BC in men?

hissister Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My brother (53) discovered a lump, went to a GP who referred him to a surgeon. The surgeon, taking aim at "a fly with a fly swatter instead of a cannon", gave my bro 7 Tamoxifen pills and said to takes these 1 a day and see if it goes away. After a week the surgeon thinks the lump is a little smaller & softer, and offered my bro the option of surgical removal & biopsy or wait & see. Dr says 99.9999999% of the time its just an inflammation, and said a mammo wouldn't really tell him anything. Bro, not anxious to be 'cut on', opted to wait a month to see what happens.

Bro had Renal Cell Carcinoma a few years ago, kidney removed, no further treatment necessary. Our maternal grandmother died of BC in her 80's (I don't know when she was diagnosed or what treatments she did or didn't have). Our mother is 80 and not likely to have herself examined, and we aren't in contact. Our sister has implants (cosmetic reasons) that feel like two rocks, so I don't know that she'd feel anything if she did have lumps. I get regular mammos and have no breast problems (I had an in situ melanoma removed 11 years ago and hysterectomy 10 years ago for cervical carcinoma in situ).

If I was in Bro's shoes, I think I'd have it biopsied, or at least scanned. Makes me nervous as heck. I'm no Dr, but seems as if a lump responds to Tamoxifen that indicates something.?!



  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Men Get it too........
    I would encourage your brother to get a second and third,if needed, opinion.......Men do get breast cancer.......I know, personally, a man who fought it for 4 years and died 8 months ago....my neighbor's brother just had his SECOND mastectomy! I would be safe in saying if a woman presented with lumps, I doubt she would be given Tamoxofin pills to "see"if it went away.....

    I wish him the best
  • hissister
    hissister Member Posts: 6
    MAJW said:

    Men Get it too........
    I would encourage your brother to get a second and third,if needed, opinion.......Men do get breast cancer.......I know, personally, a man who fought it for 4 years and died 8 months ago....my neighbor's brother just had his SECOND mastectomy! I would be safe in saying if a woman presented with lumps, I doubt she would be given Tamoxofin pills to "see"if it went away.....

    I wish him the best

    I checked on the Dr
    The state Office of Insurance Regulation Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report shows this Dr has been sucessfully sued 3 times in the last 10 years, which is probably not a lot for a surgeon, HOWEVER, the last one was for failure to diagnose breast cancer. Says "on exam, did not feel any evidence of malignancy. Subsequent mammogram revealed abnormal findings."

    I called Bro and told him he needs another opinion, and perhaps not from a General Surgeon!
    Thanks for backing up my intuition, MAJW.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    hissister said:

    I checked on the Dr
    The state Office of Insurance Regulation Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report shows this Dr has been sucessfully sued 3 times in the last 10 years, which is probably not a lot for a surgeon, HOWEVER, the last one was for failure to diagnose breast cancer. Says "on exam, did not feel any evidence of malignancy. Subsequent mammogram revealed abnormal findings."

    I called Bro and told him he needs another opinion, and perhaps not from a General Surgeon!
    Thanks for backing up my intuition, MAJW.

    Stay on your brother's case
    Stay on your brother's case about this. He should definately get a second opinion, if nothing else. From the sounds of your research on this doctor, I'd also suggest he find another one. Like MAJW said, men do get breast cancer. In fact, there is a man on this site who has had a mastectomy. Early detection is the key here!! Good luck and keep us posted.
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    Men get BC
    Definitely strong arm him to a second opinion and hopefully a biopsy. Doesn't happen w/the frequency of women, but it does happen.
  • BunnyJane
    BunnyJane Member Posts: 213
    jbug said:

    Men get BC
    Definitely strong arm him to a second opinion and hopefully a biopsy. Doesn't happen w/the frequency of women, but it does happen.

    Please have your brother
    see another physician to follow up on this lump!!!!
  • hissister
    hissister Member Posts: 6
    BunnyJane said:

    Please have your brother
    see another physician to follow up on this lump!!!!

    Trying not to "meddle", but..
    Bro's a little touchy- our mother is a world-class-get-on-your-nerves meddler. I called him and had to apologize up front for "being mother", but told him what I had discovered about the Dr. He was interested and said "so I guess I need to do something else", and I told him he most DEFINITELY needs a second opinion. Now I guess I have to back off for a little bit.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    hissister said:

    Trying not to "meddle", but..
    Bro's a little touchy- our mother is a world-class-get-on-your-nerves meddler. I called him and had to apologize up front for "being mother", but told him what I had discovered about the Dr. He was interested and said "so I guess I need to do something else", and I told him he most DEFINITELY needs a second opinion. Now I guess I have to back off for a little bit.

    You're a GOOD sister. I hope
    You're a GOOD sister. I hope he takes your advice.
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    MyTurnNow said:

    You're a GOOD sister. I hope
    You're a GOOD sister. I hope he takes your advice.

    BC does happen in men
    In August I saw an orthopaedic surgeon for a BC related issue. He told me his father was undergoing treatment for BC. He had found a small lump and his doctor had it biopsied. He's stage 1. Clear margins, no lymph involvement. Surgery, followed by chemo.

    Your brother definately needs to see another doctor and get a biopsy ASAP. The tumor shrank, and that's what the "test" was about. What more does the moronic doctor need to know? f it is cancer, it will come back once the drug stops being effective. In my opinion, the doctor is a lazy dunce.

    Your brother has already battled cancer, and he knows that early detection is one of the best ways to win the fight. Prayers and hugs to you both. Gracie
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Nag ur brother
    I work in surgery, and about a month ago, two men on the same day, had breast biospies done. One was positive for cancer. I live in a small town and the odds are tremendous that even one male had a negative outcome. 4 women have been diagnosised in the last month. I'm happythat ur healthy, but ur bro may follow ur grother and mother. I'm sure he may feel a little embaressed. Any close male friends, brothers. Maybe they could help him. Maybe a second opion? Good luck and ur a wonderful sis. Gayla
  • Bill.S
    Bill.S Member Posts: 177
    Male BC
    YUP we get it too I had a lump that turned out to be cancer. Did the mastectomy, chemo and NOW I am taking tamoxifin for 5 years.
    Get your brother checked out.
    Bill S.
  • hissister
    hissister Member Posts: 6
    Bill.S said:

    Male BC
    YUP we get it too I had a lump that turned out to be cancer. Did the mastectomy, chemo and NOW I am taking tamoxifin for 5 years.
    Get your brother checked out.
    Bill S.

    Getting a 2nd opinion
    I'm so glad to hear from you, Bill S. Did you have any trouble getting a Dr to take your lump seriously?

    Bro has an appt with his primary care dr, who historically has taken good care of him (just hard to get an appointment). He appreciated my research and will definitely pursue further opinions. He's retired military and cannot 'self refer' to specialists as I am fortunate enough to be able to do with my own insurance.

    It was his primary Dr who sent him for a liver sonogram a few years back due to out-of-whack liver enzymes. The liver was fine, but in the process they stumbled upon his asymptomatic kidney tumor, so that was fortunate.

    In retrospect, although our mother is a PITA meddler, I suppose she saved my life by nagging me to get the huge flat mole on my side checked out. Sometimes I wonder about doctors -- I showed that thing to at least two GP's who brushed it off as nothing before she finally nagged me into seeing a Dermo, who recognized the melanoma instantly. I guess not every doctor finished at the top of his/her class!?
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    hissister said:

    Getting a 2nd opinion
    I'm so glad to hear from you, Bill S. Did you have any trouble getting a Dr to take your lump seriously?

    Bro has an appt with his primary care dr, who historically has taken good care of him (just hard to get an appointment). He appreciated my research and will definitely pursue further opinions. He's retired military and cannot 'self refer' to specialists as I am fortunate enough to be able to do with my own insurance.

    It was his primary Dr who sent him for a liver sonogram a few years back due to out-of-whack liver enzymes. The liver was fine, but in the process they stumbled upon his asymptomatic kidney tumor, so that was fortunate.

    In retrospect, although our mother is a PITA meddler, I suppose she saved my life by nagging me to get the huge flat mole on my side checked out. Sometimes I wonder about doctors -- I showed that thing to at least two GP's who brushed it off as nothing before she finally nagged me into seeing a Dermo, who recognized the melanoma instantly. I guess not every doctor finished at the top of his/her class!?

    I guess not every doctor finished at the top of his/her class!?
    You've got it! Not only that, but sometimes they *over*specialize--or overgeneralize, as the case may be--to the point that they miss important clues. Sounds like the two GPs were focused on the everyday illness and forgot to maintain a decent level of knowledge regarding the unusual.

    No matter how irritating it may be to have a PITA nagger in your life, when it saves your life, it's sure worth it! I'd say give your mother an extra-warm hug!

    I hope your Bro gets a fast response from his GP on this!

    Lots of luck and blessings, Sandy
  • ManWithaMission
    ManWithaMission Member Posts: 497
    Breast Cancer in Men!
    Yes, hissister, men can and do get Breast Cancer. Tell your brother to have a biopsey and a mamagram done. I found a lump in my left chest when I was 15 and waited till I was 55 before I mentioned it to my wife. There is a benign condition in young boys and men called "Gynecomastia". Sometime,somehow, mine turned Cancerous. It may have been due to my age or to me being obese(which cause a man's body to make more estrogen) the last 20 yrs. or so. My "lump" was a Stage III by the time I had it taken care of. If I had not done anything, I may have died from it. Thank God that it was slow growing? Most men who die from Breast Cancer is because they waited to long to have it checked out and by then it is too late for treatments. So, yea, go ahead and push your brother untill he does something about "IT"!

  • Bill.S
    Bill.S Member Posts: 177
    hissister said:

    Getting a 2nd opinion
    I'm so glad to hear from you, Bill S. Did you have any trouble getting a Dr to take your lump seriously?

    Bro has an appt with his primary care dr, who historically has taken good care of him (just hard to get an appointment). He appreciated my research and will definitely pursue further opinions. He's retired military and cannot 'self refer' to specialists as I am fortunate enough to be able to do with my own insurance.

    It was his primary Dr who sent him for a liver sonogram a few years back due to out-of-whack liver enzymes. The liver was fine, but in the process they stumbled upon his asymptomatic kidney tumor, so that was fortunate.

    In retrospect, although our mother is a PITA meddler, I suppose she saved my life by nagging me to get the huge flat mole on my side checked out. Sometimes I wonder about doctors -- I showed that thing to at least two GP's who brushed it off as nothing before she finally nagged me into seeing a Dermo, who recognized the melanoma instantly. I guess not every doctor finished at the top of his/her class!?

    Taking it serious
    It went like clockwork. I showed the Dr the lump, he schedualed a mamogram, the radiologist said see a surgeon, the surgeon said the lump is comming out so no sense in doing a needle biopisy and oh yea by the way if it turns out to be cancer I'll be doing a mastectomy at the same time.
    It was like 2 or 3 weeks from finding lump to having the mastectomy.
    Couldn't have gone any better.
    Of course I never dreamed it would be cancer but sure enough and triple positive to boot...
    ER+, PR+, HER2neu+ so I did chemo and herceptin and now tamoxifin.

    I have wondered what would happen if I just ignored the lump----- it would get to stage 4 and I'd be just about dead.

    This all started late April 2008,surgery was May 13, Chemo started in July after I had a port installed.
    It sure has been a lot of fun. Thank GOD chemo didn't make me vomit. Just poop a lot.
    Keep in touch
    Bill S
  • hissister
    hissister Member Posts: 6

    BC does happen in men
    In August I saw an orthopaedic surgeon for a BC related issue. He told me his father was undergoing treatment for BC. He had found a small lump and his doctor had it biopsied. He's stage 1. Clear margins, no lymph involvement. Surgery, followed by chemo.

    Your brother definately needs to see another doctor and get a biopsy ASAP. The tumor shrank, and that's what the "test" was about. What more does the moronic doctor need to know? f it is cancer, it will come back once the drug stops being effective. In my opinion, the doctor is a lazy dunce.

    Your brother has already battled cancer, and he knows that early detection is one of the best ways to win the fight. Prayers and hugs to you both. Gracie

    Took my advice
    Went to his GP, who sent him for an ultrasound. He's going back to the GP next week; meanwhile, he got a letter from the imaging center telling him that he needs to see his Dr about his results (which could mean anything, or nothing). Keeping my fingers & toes crossed for him.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    hissister said:

    Took my advice
    Went to his GP, who sent him for an ultrasound. He's going back to the GP next week; meanwhile, he got a letter from the imaging center telling him that he needs to see his Dr about his results (which could mean anything, or nothing). Keeping my fingers & toes crossed for him.

    I'll cross mine, too.
    I'll cross mine, too. Hoping for benign results. Good luck to your brother!!
  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 376 Member

    Breast Cancer in Men!
    Yes, hissister, men can and do get Breast Cancer. Tell your brother to have a biopsey and a mamagram done. I found a lump in my left chest when I was 15 and waited till I was 55 before I mentioned it to my wife. There is a benign condition in young boys and men called "Gynecomastia". Sometime,somehow, mine turned Cancerous. It may have been due to my age or to me being obese(which cause a man's body to make more estrogen) the last 20 yrs. or so. My "lump" was a Stage III by the time I had it taken care of. If I had not done anything, I may have died from it. Thank God that it was slow growing? Most men who die from Breast Cancer is because they waited to long to have it checked out and by then it is too late for treatments. So, yea, go ahead and push your brother untill he does something about "IT"!


    Male Dr with BC
    I know a male oncologist that had BC. Somehow, I think he should've been given life time immunity to this disease...