Anyone else w/no treatment after mastectomy?



  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member

    sorry **bone health not home health!

  • Candace70
    Candace70 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi Cathy I had a mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction. I chose not to take tamoxifen since the class 1 carcinogen has too many side effects for my comfort. I take DIM and eat lots of broccoli sprouts! I also do vitamin c IV once or twice a month. Although my oncodx score was 30 I also decided to do Viscum album injections (iscador or helixor) instead of chemotherapy. There is a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins and Believe Big funded phase 1. I feel absolutely wonderful and will monitor diagnostic tests and use Signatera blood test for surveillance. If you have not read “ Radical Remissions,” check it out.

  • thora
    thora Member Posts: 32 Member

    Candace70, I have a Oncodx score of 26 and also declined chemo. Just started on Arimidex, but do not feel comfortable with that. I am curious about taking DIM instead. I wonder sometimes after reading posts where sisters do everything they are told and still have recurrences. Is it from the "standard of care" treatments that cause these recurrences??? Radiation, chemo, estrogen suppression, etc.

  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member

    Thora I always found it ironic that my breast cancer was caused by radiation for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma yet they treat BC with radiation!!

  • Candace70
    Candace70 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yes many do exactly what they are told regardless of side effects. I asked my oncologist about side effects and he said I will mail them to you. He never did. Then the pharmacist called and tried to soft sell me on chemo. Oncologist are now one of the highest paid specialists and the chemotherapy treatments are very profitable for the hospitals. I check my estrogen levels every 3 months and I do eat lots of cruciferous vegetables and take DIM. My estrogen went from 120 to 18 on a blood test. I have to be careful because too much estrogen can impact recurrence risk too little can cause osteopenia.

  • Candace70
    Candace70 Member Posts: 5 Member

    If you want to try a healing a compromised immune system, the new paradigm is a metabolic approach to cancer and many new books address this topic. There is an excellent YouTube lecture from Professor Thomas Seyfried at Boston College that you may want to review.