Starting A/C next week

sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Any advice?


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Take someone with you to
    Take someone with you to drive you home. Don't plan on going anywhere the rest of the day or two. Everybody reacts differently and you should just take it easy at home to see how you do. Have some meals ready ahead that you just microwave. Drink lots of water.

    My mind just went blank. Anyone else got any thoughts?
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    My cocktail is different
    so I don't have specific advice for A/C specifically, but one thing I would encourage you to do is make sure that you have a contact number for your doctor or hospital in case you have any questions or problems after treatment. I've read quite a few posts from ladies who've had their treatment during the middle or latter part of the week, which means their side effects really hit over the weekend. My cancer center has a 24/7 triage nurse phone number that I can call, which is very comforting. I did call them after my first chemo, but haven't needed to call since then.

    I would also just plan on it taking more time than you may think. Bring clothes to change into (just in case) and food to snack on, and of course extra water if you're not sure what they have at the facility.

    Best of luck to you, and keep us posted on how you're doing.

    Take care,
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    My cocktail is different
    so I don't have specific advice for A/C specifically, but one thing I would encourage you to do is make sure that you have a contact number for your doctor or hospital in case you have any questions or problems after treatment. I've read quite a few posts from ladies who've had their treatment during the middle or latter part of the week, which means their side effects really hit over the weekend. My cancer center has a 24/7 triage nurse phone number that I can call, which is very comforting. I did call them after my first chemo, but haven't needed to call since then.

    I would also just plan on it taking more time than you may think. Bring clothes to change into (just in case) and food to snack on, and of course extra water if you're not sure what they have at the facility.

    Best of luck to you, and keep us posted on how you're doing.

    Take care,

    I got really emotional
    I got really emotional (cried on and off all day) on the 3rd-4th day after treatment. It happened after each one so be prepared for the emotions to hit. My mouth got a little sore so I used Biotene mouth wash that helped. Drink, drink, and drink some more. I got dehydrated after the 4th treatment because I was sleeping so much and not drinking. You do not want to go through that. If you are my yourself keep water by your bed and set your alarm to wake you up to drink. Your taste buds will be off so what tasted good before may not taste good during chemo. I ate a lot of the frozen juice bars--they just hit the spot.
    I started loosing my hair after the 2nd treatment so I had it shaved off. Everyone reacts differently so I hope you don't have a problem.

    Hope this helps
  • girls4444
    girls4444 Member Posts: 34
    Advice for A/C
    Definitely take someone with you, for several reasons, support, someone to talk to, and I always had blurred vision after treatment. I usually felt Ok until the next day and then I would get really tired. I didn't have much of a appetite with A/C. By the 4th treatment I was pretty wiped out. I am doing Taxol for 12 weeks now, the side effects are different, not good but different. Good Luck
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    A/C wasn't bad.
    A/C wasn't bad - Taxol was. Other than loosing hair, taste and appetite, the worst was mild/mod. fatigue on the 2nd and 3rd day after with A/C. Oh yeah - eyes watered and nose would pour like opened a spigot. OTC moisturizing eye drops helped a lot. Never had any nausea.

    Remember that we are all unique and have different reactions.

    Good Luck
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I agree with all the pointers the ladies here have provided. I tried to have my home cleaned, my shopping done, and my errends run prior to chemo. That way, I could just focus on taking it easy and trying to get over the effects of the chemo. I also drank a lot of gatorade and crystalite. That is what tasted good to me and kept me hydrated.

    Good luck.

  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    aztec45 said:

    I agree with all the pointers the ladies here have provided. I tried to have my home cleaned, my shopping done, and my errends run prior to chemo. That way, I could just focus on taking it easy and trying to get over the effects of the chemo. I also drank a lot of gatorade and crystalite. That is what tasted good to me and kept me hydrated.

    Good luck.


    Thanks for the info. Ever
    Thanks for the info. Ever little bit helps.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762

    Thanks for the info. Ever
    Thanks for the info. Ever little bit helps.

    for me A/C was tough and Taxol was a breeze
    I would recommend WATER, even the most expensive if it means you will drink it. Lots of it.
    Bananas, apples, hard boiled eggs, crackers, ginger ale, and mints all kept by your bed so you won't have to walk far to get something in your mouth. It was a lot like the first few months of pregnancy for me. As soon as I got a little food in my body I could get up and do a few things. If I waited too long I was a mess.... There are lots of meds to help, so if one doesn't work try another. Good luck! You've got millions of "sisters" who have been through this already who are with you. Just keep in mind we all made it through and so will you! God bless,
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    Mama G said:

    for me A/C was tough and Taxol was a breeze
    I would recommend WATER, even the most expensive if it means you will drink it. Lots of it.
    Bananas, apples, hard boiled eggs, crackers, ginger ale, and mints all kept by your bed so you won't have to walk far to get something in your mouth. It was a lot like the first few months of pregnancy for me. As soon as I got a little food in my body I could get up and do a few things. If I waited too long I was a mess.... There are lots of meds to help, so if one doesn't work try another. Good luck! You've got millions of "sisters" who have been through this already who are with you. Just keep in mind we all made it through and so will you! God bless,

    A little like pregnancy nausea for me
    so Lorraine's suggestion to eat right away in the morning is the best one--I find that if I try to do anything before eating the first several days after a treatment, I am much more likely to become nauseated and dizzy. So I eat first--DH fixes breakfast, then comes and gets me up, I put on my robe, and head straight for the table.

    Eat slowly.

    And one of the early suggestions--to drink lots of water--is worth reiterating. DRINK WATER--LOTS! I keep an insulated mug full of ice water with me all day long and drink often, and I also drink throughout the night. Means I have to get up more often for a bathroom break, but it also means my mouth sores don't get as bad.

    1/2 tsp Baking soda plus 1/2 tsp salt in a pint jar plus 2 cups of water = good mouthwash for mouthsores without expensive mouthwash.

    Biotene also makes a great toothpaste that is very easy on the mouth, and get a very soft toothbrush--I found a super soft "Perio" that is very gentle on my gums.

    Good luck! I'm an A/C chemo girl, too, right now--one more to go, then I begin a taxane.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Take someone with you to
    Take someone with you to drive you home. Don't plan on going anywhere the rest of the day or two. Everybody reacts differently and you should just take it easy at home to see how you do. Have some meals ready ahead that you just microwave. Drink lots of water.

    My mind just went blank. Anyone else got any thoughts?

    I just want to wish you good
    I just want to wish you good luck!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • scout5000
    scout5000 Member Posts: 94 Member
    Take all of the anti-nausea drugs they give you. Hopefully they prescribed Emend, which you take before the chemo. My doc waits to see what side effects you get before she prescribes that one, then if you get nauseated she prescribes it for the future rounds, because it is expensive- not a great way to do things. I didn't know anything about it until I got sick. Emend is the ultimate drug. Make sure to take the Zofran as prescribed.
  • xskeetshooter
    xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169
    ice chips
    eat alot of ice chips while you are doing chemo and drink lots of water, will help with the mouth sores you will get
  • xskeetshooter
    xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169
    Mama G said:

    for me A/C was tough and Taxol was a breeze
    I would recommend WATER, even the most expensive if it means you will drink it. Lots of it.
    Bananas, apples, hard boiled eggs, crackers, ginger ale, and mints all kept by your bed so you won't have to walk far to get something in your mouth. It was a lot like the first few months of pregnancy for me. As soon as I got a little food in my body I could get up and do a few things. If I waited too long I was a mess.... There are lots of meds to help, so if one doesn't work try another. Good luck! You've got millions of "sisters" who have been through this already who are with you. Just keep in mind we all made it through and so will you! God bless,

    mints will likely burn your mouth with the mouth sores i dont advise it
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328

    mints will likely burn your mouth with the mouth sores i dont advise it

    Not only that . . .
    but I don't even LIKE mint anymore! Somehow mint has joined coffee and a few other things as "obnoxious!" I used to love Braum's peppermint icecream. I had my son go get me some last week--and the peppermint pieces nearly made me ill. :(

    Ah, well; this too shall pass!
