Squamous cell cancer plus Basal

molly_jo Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Skin Cancer #1
I had a spuamous cell carcinoma plus basal cell carcinoma in my nose, 2 in one, half and half and was told it is in the deep layer, 3rd. layer of the skin where all the bloodvessels are. was told it was deep and some pockets need to be removed then margins all clear and I'm good to go !? I only need to come back in a year. how do i know no cancer cells are traveling through my body? worried. please help.


  • Rocky76
    Rocky76 Member Posts: 18
    Hi molly_jo,
    If they removed

    Hi molly_jo,
    If they removed all the cancer and your biopsy came back negative, then you should be fine. However, please keep monitoring yourself. Unfortunately, these things can pop up at any time (although I really hope you won't have to deal with this anymore). I was in a somewhat similar situation not too long ago (actually twice within one year) and the only reason I was able to catch it the second time is because I kept going back to my dermatologist every few months after the first incident. Even though she told me the same thing, I did insist on going back to her every 3-4 months and thank goodness I did! Oh, and both times I was the one who noticed that something wasn't right so I can't stress enough the importance of self check.

    Hope all is well :-)