Newbie question: decision about mastectomy

sanmb Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just registered here - just came back from Dr's office after discussing MRI test. besides the lump found earlier, MRI is showing some small suspicious nodes further away from the previously found lump. Dr. suggested (as an option) MRI guided biopsy before taking the decision of mastectomy.. should I go for this test or just go for Mastectomy directly..any suggestions will be highly appreciated... thanks...


  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    First, welcome here. I feel
    First, welcome here. I feel you definitely should have the test first. That will show if those areas have the same cancer as the lump. I had 3 tumors that were all biopsied and had the same cancer (also lymph nodes). Not to confuse you but the first surgeon I went to wanted to operate and do a masectomy right away, after only the first biopsy. I had a second opinion and that surgeon thought I should have a masectomy but only after reducing the tumors somewhat, and that surgeon also found lymph node involvement. Is your tumor very big and what other tests have you had? My cancer is not very aggressive and I'm responded to hormore therapy right now to reduce the tumors but I have a masectomy scheduled in 2 weeks. You still may have to have the masectomy but I think I would find out if the other nodes are cancerous. Praying that they are benign and wishing you a successful outcome whatever you decision will be. Keep posting.
  • sanmb
    sanmb Member Posts: 10
    Sunrae said:

    First, welcome here. I feel
    First, welcome here. I feel you definitely should have the test first. That will show if those areas have the same cancer as the lump. I had 3 tumors that were all biopsied and had the same cancer (also lymph nodes). Not to confuse you but the first surgeon I went to wanted to operate and do a masectomy right away, after only the first biopsy. I had a second opinion and that surgeon thought I should have a masectomy but only after reducing the tumors somewhat, and that surgeon also found lymph node involvement. Is your tumor very big and what other tests have you had? My cancer is not very aggressive and I'm responded to hormore therapy right now to reduce the tumors but I have a masectomy scheduled in 2 weeks. You still may have to have the masectomy but I think I would find out if the other nodes are cancerous. Praying that they are benign and wishing you a successful outcome whatever you decision will be. Keep posting.

    Thank you very much, Sunrae.
    Thank you very much, Sunrae. My tumor is small (it was not visible in mammogram but later was found in ultrasound) and I had ultrasound guided biopsy, followed by MRI.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    sanmb said:

    Thank you very much, Sunrae.
    Thank you very much, Sunrae. My tumor is small (it was not visible in mammogram but later was found in ultrasound) and I had ultrasound guided biopsy, followed by MRI.

    Hi Sanmb! I had a
    Hi Sanmb! I had a lumpectomy so I can't really give you any information in your situation. Just want to welcome you to the site and to wish you good luck!

  • sanmb
    sanmb Member Posts: 10
    Kylez said:

    Hi Sanmb! I had a
    Hi Sanmb! I had a lumpectomy so I can't really give you any information in your situation. Just want to welcome you to the site and to wish you good luck!


    Thanks, Kylez...

    Thanks, Kylez...
  • kimber10
    kimber10 Member Posts: 47
    sanmb said:

    Thanks, Kylez...

    Thanks, Kylez...

    hi sanmb
    Hi I think I would do the biopsy first I agree with Sunrae have it checked and weigh all your options I had a biopsy lumpectomy and still ended up having to have a bilateral mastectomy but I felt better knowing I had exhausted all options before the final descision was made.
    Good luck and stay strong
  • sanmb
    sanmb Member Posts: 10
    kimber10 said:

    hi sanmb
    Hi I think I would do the biopsy first I agree with Sunrae have it checked and weigh all your options I had a biopsy lumpectomy and still ended up having to have a bilateral mastectomy but I felt better knowing I had exhausted all options before the final descision was made.
    Good luck and stay strong

    Thanks Kimber10... I was
    Thanks Kimber10... I was also leaning towards this..
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Welcome to this discussion
    Welcome to this discussion board! I have not had the dx that you have, but, in my opinion, I would go with more tests before the surgery. Wishing you the best...
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    Tux said:

    Welcome to this discussion
    Welcome to this discussion board! I have not had the dx that you have, but, in my opinion, I would go with more tests before the surgery. Wishing you the best...

    I've had things show up on

    I've had things show up on an MRI and when I had an MRI guided biopsy, they were nothing, so I would definitely go with the biopsy. If it could make a difference between a mastectomy or a lumpectomy, I'd want to know for sure whether these spots are a real cause for concern.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Sanmb, I just wanted to
    Sanmb, I just wanted to welcome you to the most amazing site. You will be surrounded by a great group of very knowledgeable, caring and supportive individuals throughout your treatment. I ditto the suggestions of the others and believe more testing is in order so you can be confident you've made an informed decision. Good luck and keep us posted on your decision. Take care.
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    sanmb said:

    Thanks Kimber10... I was
    Thanks Kimber10... I was also leaning towards this..

    Sending my warmest welcome to this awesome site. My two cents: have the mri guided biopsy and arm yourself w/knowledge about what your facing. That being said, everyone makes the decision that is right for them...some women decided on lumpectomy; others opted for mastectomy.

    Good luck w/your decision and God Bless.....
  • sanmb
    sanmb Member Posts: 10
    MyTurnNow said:

    Sanmb, I just wanted to
    Sanmb, I just wanted to welcome you to the most amazing site. You will be surrounded by a great group of very knowledgeable, caring and supportive individuals throughout your treatment. I ditto the suggestions of the others and believe more testing is in order so you can be confident you've made an informed decision. Good luck and keep us posted on your decision. Take care.

    Thank you everyone for your
    Thank you everyone for your guidance and support. I appreciate it. It is a wonderful group. I will go for my MRI guided biopsy on 25th.. will let you know what I hear..
  • Chrispea
    Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
    Lymph node
    I had a lymph node light up on my MRI, they did a biopsy on it, and it came back positive. So, my oncologist said that the chemo would take care of it. But, after having my second meeting with my surgeon, she's going to take it out.

    I have a huge lump, and they're trying to shrink it down. I've had 7 chemos and it's still big, so I'll most likely have a mastectomy, but I'm OK with that. I'm looking forward to getting it out of me already.... and new boobies! ;)

    Take care, good luck.
  • sanmb
    sanmb Member Posts: 10
    MyTurnNow said:

    Sanmb, I just wanted to
    Sanmb, I just wanted to welcome you to the most amazing site. You will be surrounded by a great group of very knowledgeable, caring and supportive individuals throughout your treatment. I ditto the suggestions of the others and believe more testing is in order so you can be confident you've made an informed decision. Good luck and keep us posted on your decision. Take care.

    Hello everyone... I just got results for my second biopsy..the doctors decided to try ultrasound guided biopsy before going fro MRI guided one.. unfortunately, the test came +ve..which means I will have have to go for mastectomy :(

    Now, I have another dilemma... should I go for breast reconstruction? I think I would feel imbalanced, if one breast is taken out.. I have decided to see plastic surgeon on Friday anyway.. Any suggestions will be appreciated... San.
  • AnneWM
    AnneWM Member Posts: 4
    sanmb said:

    Hello everyone... I just got results for my second biopsy..the doctors decided to try ultrasound guided biopsy before going fro MRI guided one.. unfortunately, the test came +ve..which means I will have have to go for mastectomy :(

    Now, I have another dilemma... should I go for breast reconstruction? I think I would feel imbalanced, if one breast is taken out.. I have decided to see plastic surgeon on Friday anyway.. Any suggestions will be appreciated... San.

    Hello sanmb,
    I am just new

    Hello sanmb,
    I am just new to this site today. I am wrestling with whether to have one or both breasts removed with reconstruction. Left breast is being removed but I feel that won't feel natural/normal to have one real breast with one fake breast. I would prefer to have both removed and feel 'complete' and the 'same'. I am also so afraid of the cancer one day growing in the current healthy breast and i would do anything not to go through chemo, etc. again.