new thread from Dorion

dorion Member Posts: 183
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello Ladies
Well I do have some information on what the plan of attack is. To answer your question Hissy, he said (oncologist) that it is very rare that they perform surgeries on women with ovarian cancer and bowel obstruction. His words were that it will do more harm than good. With that said........currently my legs are like freaken logs, never in my life have I ever suffered from swollen extremeties and it scares the crap out of me, no pun.

One thing at a time right now. Doc said that they will most likely do the tap (drainage) on Monday when this woman comes back from sick leave, apparently as I mentioned before she is the only one here that does it under ultrasound. Oh I forgot to tell you to add insult to injury my Father has suffered a mild stroke which right now he is recovering from in a nearby hospital, which makes me feel totally helpless whereby I can't go and see him. But I talked to him today and he seems to be doing fine.

After this drainage they are going to do a clinical trail study on me and I have the folder here so I'll transcribe some of it for you. The name of it is either cisplatin or pacilitaxal, this is used in patients with ovarian cancdr and presenting with inoperable malignant bowel obstruction.

Thre is no standard therabpyu to treat bowel obstruction that is related to advanced ovarian cancer and coannot be treated with surgery. Cisplatin and pacitaxel are the most effective drugs to treat ovarian cancer, even in women who have already had chemotherabpy before.

Basically that is it in a nutshell. I think that once they start the chemo (dust the scarves and wig off time) I will be able to go home sometime next week, they want to make sure that I can tolorate the treatment first before they send me home. So here's hoping and praying that this works and that all my swelling will go down, I can barely walk. Anyone else have swelling in their legs or am I the only one suffering from all these oddities??? Meghan and I are having a great visit together, we both had a good night's sleep and hopefully tonight too. She is having a good time with her Mamma. I just want some real food is all. Love to all of you and sorry for the long winded post. You know me........never a short one. I hope someone here can relate to what I'm writing about and knows a little something about this. Still all your input is so invaluable to me and I enjoy reading all your replies.



  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    OY and VEY!

    You've certainly had more than your share of troubles. I can't believe there is only one woman who can perform paracentesis, how unfair that is for you! I'm sorry to hear about your father, but I'm very glad that he is doing well. I have added him and the rest of your family to my prayer list. I'm so glad that you and Meghan have had a chance to visit together! There's nothing like the hugs and love of a daughter to soothe and lift a mother's spirit (and the reverse is also true, I'm sure your hugs have done wonders for her!).

    I'm glad they have a plan of action, and hope that you find yourself home with Meghan, REALLY soon! (I also hope that the laundry and cleaning fairy has visited your home while you are not there!)


  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    bowel obstruction
    How many days now has it been? What have you been eating? Have they given you any clue as to why your legs have gotten swollen? Have you been on cisplatin before? You have been on Taxol before, right? Good luck! Sorry to hear about your Dad...geez, does it end?
  • veggiegal
    veggiegal Member Posts: 14
    nancy591 said:

    bowel obstruction
    How many days now has it been? What have you been eating? Have they given you any clue as to why your legs have gotten swollen? Have you been on cisplatin before? You have been on Taxol before, right? Good luck! Sorry to hear about your Dad...geez, does it end?

    fluid retintion
    After my surgery I had to have six liters of fluid drained from my abdoman as I could hardly breathe or walk or eat. My legs looked like tree stumps and they said that they couldn't drain the legs for me. They started my chemo the next day and within two days my legs had gone down and were back to normal within a week. I know how miserable you must feel. I needed to wear maternity clothes as nothing would go around me.
    I am sorry to hear about your father, but I'm so glad that he's doing well. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Linda,

    Insult to injury indeed..... sorry about your Dad. I hope he's feeling better real soon. I'm glad to hear that both you and Megan got some good sleep. I wish you both sweet dreams tonight also. I was very encouraged when I read Veggiegal's account of her leg swelling and how it went down after her fluid was drained.

    Monday is an all day "chemo" day for me, but I'll be waiting to hear that you were able to get your drainage procedure and you're feeling more comfortable.... best of luck!
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    bowel surgery
    Hi Linda,
    I am totally confused. If you recall or maybe not, I had bowel surgery in November for scar tissue resulting from my original debulking. IF, "It is very rare thet perform surgeries on women with ovarian cancer and bowel obstruction," where does that put me? If it "does more harm than good," what can I expect??? I was vomiting water in the hospital and mine was done on an emergency basis. SO, what was my alternative? I did not have the symptoms you are describing and was "NED at the time, for whatever that's worth! LOL I was not told that this was a choice, but a necessity.
    I wish we could get all these docs in one room and have then go at it! I suppose each case is different, but I don't get it!
    Gosh, I hope they can get you some relief. I wish we could charter and jet and all get together for a girls week-end. We need a "cancer camp," with docs and RN's. I live in Florida and will be glad to host! LOL
    Thanks for posting, especially in your condition. I find the sharing on this board to be the best! Luv, Ginny aka Froggy
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    froggy1 said:

    bowel surgery
    Hi Linda,
    I am totally confused. If you recall or maybe not, I had bowel surgery in November for scar tissue resulting from my original debulking. IF, "It is very rare thet perform surgeries on women with ovarian cancer and bowel obstruction," where does that put me? If it "does more harm than good," what can I expect??? I was vomiting water in the hospital and mine was done on an emergency basis. SO, what was my alternative? I did not have the symptoms you are describing and was "NED at the time, for whatever that's worth! LOL I was not told that this was a choice, but a necessity.
    I wish we could get all these docs in one room and have then go at it! I suppose each case is different, but I don't get it!
    Gosh, I hope they can get you some relief. I wish we could charter and jet and all get together for a girls week-end. We need a "cancer camp," with docs and RN's. I live in Florida and will be glad to host! LOL
    Thanks for posting, especially in your condition. I find the sharing on this board to be the best! Luv, Ginny aka Froggy

    Sorry for the misspellings! My original post was deleted upon preview and I was in a hurry! I'm really not THAT stupid! LOL. Froggy
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    froggy1 said:

    Sorry for the misspellings! My original post was deleted upon preview and I was in a hurry! I'm really not THAT stupid! LOL. Froggy

    location, location
    According to my nephew the doctor, the operable or inoperable question on bowel obstructions has to do with where they are located and what the fluid retention patterns are. So, no two cases will be alike.

    Linda, I know what you mean about real food. My mother is getting pretty tired of the boring soft food I keep giving her, but hey, we're not at the hospital. Isn't it terrible to get really hungry for stuff -- you just know it would be great -- and then you eat two bites of the wrong thing and bang --you feel yucky for hours. No fair, no fair.
  • lizper
    lizper Member Posts: 199
    Yes to legs like logs
    Hi Linda,
    My Mommy presented a malignant inoperable bowel obstruction due to advanced OVCA..and yes her legs were like logs as well. She complained they hurt very much..the nurses could barely touch them to put the surgery stockings on. We were told this was beacuse of the obstruction which causes a blockage and doesn't let liquids circulate. She was given Carboplat at first but since she had a sever allergic reaction it was changed to cisplatin. So I think they are taking the right steps.
    I pray the Lord that all works weel. May he cover you with his loving arms.