Cathether was remoded yesterday.

zakpaga Member Posts: 69
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I had my cathether removed yesterday a week after the surgery. Like some of you I was ready to experience the worse pain of my life but I did not really felt anything.
I was abe to hold my urine and had a manly stream. I took two glasses of water and three hours later, I have to rush in the bathroom to release myself. I made it without leaking on the pad but as soon as I opened my pants the strem came strong and and wet my pants (I guess it it my first accident).

At night, I wake up 5 times to pee. But I did not leak. At one time, the pressure was so strong that I could not stay straight and it was only after peeing that I could get my straight posture again. But I did not have any leakage.

My problem is that every time I pee, I have pain in the scotrum at the end of the strean and have to stop the stream to stop the pain. Did anybody experience that? It may me apprehensive of peeing now.

Please share your experience as this is a concern to me. Thank you.



  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    I have no control for 2 or 3 three weeks, pretty much. Just a nice constant dripping. Maybe 10- 12 pads during the day and a couple at night.

    Makes me wonder, was it me, or my doctor?

    sometimes I am so envious.
  • luckyman2
    luckyman2 Member Posts: 54
    It's common to feel pain in the scrotum
    It's common to feel pain in the scrotum after a prostatectomy. However, call your doctor if you have any concerns.

    There's been a lot of trauma in that area and your nerves are quite angry and will be until some serious healing goes on.

    I remember having to sit on a soft cushion for about 6 weeks after the surgery because my scrotum ached so much. It felt like I fell on the cross bar of my bicycle after the chain broke!

    Speaking of bicycles... stay off them for a while until you have healed sufficiently... at least for two to three months.
  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    luckyman2 said:

    It's common to feel pain in the scrotum
    It's common to feel pain in the scrotum after a prostatectomy. However, call your doctor if you have any concerns.

    There's been a lot of trauma in that area and your nerves are quite angry and will be until some serious healing goes on.

    I remember having to sit on a soft cushion for about 6 weeks after the surgery because my scrotum ached so much. It felt like I fell on the cross bar of my bicycle after the chain broke!

    Speaking of bicycles... stay off them for a while until you have healed sufficiently... at least for two to three months.

    I thank you for


    I thank you for your reply which put me at ease. But I will contact the surgoe if that does not improve in a couple of day. I took two tablets of Tylenol extra strenght and when I pee the last time, it was not as painful. You know, we learn as much if not more about this desease from people who have embarked in the same journey unwillingly than from the medical establishment.

    Another question I would like to ask, did you receive with your pathology report the PSA after the surgery? Or how long it take?

  • luckyman2
    luckyman2 Member Posts: 54
    Trew said:

    I have no control for 2 or 3 three weeks, pretty much. Just a nice constant dripping. Maybe 10- 12 pads during the day and a couple at night.

    Makes me wonder, was it me, or my doctor?

    sometimes I am so envious.

    Try another approach
    We all have very different reactions from trauma and we are all very different in muscle development. I have seen muscular guys bench press 300lbs, but not be able to hold a plank position for more than 5 minutes... or do just one proper Kegel to save their lives.

    Try another approach to your recovery that just might work for you: Do the Kegels while actually peeing. (I call it "power Kegels".) This means stop (trap) the flow of urine for 5 repetitions of 5 seconds each while you are peeing... and do this while you are sitting down on the toilet. Then do one final Kegel to competely stop the flow of urine when you are finished.

    Why? Different core muscles come into play automatically while you are standing versus when you are sitting. So, if you notice that you need to pee again, or you are still leaking a bit when you stand up, sit down again and empty your bladder and do a final Kegel.

    Do this exercise routine (with a serious effort) and you will see a marked improvement in your ability to control the incontinence within a few weeks. If not, talk to your doctor.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    Had cath removed 8 days ago
    Had cath removed 8 days ago and like you was "dry" from day one....I have a pain at the tip of my penis more pronoused when I have to pee and it stil feel "different" when I pee...At least I stopped peeing blood about three days ago...I pee twice a night from day one and pee somewhat frequently during the day (drink lots of water like 12++ cups of water a day plus my fruit juices)...Like it has already been said your body parts have gone through a massive shock and your nerves are restless and healing...If you are concerns call your Urologist....

    Best to all and fast healing
  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    bdhilton said:

    Had cath removed 8 days ago
    Had cath removed 8 days ago and like you was "dry" from day one....I have a pain at the tip of my penis more pronoused when I have to pee and it stil feel "different" when I pee...At least I stopped peeing blood about three days ago...I pee twice a night from day one and pee somewhat frequently during the day (drink lots of water like 12++ cups of water a day plus my fruit juices)...Like it has already been said your body parts have gone through a massive shock and your nerves are restless and healing...If you are concerns call your Urologist....

    Best to all and fast healing

    Thanks BD. I also pee blood
    Thanks BD. I also pee blood after cath removal. But it seems ok now.
    I wish you fast heeling and good luck.

  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    zakpaga said:

    Thanks BD. I also pee blood
    Thanks BD. I also pee blood after cath removal. But it seems ok now.
    I wish you fast heeling and good luck.


    Randy gave a good tip
    do not drink 2 hours before you go to sleep
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    bdhilton said:

    Randy gave a good tip
    do not drink 2 hours before you go to sleep

    Yes you will get better at knowing what to do and not to do
    pain, peeing when you don't want to and BM's will teach you everything you need to know. I found that certain things made my pee when I went strickly to water it was much easier and pain went completely at the tip when peeing... Well the last two nights have been kinda crazy for up 4 times two nights ago...then last night I got up twice and the second time woke up at 4:30 and had pee'd the bed and my shorts...I drank a 32 oz bottle of soda water that had manderin flavoring late in the evening...just goes to show you I have been continent since about day 50 something... and also, I now remember the PA telling me do not drink carbinated beverages....but heck..I am on day 78-80 or something..I should not have to worry about anything...perhaps this is just another sign that this opperation does change a persons life.

    Randy in Indy
  • luckyman2
    luckyman2 Member Posts: 54

    Yes you will get better at knowing what to do and not to do
    pain, peeing when you don't want to and BM's will teach you everything you need to know. I found that certain things made my pee when I went strickly to water it was much easier and pain went completely at the tip when peeing... Well the last two nights have been kinda crazy for up 4 times two nights ago...then last night I got up twice and the second time woke up at 4:30 and had pee'd the bed and my shorts...I drank a 32 oz bottle of soda water that had manderin flavoring late in the evening...just goes to show you I have been continent since about day 50 something... and also, I now remember the PA telling me do not drink carbinated beverages....but heck..I am on day 78-80 or something..I should not have to worry about anything...perhaps this is just another sign that this opperation does change a persons life.

    Randy in Indy

    Important stuff that I forgot about
    You guys brought up important stuff that I forgot about along the way.

    Blood in the urine:
    It scared the sh$& out of me! But expect it and it should diminish over the two weeks after having the catheter removed.

    I remember experiencing pain. The pain at the tip of my penis was due to a minor infection from the catheter and in the scrotum because of the surgery... (ouch). However, the pain at the tip of the penis went away in a couple of days... but the aching in my scrotum took about 6 weeks to disappear.

    Note to Zakpaga:
    You asked when I got my pathology report and PSA test after surgery. I live in Canada, so maybe the dogsleds are slow up here to deliver the results... but the hockey players are really fast! However, it was exactly 3 months post-op. (Cancer was upgraded from Gleason 6 (3+3) to 7 (4+3), but completely contained within the prostate and PSA was 0.)

    Note to randy-in-indy:
    After wearing a life jacket to bed, I found out that carbinated water is off our grocery list too! Do you think that someone could have told us that sooner??!!
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    luckyman2 said:

    Important stuff that I forgot about
    You guys brought up important stuff that I forgot about along the way.

    Blood in the urine:
    It scared the sh$& out of me! But expect it and it should diminish over the two weeks after having the catheter removed.

    I remember experiencing pain. The pain at the tip of my penis was due to a minor infection from the catheter and in the scrotum because of the surgery... (ouch). However, the pain at the tip of the penis went away in a couple of days... but the aching in my scrotum took about 6 weeks to disappear.

    Note to Zakpaga:
    You asked when I got my pathology report and PSA test after surgery. I live in Canada, so maybe the dogsleds are slow up here to deliver the results... but the hockey players are really fast! However, it was exactly 3 months post-op. (Cancer was upgraded from Gleason 6 (3+3) to 7 (4+3), but completely contained within the prostate and PSA was 0.)

    Note to randy-in-indy:
    After wearing a life jacket to bed, I found out that carbinated water is off our grocery list too! Do you think that someone could have told us that sooner??!!

    thanks all important
    So is this carbonated water off limits forever or just during the healing process? Not a big beer drinker (unless I am in Munich) but do like diet coke now and then...but water is my primary drink outside of fruit/veggie drinks...

    I love my inflatable donut to sit on :-)
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    bdhilton said:

    thanks all important
    So is this carbonated water off limits forever or just during the healing process? Not a big beer drinker (unless I am in Munich) but do like diet coke now and then...but water is my primary drink outside of fruit/veggie drinks...

    I love my inflatable donut to sit on :-)

    Carbonated Water
    I really think that might be what made me have the mishap last night... I will do more research and let everyone know. LOL
  • shane59
    shane59 Member Posts: 86
    dont know about the drinks but the pee pain mmm
    Hi Zakpaga I used to hate peeing as I had some pain when peeing like and electric shock right up the box and dice 3 months on out of the blue I have a good pee and wamo same thing like an electric shock I just clench all my muscles and hang on only about 10 seconds. As mentioned the nerve endings where they stich the bladder back up are raw nerves and healing still ,they told me it will pass in time. Yes I like the keegans exercise while sitting to pee very helpfull,as for the carbonated drinks I love pepsi max and it has not affected me this is the first time I have heard about this .I dont drink usually 1/2 an hour before bed.Lucky at night from day 1 without catheter no leaks at night ,but lots of dribbles for first 3 weeks during the day .Its a whole new learning exsperiance It was great to talk with others to see what lay ahead and still does .best wishes and hope the pain goes soon for you .
    ps I started taking cranberry capsules when I got home they help limmit urinery infections and also reduce the strong smell of the pee . take care all Shane59
  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    shane59 said:

    dont know about the drinks but the pee pain mmm
    Hi Zakpaga I used to hate peeing as I had some pain when peeing like and electric shock right up the box and dice 3 months on out of the blue I have a good pee and wamo same thing like an electric shock I just clench all my muscles and hang on only about 10 seconds. As mentioned the nerve endings where they stich the bladder back up are raw nerves and healing still ,they told me it will pass in time. Yes I like the keegans exercise while sitting to pee very helpfull,as for the carbonated drinks I love pepsi max and it has not affected me this is the first time I have heard about this .I dont drink usually 1/2 an hour before bed.Lucky at night from day 1 without catheter no leaks at night ,but lots of dribbles for first 3 weeks during the day .Its a whole new learning exsperiance It was great to talk with others to see what lay ahead and still does .best wishes and hope the pain goes soon for you .
    ps I started taking cranberry capsules when I got home they help limmit urinery infections and also reduce the strong smell of the pee . take care all Shane59

    Thanks Shane59,
    We learn a

    Thanks Shane59,
    We learn a lot by sharing our experiences. I was not warned by the medical establishment that peeing will become such a painful experience.
    Last night, I drunk only a glass of water two hours before going to bed. I only woke up twice at night to pee. It was better than my first night without the catheter.

  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    luckyman2 said:

    Important stuff that I forgot about
    You guys brought up important stuff that I forgot about along the way.

    Blood in the urine:
    It scared the sh$& out of me! But expect it and it should diminish over the two weeks after having the catheter removed.

    I remember experiencing pain. The pain at the tip of my penis was due to a minor infection from the catheter and in the scrotum because of the surgery... (ouch). However, the pain at the tip of the penis went away in a couple of days... but the aching in my scrotum took about 6 weeks to disappear.

    Note to Zakpaga:
    You asked when I got my pathology report and PSA test after surgery. I live in Canada, so maybe the dogsleds are slow up here to deliver the results... but the hockey players are really fast! However, it was exactly 3 months post-op. (Cancer was upgraded from Gleason 6 (3+3) to 7 (4+3), but completely contained within the prostate and PSA was 0.)

    Note to randy-in-indy:
    After wearing a life jacket to bed, I found out that carbinated water is off our grocery list too! Do you think that someone could have told us that sooner??!!

    Thanks Luckyman2,
    I got my

    Thanks Luckyman2,

    I got my pathology report the day of cath removal. It does not contain the PSA. I guess, it is important to let the surgery site heal before taking a PSA test in order to avoid any false reading.

    A question, I have for people here is that since the surgery I lost 8 pounds. Is that common? I known that I have not eaten much the day of the surgery and three days in the raw after the surgery.I am slowly going back to my regular diet.
  • luckyman2
    luckyman2 Member Posts: 54
    bdhilton said:

    thanks all important
    So is this carbonated water off limits forever or just during the healing process? Not a big beer drinker (unless I am in Munich) but do like diet coke now and then...but water is my primary drink outside of fruit/veggie drinks...

    I love my inflatable donut to sit on :-)

    Carbonated drinks
    You should be able to go back to carbonated drinks after the healing process and you've done your billion Kegels.

    I'm not a beer drinker either, but I do like carbonated spring water once in a while. It still affects me somewhat at night time even 2 years after the surgery, so I just prefer to go to bed without that worry on my mind.
  • luckyman2
    luckyman2 Member Posts: 54
    zakpaga said:

    Thanks Luckyman2,
    I got my

    Thanks Luckyman2,

    I got my pathology report the day of cath removal. It does not contain the PSA. I guess, it is important to let the surgery site heal before taking a PSA test in order to avoid any false reading.

    A question, I have for people here is that since the surgery I lost 8 pounds. Is that common? I known that I have not eaten much the day of the surgery and three days in the raw after the surgery.I am slowly going back to my regular diet.

    Weight loss after surgery
    The weight loss after surgery of only 8 lbs is reasonable.
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    zakpaga said:

    Thanks Shane59,
    We learn a

    Thanks Shane59,
    We learn a lot by sharing our experiences. I was not warned by the medical establishment that peeing will become such a painful experience.
    Last night, I drunk only a glass of water two hours before going to bed. I only woke up twice at night to pee. It was better than my first night without the catheter.


    Plain water really is the key...if you start to have blood drink a couple of glasses of water and it goes away. Also, if you have pain...water cures that as well. I have been told any time you have any liquid with any can irritate the bladder neck and will cause that funny feeling down the uretha...water just neutralizes it. I am throughly convinced it was the carbonation that caused my problem the other night...I just had plain water last night and perfect only got up once to pee last night. It makes sense to me that carbonation would cause a problem in that I was told years ago in drivers ED that carbonation causes the pyruvic valve in your stomach to open and that is why when people drink liquior with carbonation they get drunk faster than people who don't mix with carbonation...makes sense that the carbonation might act the same on the sphincter at the bladder exit although you would think the carbonation would be gone by then....except when you drink like your in a chugging contest like I do. Like Shane I find sitting is much better when peeing for two can rest...and more fully empty your bladder. Sounds like you are doing great on your recovery phase!

    randy in indy
  • Evagirl
    Evagirl Member Posts: 60

    Plain water really is the key...if you start to have blood drink a couple of glasses of water and it goes away. Also, if you have pain...water cures that as well. I have been told any time you have any liquid with any can irritate the bladder neck and will cause that funny feeling down the uretha...water just neutralizes it. I am throughly convinced it was the carbonation that caused my problem the other night...I just had plain water last night and perfect only got up once to pee last night. It makes sense to me that carbonation would cause a problem in that I was told years ago in drivers ED that carbonation causes the pyruvic valve in your stomach to open and that is why when people drink liquior with carbonation they get drunk faster than people who don't mix with carbonation...makes sense that the carbonation might act the same on the sphincter at the bladder exit although you would think the carbonation would be gone by then....except when you drink like your in a chugging contest like I do. Like Shane I find sitting is much better when peeing for two can rest...and more fully empty your bladder. Sounds like you are doing great on your recovery phase!

    randy in indy

    OH my gosh

    Dencil does not drink water...oh my goodness....I do drink water but he says water makes him sick...I know that sounds strange.... hmmmmm...even flavored water will irritate~~
    I think this is what I hear you saying
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    Evagirl said:

    OH my gosh

    Dencil does not drink water...oh my goodness....I do drink water but he says water makes him sick...I know that sounds strange.... hmmmmm...even flavored water will irritate~~
    I think this is what I hear you saying

    It seems each person is different in how their bodies react...I just know I always feel the best when drinking sweetheart hates water...I love it....besides beer water is my beverage of choice. I also like a good wine as well. I find that wine bothers me less than beer...probably because of the carbonation.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010

    Carbonated Water
    I really think that might be what made me have the mishap last night... I will do more research and let everyone know. LOL

    Lemonade does it to
    Lemonade does it to I have stopped drinking it. Go figure. I've been really dry the past 7 months and yesterday seemed like I had lots of drips. Ended up changing my underware!
    Then At dinner last night I drank 6 glasses of Water and sat through a 2 hour movie with no problem an no problem during the night. Go figure.
