What's worse, chemo or rads?

pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi pinks.....I'm wanting to go back to work when I start radiation....I was really lucky with chemo, it didn't hit me too hard, but what about rads??? Is work doable during radiation?? BTW...healing up nicely from surgery, still a bit of pain, but manageable.
Mountains of Love


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    I handled the chemo
    I handled the chemo relatively well too--not sick but the cululative exhaustion was horrific. Rads on the oher hand, was a non-issue for me! I went first thing in the AM, and honestly, it does take longer to get undressed for the zap than the procedure takes.
    It is a pain in the A$$ to have to go every day ( except weekends when miraculously, no cancer cells grow! LOL), and I did take good care of my skin, which is imperative. I was able to work during rads, and though I was tired, I had a job which wasn't too stressful and I sailed pretty much through it. I did get the ever coveted nipple and underarm tan as a parting gift...whoooo hooo

    Let us know how you do~ we all have tips for skin care during rads and will be more than happy to share what worked for us, and what didn't!

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Kari, I didn't have chemo,
    Kari, I didn't have chemo, so I can't compare. But with 2/3 of rads done, I am exhausted. I do worry about the cumulative effect on those who have both.

    Take care, take naps, use your creams.

  • rrogers34
    rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
    You are amazing
    This past weekend, I dont know why, but I really got angry. I read the posts though often dont comment. Guess I feel like I keep saying the same thing. Hang in there, God is good (which he is), sorry to hear your feeling bad. But you and shortcake and one other that is having heart problems were on my mind. All you are and have gone through, I just screamed in my head, it's not fair. It's bad enough to have BC, then Chemo, and rads, loose your hair, taste buds, feeling exhausted then more issues? Poor shortcake and all she has been through? I couldnt help but get really ANGRY! Anyways, I want you to know that I do think about you all and Kari, you are amazing. I'm only halfway through Chemo and this time it hit the hardest and I have three more to go. Yesterday I had to leave work, I felt like I was going to pass out. Seeing spots on my computer. Went to the Dr and my blood count was okay, my blood pressure, okay. I felt better today so I came to work. I have heard too that the rads aren't as bad as chemo. I pray and cant wait until we are all dancing with NED and this is a memory, a victory.

    God Bless
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Kari, I didn't have chemo,
    Kari, I didn't have chemo, so I can't compare. But with 2/3 of rads done, I am exhausted. I do worry about the cumulative effect on those who have both.

    Take care, take naps, use your creams.


    chemo and rads
    I worked full time through both treatments. No nausea from my chemo (taxol & herceptin) ... and the minor side effects were all very manageable. My infusions were scheduled for last thing on Fridays ... so "just in case" I'd have the weekend to rest up. I scheduled my radiation also for late in the day ... so I'd just have to leave work about 30 minutes early. I was fine through radiation except at the very end with the boosters ... I got VERY, VERY tired those last few days ... and for a few days after I finished. But ... still worked full time. :-) (and P.S. I'm 65!)
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi, Kari!
    Good to know you're healing well. :-)

    It's hard to predict - everyone's different. Rads induced fatigue is cumulative - gets worse over time. And, in your case, like for so many of us - it's the last part of the triple whammy.

    Best advice re: working through rads - be prepared to be flexible. Actually, hopefully your employer will be willing to be flexible - if necessary - about your hours.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    rrogers34 said:

    You are amazing
    This past weekend, I dont know why, but I really got angry. I read the posts though often dont comment. Guess I feel like I keep saying the same thing. Hang in there, God is good (which he is), sorry to hear your feeling bad. But you and shortcake and one other that is having heart problems were on my mind. All you are and have gone through, I just screamed in my head, it's not fair. It's bad enough to have BC, then Chemo, and rads, loose your hair, taste buds, feeling exhausted then more issues? Poor shortcake and all she has been through? I couldnt help but get really ANGRY! Anyways, I want you to know that I do think about you all and Kari, you are amazing. I'm only halfway through Chemo and this time it hit the hardest and I have three more to go. Yesterday I had to leave work, I felt like I was going to pass out. Seeing spots on my computer. Went to the Dr and my blood count was okay, my blood pressure, okay. I felt better today so I came to work. I have heard too that the rads aren't as bad as chemo. I pray and cant wait until we are all dancing with NED and this is a memory, a victory.

    God Bless

    I didn't have chemo, so, I
    I didn't have chemo, so, I can't answer about that. I did have radiation treatments though. I didn't tan, but, got very pink and tender where I got the treatments. But, I took really good care of my skin and it looks great! Better than before, as it looks and feels like baby's skin now. I don't compare treatments of bc as they are all difficult in their own way. The main thing with rads is to get lots of rest and to use your creams from day one and to continue for a couple of weeks after. No treatment of bc is easy. They all vary and each person is so individual in their reaction to them. Wishing you good luck with rads!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Kari, I had pretty much the
    Kari, I had pretty much the same situation as Chen's. I worked through both and found rads to be a bigger pain because it was daily. I did find myself asleep much earlier while going through rads but worked a full 40 hour week. You are amazing and doing an awesome job of it all. I can't imagine not only having the chemo but major surgery as well. Keep up your positive spirits and you'll be finished soon. Take care and good luck!
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Hey Kari!
    I worked all

    Hey Kari!
    I worked all through rads with no problem. I went in everyday at 8:00 am( it is an hour drive from my home)and then went to work from there. I never felt the extreme fatigue that they warn you about...so I guess just like chemo, everyone is different.
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    rads vs chemo
    I had chemo first, then lumpectomy, now on #16 or 30 radiation treatments. I find that on Saturdays I am pretty tired from radiation and working all week. Sunday I feel great and back to radiation on Monday. I have a desk job, so luckily I don't have to do much running around. Guess it depends on what type of work you do and how old you are. I'm 65, so radiation is making me tired, but its doable. Not nearly as bad as chemo. Luckily I work at a hospital, so its just a matter of going downstairs each day for treatment. I feel for those of you that have to drive long distances each day for your radiation. Good luck. I'm sure you'll do fine...

  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    tgf said:

    chemo and rads
    I worked full time through both treatments. No nausea from my chemo (taxol & herceptin) ... and the minor side effects were all very manageable. My infusions were scheduled for last thing on Fridays ... so "just in case" I'd have the weekend to rest up. I scheduled my radiation also for late in the day ... so I'd just have to leave work about 30 minutes early. I was fine through radiation except at the very end with the boosters ... I got VERY, VERY tired those last few days ... and for a few days after I finished. But ... still worked full time. :-) (and P.S. I'm 65!)

    chemo and rads
    My scenario was almost identical to Teena (TGF). I had my chemo early on Fridays (I don't work that day anyway) so I had the weekend to recoup. Only took 1 sick day during chemo.

    Rads was later in the day and I also did fine until the very end when I was burning some. I also continue to "cook" after (ended on Dec 23) so by the time I got through the Christmas hoopla, I was tired, sore and miserable. But am fine now!
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    GrandmaJ said:

    rads vs chemo
    I had chemo first, then lumpectomy, now on #16 or 30 radiation treatments. I find that on Saturdays I am pretty tired from radiation and working all week. Sunday I feel great and back to radiation on Monday. I have a desk job, so luckily I don't have to do much running around. Guess it depends on what type of work you do and how old you are. I'm 65, so radiation is making me tired, but its doable. Not nearly as bad as chemo. Luckily I work at a hospital, so its just a matter of going downstairs each day for treatment. I feel for those of you that have to drive long distances each day for your radiation. Good luck. I'm sure you'll do fine...


    I missed no work during
    I missed no work during rads, but it was rough, as I have a very demanding job. The effects were cumulative & I wound up missing work for complications after rads were over. I would say to try to make it to work every day, but take a day (or days) off if you absolutely had to. I did absolutely nothing but work & go to rads (about a 45-min drive one way each day).
    Thankfully, my husband is retired, so he took care of all the stuff at home.

    Best wishes to you in your treatment. Hugs & prayers sent your way...
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Chemo - Taxol to be percise
    Chemo - Taxol to be percise - A/C wasn't bad at all. I start 4th week of rads on Thursday and so far only a very little tired a couple of times and a short rest took care of it.