MRI Tomorrow

Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So I have posted about this, that this test was coming. It's here, tomorrow. I hate this machine. I tried to talk the doctor out of it but she said we need to be safe that sorry. They are looking at my lower back. I have been having lot's of problems with leg pains and this could be coming from the back. Because breast cancer can go to the bone they just want to take a look. I even looked into an open MRI, but to go somewhere else would cost me more money. Doc said she would give me something to relax me. I asked to be knocked out, but that was a no.So first I get to have an attack over the test and then I get to stress waiting for the results. Also got my rads burn today. My husband thinks I am nuts, with all I have been through, that I am letting a MRI take me out. Crazy right. I just can't handle being in that coffin. Wow, does this ever end. I think I am a bit crazy, one minute I want it over already and then the next I am scared when it is over. Being watched all the time is what I am used to right now. Except I can do without that MRI. Just needed to write tonight thanks for being there.


  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Think Positive
    Okay, in order to deal with the MRI, we have start bringing up positive thoughts - not easy. My suggestion is to close your eyes while in the machine. Take short shallow breaths while in he machine. Focus on whatever brings you pleasure while in the machine. Whatever you think of in the MRI, stays in the MRI! Think of the next day and what you will be doing - like celebrating that the test is over.

    If this helps, my hospital, Northwetern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, discontinued the use of an OPEN MRI because it was not as accurate as the regular MRI.

    Lots and Lots of Hugs,
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Kat, I'm thinking about you
    Kat, I'm thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way....both for you getting through the scan and for clean results. Take care!!
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Thinking and Praying for You
    Kat, you are in my thoughts and prayers especially today. I've had an MRI once, but it was ordered urgently so I didn't have time to get really scared. I kept my eyes closed. The hospital let Joe and our dear friend Pauline in the room with me, and each held my hand through the whole thing. Ask--maybe your techs will allow your husband to be there. The machine noise is very loud, but they said it was not uncomfortable for them to stand beside me. (Also, I had already taken a Xanax, which helped, too!)

    After all you have been through, you can do this, Kathy. Praying for your peace of mind and good scan results. Please let us know.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Thinking and Praying for You
    Kat, you are in my thoughts and prayers especially today. I've had an MRI once, but it was ordered urgently so I didn't have time to get really scared. I kept my eyes closed. The hospital let Joe and our dear friend Pauline in the room with me, and each held my hand through the whole thing. Ask--maybe your techs will allow your husband to be there. The machine noise is very loud, but they said it was not uncomfortable for them to stand beside me. (Also, I had already taken a Xanax, which helped, too!)

    After all you have been through, you can do this, Kathy. Praying for your peace of mind and good scan results. Please let us know.


    Okay, so, I feel so foolish. This was a different MRI machine. This one was a bit bigger round and it was bright white and I could see outside of it if I looked over my head. It was not an open MRI.I did not feel closed in at all. They gave me headphones to listen to music and I had already taken my drugs, but I don't think I would have needed to after all. The last one was dark and like a narrow long tunnel. This was at a different Hospital. So I really stressed for nothing on this one. Now we wait for results. Thank you all
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Okay, so, I feel so foolish. This was a different MRI machine. This one was a bit bigger round and it was bright white and I could see outside of it if I looked over my head. It was not an open MRI.I did not feel closed in at all. They gave me headphones to listen to music and I had already taken my drugs, but I don't think I would have needed to after all. The last one was dark and like a narrow long tunnel. This was at a different Hospital. So I really stressed for nothing on this one. Now we wait for results. Thank you all

    So glad
    to hear that it wasn't so scary for you after all. Like my Mom keeps having to remind me - Wait to Worry!

    Here's hoping that your results are as much a relief as the MRI itself was!
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Okay, so, I feel so foolish. This was a different MRI machine. This one was a bit bigger round and it was bright white and I could see outside of it if I looked over my head. It was not an open MRI.I did not feel closed in at all. They gave me headphones to listen to music and I had already taken my drugs, but I don't think I would have needed to after all. The last one was dark and like a narrow long tunnel. This was at a different Hospital. So I really stressed for nothing on this one. Now we wait for results. Thank you all

    Not Foolish
    Thank you for posting this, Kathy. Very glad that yesterday was not so bad, after all. Yea for that! And please don't feel foolish, just happily surprised and relieved, as I feel for you.

    Hope you keep busy and have some fun over the Super Bowl weekend while you wait for test results. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for NED, and some other cause/solution for your pain.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Okay, so, I feel so foolish. This was a different MRI machine. This one was a bit bigger round and it was bright white and I could see outside of it if I looked over my head. It was not an open MRI.I did not feel closed in at all. They gave me headphones to listen to music and I had already taken my drugs, but I don't think I would have needed to after all. The last one was dark and like a narrow long tunnel. This was at a different Hospital. So I really stressed for nothing on this one. Now we wait for results. Thank you all

    ... for clean results, most importantly. With fingers & toes crossed.

    Please don't feel "foolish" - each and every step along the journey can be scary.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I Hope
    I hope that it is nothing serious. We'll think positive and happy thoughts. Take the meds to mellow you out. Let us know what the results are.

    Good Luck,
