So Life goes on

kick-ca-ass Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I finished my Chemo December 24th. I never missed a beat of work except while recovering from surgery. I'm working 50+ hours a week and I think of it as just a job. I see life differently but really don't know how to go on this new path post chemo, post cancer, in remission mode. I mean how can I make what happened to me really matter. I don't want work to be my legacy. I've learned that to me it's relationships that matter most but I've never been one who excelled at personal relationships in the past. I'm trying to work on that but that actually means reaching out to others. Only since my diagnosis have I reconnected with my two wonderful sisters. They live in other states and they have there lives and yada yada for a million excuses we have been apart. I have the world greatest sisters who have been by my side during all this craziness. There is no love like the love a sister even after many years away from each other. We cuddle together, drive miles together for coffee in our PJ's, walk hand in hand, cry together, and on and on. They are my strength and my laughter. May be I should do some traveling. Never did that either. Always too busy working. So life goes on but how do you make it count?


  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Sounds to me
    like you've already made your life count. What a wonderful story of you and your sisters. You've discovered it's not about the job, but of course work pays the bills. But it's what we do with our hearts, great relationships at work, home, with friends, relatives, strangers. You mite be interested in becoming a Cancer Society Volunteer to mentor those that are going thru their journey and need someone to lean on, someone who has been thru it and truly understands their fears and can help answer questions that no one else can.

    Living your life with your new attitude will bring joy and peace to many that come in contact with you.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Make a list
    Make a list of what is important to you (like your sisters) and how you spend your time (working). If the two lists don't match figure out how to do more on the "important" list than the "spend time" list.

    I am a workaholic and only took time off work after my surgery. I am back full time+ now and I know it isn't healthy. I don't have any sisters but I know that after my bc diagnosis I became closer to my brother and now talk to him about once a week (we also had the million excuses to be apart - work, kids, house chores, etc).

    You are making your life count. The question is what you want to be remembered for (and by whom).

    Take vacation and let someone else do your work for a while. (I can say this lightly because I still have vacation that I haven't used from two years ago at work). :-)