state's unemployment department to see what resources they might have available.

    The recent federal subsidy for COBRA (they subsidize 65% of your normal COBRA premium) technically expired on March 31st, but when congress goes back in session on Monday they are expected to pass an extension of that shortly, so you should be able to continue your medical coverage for a reasonable rate for at least a while.

    Try not to stress too much, although I know that's much easier said than done. Reach out to us, and elsewhere in your life to get the help you need to get through this difficult time.

    Take care,
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Cindy54 said:

    Hi PRV, I wish I could say something to make you feel better. But you came to the right place for info. I also got laid off after 22 years. The day I was let go along with 7 others who all had health problems. Can't prove that this was the reason...too much wasted energy. I had battled breast cancer the previous year and was scheduled for a hysterectomy the same month I was laid off. Had that surgery and they found it was ovarian. So I had to scramble before my insurance ended...had the staging surgery in December. I have now been off since October of 2008. I have to renew my apps for free medical care at the cancer center and the hospital every 6 months or so, and they can also help you with transportation costs for at least one year. Contact the social worker at the treatment center or ask one of your doctors. DO NOT KEEP SILENT about anything and try to do things on your own. That was always my what I could for myself. But I have found there is no shame in asking and you might be surprised by the help you receive.

    I currently have a 20 hour a week minimum wage job and still get the extended unemployment. There are tiers of unemployment to go through, there are mortgage folks who can help. I don't own, but I have heard of programs. Ask the loan company where you have your home loan. Please, I cannnot stress this enough, DO NOT keep quiet. This is not begging. You worked and through no fault of your own you lost a job. Be honest with your creditors. I was. And no I am not back on my feet yet. But people have worked with me. Take care of the financial things first. Then work on getting a job and job hunting. It is extrememly difficult to do both, believe me I have tried. The stress alone will do you in.

    One last thing. No matter how much money you get. When you get that unemp[loyment, give yourself a treat. It does not need to be big, even if it is just buying a chocolate bar. It is so important to have something to look forward to. And if you cannot afford internet, try your local jobs center, You can use theirs for free as well as the fax and copier. If you need any other ideas, please post. I have a lot of things that worked for me that others have passed on that helped me. Maybe it can help you. I wish you the best. Hugs, Cindy not think you are old at 56, I am 55. you can also get money for school that you do not have to pay back if that is what you choose to do. Maybe this is the time to re-invent yourself and do something you have always wanted to do.

    I am sorry
    for your situation, and yes it did happened to me too. It was the last day of my radiation treatment. I can completely understand your emotions. It still feels awful. When it does happen as a group laid-off event, American with Disability Act will be difficult applied. However you can try negotiate better severance package for yourself with help of legal counsel or on your own.
    Yes, unemployment and Cobra now is 30%. Talk to your oncologist office for referenced clinical social worker.
    Did you company give you "Outplacement services" program? It is very useful in preparing your resume and to cope your initial shock. As for your house, you need to talk to financial consultant to decide what is the less stressful option for you! There are several options and your financial adviser can discuss you action items depending on amount of your mortgage and principal. Sometimes bankruptcy could be a way out of financial burden.
    Remember, your health is the most important element, so give yourself a break.
    You are very qualified professional. Becoming pathologist requires a lot of training and dedication. I am sure you will find you ideal job, just take a deep breath and do not forget that you just beat cancer and are very strong.
    New Flower
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    So sorry to hear of your job
    So sorry to hear of your job loss--on top of everything else! My thoughts & prayers are with you...
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I Am Sorry
    I am so sorry to hear about your job. Maybe something good will come from this. When I was out of work, I went to the local job service. They have jobs that don't always appear in websites. I also used Career Builders, Monster, and a new one I found, Good luck.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    aztec45 said:

    I Am Sorry
    I am so sorry to hear about your job. Maybe something good will come from this. When I was out of work, I went to the local job service. They have jobs that don't always appear in websites. I also used Career Builders, Monster, and a new one I found, Good luck.


    Biospace,com; Medzilla;
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Tux said:

    So sorry to hear of your job
    So sorry to hear of your job loss--on top of everything else! My thoughts & prayers are with you...

    I'm very sorry about your
    I'm very sorry about your job loss. It just isn't fair with all that you are going thru. I wish you the best of luck! Praying for you!

    Sue :)
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Cindy54 said:

    Hi PRV, I wish I could say something to make you feel better. But you came to the right place for info. I also got laid off after 22 years. The day I was let go along with 7 others who all had health problems. Can't prove that this was the reason...too much wasted energy. I had battled breast cancer the previous year and was scheduled for a hysterectomy the same month I was laid off. Had that surgery and they found it was ovarian. So I had to scramble before my insurance ended...had the staging surgery in December. I have now been off since October of 2008. I have to renew my apps for free medical care at the cancer center and the hospital every 6 months or so, and they can also help you with transportation costs for at least one year. Contact the social worker at the treatment center or ask one of your doctors. DO NOT KEEP SILENT about anything and try to do things on your own. That was always my what I could for myself. But I have found there is no shame in asking and you might be surprised by the help you receive.

    I currently have a 20 hour a week minimum wage job and still get the extended unemployment. There are tiers of unemployment to go through, there are mortgage folks who can help. I don't own, but I have heard of programs. Ask the loan company where you have your home loan. Please, I cannnot stress this enough, DO NOT keep quiet. This is not begging. You worked and through no fault of your own you lost a job. Be honest with your creditors. I was. And no I am not back on my feet yet. But people have worked with me. Take care of the financial things first. Then work on getting a job and job hunting. It is extrememly difficult to do both, believe me I have tried. The stress alone will do you in.

    One last thing. No matter how much money you get. When you get that unemp[loyment, give yourself a treat. It does not need to be big, even if it is just buying a chocolate bar. It is so important to have something to look forward to. And if you cannot afford internet, try your local jobs center, You can use theirs for free as well as the fax and copier. If you need any other ideas, please post. I have a lot of things that worked for me that others have passed on that helped me. Maybe it can help you. I wish you the best. Hugs, Cindy not think you are old at 56, I am 55. you can also get money for school that you do not have to pay back if that is what you choose to do. Maybe this is the time to re-invent yourself and do something you have always wanted to do.

    I am so sorry. The main
    I am so sorry. The main thing to do is to take care of yourself! Don't be discouraged!

    Sending you good luck and lots of hugs!
  • JillyB
    JillyB Member Posts: 50
    job lost
    I am so itred of hearing about this happening. If you don't mind, what is it exactly they fired you for? Obviously if you were there for that long, you were good at what you did and an asset to the company. Does it seem like there are legal grounds to sue? I live in New England right now and have found alot of help. If you don't want to answer my questions on the board, feel free to PM me, or email at:
    And when you say you have no moral support, you may not in person, right there at your disposal, but you have all of us on here,who will do what we can to help.
    I hope to hear from you in some form, hopefully in email....
    Thinking of you and ways to help in this Selfish place called New England,