Debilitating feet sores

AnneWM Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anybody endured redness, swelling, blisters,pain on the sole and heels of their feet? So bad you cannot even walk? Similar to hand foot mouth disease? This is side effect from AC chemo cycles. I had 4 of those and just had my first of 4 Taxols. The pain is so bad the dr is prescribing me some oxychodin. I've tried epsom baths and every type of moisturizer; the pain makes me cry. The dr thinks the side effects to the feet from the AC are being aggravated by the nerve endings flaring up from the Taxol. Has anyone every had this side effect to their feet and hands?


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I had trouble with what you
    I had trouble with what you are describing but not during chemo. I had chemo in 2003/2004 and the foot sores started in 2007. I asked my onc about it and she said it wasn't related to cancer treatment and to see my PCP. I did and he checked my blood for diabetes. I didn't have that and he never could figure out what caused it. It finally healed and my foot has been fine but I've still got the rash on my hands. It's much better now since I saw a dermatologist but I still have to watch it because it keeps breaking out in a new spot.

    Diabetes can cause foot sores and that is why the PCP checked for it. I know what you are going through. It hurts! Make sure the doctor keeps a close eye on it because mine developed into cellulitis on my lower leg. This is while he was treating me.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Hi Anne
    Welcome! I had the same thing on my feet & I feel for you. My Onc at the time told me to get Vitamin E Cream & it worked wonders! It was almost instant relief. I had to call around to a few different pharmacies, but finally found it & it's not too expensive. Try that & see if it works for you. Praying you find relief from the pain real soon!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I Feel for You
    I feel for you. That must be very painful. I did not have that but I was informed that it could happen as a result of Taxotere and Cytoxan. My sores were on my head and in my mouth. I have heard that some people get these sores on their face. Talk to your onc. There are medications for it.

    Take care.
