Rapha clinic

dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well, my, my, my.... such upsetting posts lately.

Hubby and I have had only one car since 2005 and it has been very hard on me. Stuck at home, other than church, for weeks at a time.

After my dx and treatment, my insurance company started sending me info about how people seem to heal better and stay well when they are busy helping others.

I began mentoring a 12 year old child whose father is in prison, brother committed suicide and who lives with a mother who works hospice/ long hours. Lynna has very serious
'anger issues'. I've taught her how to knit and she made Christmas presents for her extended family.

I wanted to do more. Our church is semi involved in a brand new Rapha clinic that will provide free health care to the poor or uninsured. We're opening the second week of February.

We have 13 doctors and several dentists but there was no office help, physician's assistants, counselors, or people to man the prayer rooms. Well, I worked as a medical claims examiner for Blue Cross, a Psych Tech at a private mental institution, phlebotomist and did other office type work in a medical clinic in the 1970's 80's. I'm going to be 'working' one or two days a week as a volunteer starting Feb. 8th.

This is my 3rd year of collecting and providing 'Socks for the Homeless' in the Atlanta area. I got the idea after reading that the number one item requested by homeless men in Nevada was socks. Last year my little community provided me with five 55 gallon trash bags filled with new socks for those who need warm and dry socks. I guess that's why Craig's mention of dry socks to Mike49 touched me so deeply.

I'm so excited and just wanted to share my excitement with you! I really would encourage anyone with free time to find a hobby or possibly a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, nursing home that might need helpers.

Today we purchased a 1997 Grand Marquis for hubby to drive so I can have my car back (2003 Saturn VUE). Now I can do more.

Well, we're off to watch one of our (step) granddaughters in a local beauty contest. :o)



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  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    so nice

    You're doing exactly what "they" always say to do to feel better about yourself. You're helping others!

    I'm proud to know you!

  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am blessed!

    Christina has only been in our lives for 3 years. Our middle son married a woman who is 9 years older than he and her girls are now 17 and 22. Her youngest has been in all sorts of trouble and this is the first thing she has ever done through school.

    We went out to supper after the contest with our son and his wife, her older girl Nikki, Nikki's girlfriend/ partner and Christina. Christina told me and Jim that her daddy hadn't come. She called to ask was he coming and he said 'I'm DRUNK'. She was so touched that we'd come to watch her compete. She didn't win any awards but we were just so happy to see her try! She's going to compete again next year.

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Hi Diane,
    I think what you

    Hi Diane,

    I think what you are doing is wonderful & I think it is great that you now will be able to "get out" more with the new car. Even days when I don't go out I like having the car in the driveway, because then I know I can go out if I want to. I think that you will enjoy it!