Thought for Today

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
Here is something I hope everyone can enjoy, post your Thoughts, your Emotions, even the old Chinese saying as it is sometimes called that mean something to you, or maybe just a thought you had about something you would like to share.

Money is like Time once it is gone it never comes back


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Ok. I am a very cautious
    Ok. I am a very cautious person and sometimes have to remind myself this saying that I think was by Confucius: Turtle must stick neck out to make progress. Maybe I read it in a fortune cookie.

    I also like: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Maybe that means I shoulda kept my mouth shut. Or stopped typing.

    No wonder I'm confused. My two sayings are conflicting.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    The Guest House
    The Guest House

    This being human is a guest house.
    Every morning a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness,
    some momentary awareness comes
    as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all!
    Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
    who violently sweep your house
    empty of its furniture,
    still, treat each guest honorably.
    He may be clearing you out
    for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
    meet them at the door laughing,
    and invite them in.

    Be grateful for whoever comes,
    because each has been sent
    as a guide from beyond.

    ~ Rumi ~
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Here is a few of my favorites
    1) Be as patient with others as God has been with you.

    2) Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.

    3) We are not getting old, we are simply adding years to our youth.

    4) You should worship with your heart not your mouth, your actions should show that you are of Christ.

    5) We should never, ever allow cancer to steal our joy no matter how many body parts it has robbed us of we still have our soul.

    Those are a few, perhaps I will share more later. Hope you all had a nice Valentines day.

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  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    unknown said:

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    Love it.....
    Hi Kathy,

    I love your cup half full saying, I will definitely remember that as I am really glad to have a cup right now.

    Thanks for sharing,
