What is your dosage for restoril/temazepam? AND Femara questions

arbojenn Member Posts: 118
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
The insomnia I have due to taking Femara is AWFUL! Even Ambien doesn't help! I got a prescription for restoril, but it is the lowest dosage---7.5mg. Given how almost impossible it is to fall asleep with ambien, I am wondering if restoril will be a good alternative. Has anyone else had success with 7.5 mg? (I know I can ask my primary care physician to increase the dose, but that appointment is a month away: I can't wait that long for sleep!) Hard to get in to see my onc again as she is on the other side of the state.
Does anyone else have insomnia as a SE of Femara? I get the impression that my onc doesn't take me seriously. (But, that could be paranoia induced by NO SLEEP:))
One more question. I had a recurrence of BC in a reconstructed breast. I had a chest wall reexcision and rads. As my cancer was highly responsive to estrogren, I opted NOT to have the chemo and just take Femara. The cancer was local and had not spread. I have to go back to work for ONE MORE YEAR before I am eligible for retirement. I was thinking of stopping the FEMARA from August to June--when I will be "enjoying" my last year of teaching middle school--but my onc did not approve of that. She said taking the femara cuts chances of another recurrence by half. Eleven years passed between my original cancer and the recurrence. So, the cancer is also slow growing. Anyone have any statistics on the probability of a recurring recurrence? I mean, if my chances WITHOUT Femara are 3%, cutting it to 1.5% fpor a year isn't going to be that big of a deal. My cancer doctors are reluctant to share statistics with me. (I'm a math teacher! I can interpret them, but I guess they are still afraid I will freak out.) And I know I could not function at work if I am going to continue to have sleep problems.
Thank you so much. And sorry for the grouchy tone I have here. I plead not having a good night's rest in over a month. I do so much appreciate the input and support of all you wonderful people here!


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I started Femara last Friday
    I started Femara last Friday and have not had any problems with sleeping at all. I did have, though, with Taxol along with utter and complete exhaustion which started getting much better a week after the last Taxol.

    Have you tried a cup of warm/hot milk before bed? I know several who find it the best sleeping potion around. Or camommil (sp) tea - I've found that very relaxing but it didn't help with the Taxol.

    Just realized you asked about Temazepam too. I was given it (15mg) first when I started having sleep problems with Taxol. It took at least an hour to be able to get to sleep with it and then had horrendous, brutal, violent NIGHTMARES which basicall I never have nightmares and when I do they are nothing close to what I had on Temazepam. Would also wake up in the wee hours and not be able to get back to sleep. The Ambien (5mg) would let me get to sleep in about 45 min. - no nightmares - and I would wake up approx. 1:30 for a very few minutes and then fall back to sleep.
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Rague said:

    I started Femara last Friday
    I started Femara last Friday and have not had any problems with sleeping at all. I did have, though, with Taxol along with utter and complete exhaustion which started getting much better a week after the last Taxol.

    Have you tried a cup of warm/hot milk before bed? I know several who find it the best sleeping potion around. Or camommil (sp) tea - I've found that very relaxing but it didn't help with the Taxol.

    Just realized you asked about Temazepam too. I was given it (15mg) first when I started having sleep problems with Taxol. It took at least an hour to be able to get to sleep with it and then had horrendous, brutal, violent NIGHTMARES which basicall I never have nightmares and when I do they are nothing close to what I had on Temazepam. Would also wake up in the wee hours and not be able to get back to sleep. The Ambien (5mg) would let me get to sleep in about 45 min. - no nightmares - and I would wake up approx. 1:30 for a very few minutes and then fall back to sleep.

    I've been on Femara for 5
    I've been on Femara for 5 months and my big side effect is night sweats. I've always had trouble sleeping and sometimes only average 4-5 hours a night and thats been going on for years. I don't want to take any more meds. Lately I've been getting more sleep probably because I'm more exhausted right now. Hope you find a remedy for getting more restful sleep. Wishing you the best.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I've been on Femara for 5
    I've been on Femara for 5 months and my big side effect is night sweats. I've always had trouble sleeping and sometimes only average 4-5 hours a night and thats been going on for years. I don't want to take any more meds. Lately I've been getting more sleep probably because I'm more exhausted right now. Hope you find a remedy for getting more restful sleep. Wishing you the best.

    lack of estrogen
    probably causes insomnia. I had similar problem from Tamoxifen. I tried Lunesta and it did work for me. Also alternative medicine, including Acupuncture and trigger point injections with Lidocaine. Plus different relaxations teas. Try whatever you can to treat insomnia before you stop Femara.
    Good luck
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    I started taking femera last week and already experiencing insomnia. I use the natural alternative sleep aid melatonin. It works wonders... got it from a local health food store. I take one 2.5 mg tablet and sleep like a baby... I am not having chemo though so you may want to check with your doctor first..
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Dot53 said:

    I started taking femera last week and already experiencing insomnia. I use the natural alternative sleep aid melatonin. It works wonders... got it from a local health food store. I take one 2.5 mg tablet and sleep like a baby... I am not having chemo though so you may want to check with your doctor first..

    was recommended to me by PCP. Thanks for remanding it. I have not used it myself yet, but definitely it is worth to try
  • Cairmaid
    Cairmaid Member Posts: 64

    was recommended to me by PCP. Thanks for remanding it. I have not used it myself yet, but definitely it is worth to try

    I'm starting Femara tomorrow but I've had trouble getting to sleep for years...I wonder if I'll be able to tell the difference :-) I'll ask about melatonin. I didn't know you could buy it.