Degradation of joints ? anyone have any dealing or knowledge of this



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    My hips!!
    I dont know if it was the radiation or the chemo but my hips just kill me!!!

    Radiation, man - I've never been the same since. No question in my mind - I'm in QA so I know before and after results. I know trends and patterns and the rads went through our hips into our internal organs - "some rain must fall" right?
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Thank you all.......
    and it is minor in the grand scheme of things and thank all of you for the well wishes also, it makes a man feel pretty good. I just don't like admitting that there is something I can't I am trying to physically fix my aches and pains without meds...I do have a hot tub and use it every night. It is a lifesaver for me. and really it is a minor problem, I just can't run like I did before chemo and surgery and ok Im just feeling a little sorry for myself...Im going to Jiffy lube tomorrow and getting and oil change, that should do it....Thanks everyone, Im just gonna get off my lazy butt and start exercising like I am hearing some out there saying "Get off your lazy butt and exercise"...Guess thats what I'll do......Love, Hope and Jack Lalayne.............Buzzard

    Go to the gym and get on a stationary bike or other non-weightbearing equipment,lurk a bit, ask questions. Find yourself a personal trainer who knows what he is doing and hire him/her for 3 mo. This time of the year sometimes they have specials on gym memberships. Water is a great choice too. I have arthritis and I'm guessing it is hereditary since my mom had both hips and both knees replaced. Do you have neuropathy in your legs and hands? Mine is not debilitating, but not fun either. The barimetric pressure seems to make a difference with all of the fronts coming through this time of the year. Since we have had so many digestive issues with our colons, my doc thinks acetaminophen is better than ibuprophen, 2 docs have reccomended hydrocodiene. Can't drink alcohol with that though. Hmmm
    Hope yours gets better soon.
    Jo Ann