1st round of taxotere and cytozan done and no reactions



  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Balentine said:

    1st wig day
    Hi everyone,
    Today I wore a wig for the first time and it did feel uncomfortable on my head but I made it through the whole day ok. When the hairdresser shaved my head yesterday, she left a small amount of stubble over my whole head so I guess that was what felt prickly. I felt like there was a bird on my shoulder pecking at my head all day. I do believe once it gets really hot that I will wear scarves some days because the wig will probably just be too hot. I just keep looking at myself in the mirror and ask God to help me get used to this new look that I have to look at for probably the next 5-6 months. I am done chemo on 5/17 so I am hoping by August I will have a few inches of hair by then. There is alot of loss when going through this cancer journey toward healing and we have to hold onto God during this time for strength. We are all now at the end of ourselves and Christ is our hope and our strength. Look to Him and He will carry you through this to the end. God bless!
    Lorrie Balentine

    I am wishing all of you an
    I am wishing all of you an easy time! Sending you prayers and strength!
  • Giant Poodles
    Giant Poodles Member Posts: 79
    Kylez said:

    I am wishing all of you an
    I am wishing all of you an easy time! Sending you prayers and strength!

    2nd treatment today
    Hey guys,
    Today was my second treatment. I thought I was only going to have 4 treatments of cytoxia and taxatere but found out today it will be 6. But I had rather have it all done and not revisit it again. I am not drinking too much water. The doctor said that was very rare. I also was given sleeping pills because the steroids make me where I can not sleep. I got 4 hours last night, better than none. My doctor said to take L-Glutamine 10 grams 3 times a day the day before, the day of, and 5 days after. I mix it in pudding or applesauce or juice. This is to help with muscle aches. He also said to take a B-6 100mg everyday. And not to take any other vitiams. Lorrie I hope you are doing well. My wig is not real comfortable either. I will be praying for you.
