In memory of Bettyskid

tjhay Member Posts: 655
edited March 2014 in In Loving Memory #1
I am sadden to bring the news to any and all of the passing of Bettyskid, she was the caregiver of her mother who passed a few years ago, and continued to come to the board to offer her support and to get support, for she had such a hard time with her mothers passing, and missed her dearly. She passed on Jan 21, 2010 at the age of 38, from causes unrelated to cancer. However just the same she was one of us. I know that when I was first diagnosed she and I talked often, later on becoming yahoo chat buddies, and facebook friends. I will miss my friend, as will many others
Rest in Peace Tif, I will see you on the other side


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    We chatted earlier about her TJ and as I have reflected on her I have recalled many a conversation that I had with her, she was a good soul may she find peace and comfort and be reunited with her Mama on the other side.

    ♥ RE ♥