Thanks to you all

ealong1 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
First day on this site. I was diagnosed Jan 2009 with DCIS. I am completely done with surgeries and had to do no other treatment. Always felt guitly. Great to see I'm not alone.

I'm going to see an oncologist for the first time next week b/c I couldn't do tamoxifen b/c of history of blood clots. Well, now my surgeon died, so I'm going back to the guy who treated the blood clots. Do you all get scared again any time you have to go see any doctor?

I am behind on follow-ups b/c of bad insurance. I went back to work two months ago, had to leave my little boys with their grandmas, b/c of all the medical bills we are still trying to pay. Things will get better, but I get scared every time I have to go to the doctor. I'm rambling.

Anyway, thanks for being here. It's wonderful to be able to see that others can relate.



  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Another Beth!
    Don't feel guilty about not having to do other treatments. Instead, feel BLESSED! You caught yours early enough to have a better chance at full cure. That's awesome.
    Don't worry about your boys - their grandmas will take wonderful care of you - and someday they'll realize the sacrifice you made for your family's financial future. We all do what we have to do to deal with this situation. Don't feel guilty for doing what you need to do!
    Finances notwithstanding, my advice would be not to miss those follow up appts. Your health is important and your family deserves having their wife/mother at her best!
  • ealong1
    ealong1 Member Posts: 7
    BethInAz said:

    Another Beth!
    Don't feel guilty about not having to do other treatments. Instead, feel BLESSED! You caught yours early enough to have a better chance at full cure. That's awesome.
    Don't worry about your boys - their grandmas will take wonderful care of you - and someday they'll realize the sacrifice you made for your family's financial future. We all do what we have to do to deal with this situation. Don't feel guilty for doing what you need to do!
    Finances notwithstanding, my advice would be not to miss those follow up appts. Your health is important and your family deserves having their wife/mother at her best!

    Thanks, Beth
    It's really amazing how many people are out here.
  • Sharon_D
    Sharon_D Member Posts: 55
    ealong1 said:

    Thanks, Beth
    It's really amazing how many people are out here.

    Nervous of Drs
    Yeah, every time I go to any doctor now, I get a little skittish wondering what they will find. But it's all so new to us. Everyone says it will get easier with time. Hope so anyway, huh?
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    no anxiety
    Actually, Beth, I like going to see the docs. I always have more questions for them to answer. And I KNOW they will find nothing, therefore I like to hear the good news. At least, that's how I approach it. I hope you can find peace.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Sharon_D said:

    Nervous of Drs
    Yeah, every time I go to any doctor now, I get a little skittish wondering what they will find. But it's all so new to us. Everyone says it will get easier with time. Hope so anyway, huh?

    I think all of us get
    I think all of us get nervous anytime now that we have to see our doctor's or have a test. It,unfortunately, goes along with being diagnosed with bc. Some say it will get better and easier with time. I hope so for all of our sakes. Good luck to you!