Mastectomy in 5 Days - Having a Hard Time Coming to Terms/Accepting it Emotionally



  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Welcome Chris and Kimberly
    I cannot help you either with the mastectomy part, I had the lumpectomy. Listen to these wonderful women on here - they will get you through no matter what. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with both of you as you go through this.
    Hugs and prayers - Pat
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    aysemari said:

    Allow yourself to process it
    this may mean crying, feeling terrified, but understand that this is just part of the big picture that is called survival.
    I may be facing that decision, waiting for blood test results. And I have already made my peace with it. Of course I
    went through all the motions, much like yourself - cried, was scared but this is the road to acceptance.

    I am glad you found this. It helps me so much, I am on here pretty much every evening and I feel less alone.

    Sending you hugs,

    Good luck Tuesday!
    I want to wish you good luck on your surgery Tuesday! We will all be waiting to hear from you, so, post when you feel up to it.

    KYLEZ ♥
  • Chris78
    Chris78 Member Posts: 4
    Thank You :)
    Thank you all so much for your replies, advice, personal stories and support - it means more than I can to put into words. The anticipation has been scary, but today I'm feeling stronger, like let's get this over with - I can do this! For the brave ones who have gone through this already - you go girls! Each of you and what you've gone through is an inspiration to me, and I thank you for sharing with me. And for those who are getting close to their own surgery dates - you are stronger than you know, and I wish you peace and hope on your journey. A friend just told me this is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey - yeah, I like that. :)

    Thanks again guys! I will be in touch as recovery allows me to be, and I will return a stronger person, just as you all are.

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member

    I had a radical masectomy in 2003, and never went on to have reconstruction surgery. I was at the time 42 years old. I made a lot of jokes about it and still do today, but I have to say it doesn't really bother me. My chest did not define who I was as a person (38C) and still doesn't. I recently had a recurrance and had to have my sternum and parts of 4 ribs removed, now that did bother me. My chest always feels like I have a 10 pound weight on it as they had to reconstruct a chest wall for me. Everyone handles things differently, but know this, you will find out what kind of person you really are once you go through all this. It's a journey not all will take, but a road well traveled........

  • diane720
    diane720 Member Posts: 14
    I feel the same way..
    Hi Christine, First of all its very normal to be freaking out. In about 6 weeks or so I will have a mastectomy once I finish chemo. At first it seemed so far away, but now that its getting closer, its on my mind constantly. I chose to have a bilateral,although my surgeon feels I don't need to. At an appointment I had this past friday,she asked how I was feeling about my mastectomy. I told her I wasn't afraid of the surgery, I'm afraid to wake up and see that part of me missing. I've been struggling with myself, but in order to survive and go on I know I can do this,you can do this!! Do not underestimate your strength. You will find it the day of your mastectomy. I'm sending you alot of light and love. Many blessings .....Diane
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    diane720 said:

    I feel the same way..
    Hi Christine, First of all its very normal to be freaking out. In about 6 weeks or so I will have a mastectomy once I finish chemo. At first it seemed so far away, but now that its getting closer, its on my mind constantly. I chose to have a bilateral,although my surgeon feels I don't need to. At an appointment I had this past friday,she asked how I was feeling about my mastectomy. I told her I wasn't afraid of the surgery, I'm afraid to wake up and see that part of me missing. I've been struggling with myself, but in order to survive and go on I know I can do this,you can do this!! Do not underestimate your strength. You will find it the day of your mastectomy. I'm sending you alot of light and love. Many blessings .....Diane

    I guess you had chemo first?
    From your picture that's what I assume. I had a masectomy on August1st and the good news is that from that point til now I am CANCER FREE!!!!! It's in the garbage somewhere!
    That was a dirty rotten stinken breast anyways.
    As far as the pain, it's been very very minimal. Even after the surgery they asked me to put it on the 10 pt scale and I exaggerated a little and said 2 1/2. (keep in mind I had 4 babies all natural childbirth, so I know what at 10 is!)

    Each person is different, and we'll be here for you afterward. I love coming on here and reading every one's stories and what thy do about problems, how they celebrate good news, and comfort each other.

    God bless,
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    scout5000 said:

    Xanax got me through the days prior to my surgeries. I simply called my primary care doc's office, told them I was having panic attacks thinking about the surgery and requested they call in a presciption for me. I had a single mastectomy with immediate reconstruction almost a year ago. I did have pain at first (the pain meds helped) and continued to have some short (a few seconds) of shooting pain. The lymph node removal was the longest lasting pain. But I do have to tell you that I completely forgot about all of the pain until I read your posting. Our brains have an incredible trick of helping us to forget pain. I wish you well.

    Christine, I kind of know
    Christine, I kind of know how you feel. I've known since Sept. that I would have to have a masectomy, but my surgeon wanted to shrink my tumors a little first so I've been on Femara for all these months and now my surgery is scheduled for Feb. I hate to have this surgery but I hate cancer more. The first thing I thought after being dxed was get this breast off asap. When it didn't happen I sort of started feeling like I wanted to save it and got hopeful that I might only need a lumpectomy. No way my surgeon says since my tumors are scattered around and have lymph node involvement. So now I'm mentally and emotionally trying to say goodbye to a part of my body that I love. I know that I'll do what I have to do when the time comes. And so will you tomorrow. I think you'll be stronger than you realize and then you can help the rest of us as we face the same test. I really appreciate Wolfi's comments and she has been a big help for me too. My prayers will be going up for you as you go thru all this. Please know that we're here for you and hope to see you post soon. Much love to you.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Christine
    Wishing you well with your surgery. I can only imagine what you're feeling, I won't be getting a mastectomy but a lumpectomy in about a month from now. I'd be scared, too. I'm sure you'll be fine. Post when you can.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    laurissa said:

    Hi Christine
    Wishing you well with your surgery. I can only imagine what you're feeling, I won't be getting a mastectomy but a lumpectomy in about a month from now. I'd be scared, too. I'm sure you'll be fine. Post when you can.

    Christine ♥
    Sending you prayers and good luck for your surgery today!</♥</font>

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Chris78 said:

    Thank You :)
    Thank you all so much for your replies, advice, personal stories and support - it means more than I can to put into words. The anticipation has been scary, but today I'm feeling stronger, like let's get this over with - I can do this! For the brave ones who have gone through this already - you go girls! Each of you and what you've gone through is an inspiration to me, and I thank you for sharing with me. And for those who are getting close to their own surgery dates - you are stronger than you know, and I wish you peace and hope on your journey. A friend just told me this is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey - yeah, I like that. :)

    Thanks again guys! I will be in touch as recovery allows me to be, and I will return a stronger person, just as you all are.


    On the way to healing
    Christine, I've prayed for you nightly and now your surgery is behind you! Can't wait to hear how things went. I know that each day will improve and in a couple of months you'll look back and be amazed by your strength. Praying for a speedy recovery!
  • Chris78
    Chris78 Member Posts: 4
    Jeanne D said:

    Christine ♥
    Sending you prayers and good luck for your surgery today!</♥</font>

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to let you know that all went well with surgery , and I am healing well. Thank you all again so much for your kind words, support and encouragement! I've found that the anticipation of it was far worse than the actual outcome/reality. Due to the fact that I had my axillary dissection with my lumpectomy back in October, I consider myself blessed that I didn't have to go through that again. I've opted for no reconstruction at this time. My next (and final) task will be 6 weeks of radiation which should begin fairly soon - probably in Feb. sometime.

    You all are wonderful. I can't thank you enough for all your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ((BIG HUGS))) to you all! :)


    P.S. To the person who asked, yes, I had neoadjuvant chemo (before surgery). I had a 5 cm tumor (what they consider big), so we wanted to try to shrink it as much as possible before surgery.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Chris78 said:

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to let you know that all went well with surgery , and I am healing well. Thank you all again so much for your kind words, support and encouragement! I've found that the anticipation of it was far worse than the actual outcome/reality. Due to the fact that I had my axillary dissection with my lumpectomy back in October, I consider myself blessed that I didn't have to go through that again. I've opted for no reconstruction at this time. My next (and final) task will be 6 weeks of radiation which should begin fairly soon - probably in Feb. sometime.

    You all are wonderful. I can't thank you enough for all your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ((BIG HUGS))) to you all! :)


    P.S. To the person who asked, yes, I had neoadjuvant chemo (before surgery). I had a 5 cm tumor (what they consider big), so we wanted to try to shrink it as much as possible before surgery.

    I am glad your surgery went well and you are home resting and let others take care of you.

    Every day will be better.

  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Chris78 said:

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to let you know that all went well with surgery , and I am healing well. Thank you all again so much for your kind words, support and encouragement! I've found that the anticipation of it was far worse than the actual outcome/reality. Due to the fact that I had my axillary dissection with my lumpectomy back in October, I consider myself blessed that I didn't have to go through that again. I've opted for no reconstruction at this time. My next (and final) task will be 6 weeks of radiation which should begin fairly soon - probably in Feb. sometime.

    You all are wonderful. I can't thank you enough for all your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ((BIG HUGS))) to you all! :)


    P.S. To the person who asked, yes, I had neoadjuvant chemo (before surgery). I had a 5 cm tumor (what they consider big), so we wanted to try to shrink it as much as possible before surgery.

    Glad you are in the healing process

    I am so happy to hear you are home & on the road to recovery from your mastectomy.

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Tinabug said:

    Glad you are in the healing process

    I am so happy to hear you are home & on the road to recovery from your mastectomy.


    Hi Christine, Thanks for
    Hi Christine, Thanks for letting us know that you're doing well after your surgery. Now we will pray for a complete and speedy recovery for you. Take it easy and eat ice cream. You deserve it all.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Hi Christine, Thanks for
    Hi Christine, Thanks for letting us know that you're doing well after your surgery. Now we will pray for a complete and speedy recovery for you. Take it easy and eat ice cream. You deserve it all.

    Glad you are home now! Just
    Glad you are home now! Just rest and recover!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • Sharon40
    Sharon40 Member Posts: 93
    Chris78 said:

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to

    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to let you know that all went well with surgery , and I am healing well. Thank you all again so much for your kind words, support and encouragement! I've found that the anticipation of it was far worse than the actual outcome/reality. Due to the fact that I had my axillary dissection with my lumpectomy back in October, I consider myself blessed that I didn't have to go through that again. I've opted for no reconstruction at this time. My next (and final) task will be 6 weeks of radiation which should begin fairly soon - probably in Feb. sometime.

    You all are wonderful. I can't thank you enough for all your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ((BIG HUGS))) to you all! :)


    P.S. To the person who asked, yes, I had neoadjuvant chemo (before surgery). I had a 5 cm tumor (what they consider big), so we wanted to try to shrink it as much as possible before surgery.

    dejavu - your story sounds so much like mine!
    I also had neoadjuvant chemo and a 6cm tumor and have just had a mastectomy on Friday (nodes out during lumpectomy in December). I also am doing radiation next (can't do mine until I can get my arm above my head - not looking good today - but hopefully soon). Reading your post, we sound so much alike! I have a 7 year old daughter. I hope things are going well with your recovery.
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Chris78 said:

    Thank You :)
    Thank you all so much for your replies, advice, personal stories and support - it means more than I can to put into words. The anticipation has been scary, but today I'm feeling stronger, like let's get this over with - I can do this! For the brave ones who have gone through this already - you go girls! Each of you and what you've gone through is an inspiration to me, and I thank you for sharing with me. And for those who are getting close to their own surgery dates - you are stronger than you know, and I wish you peace and hope on your journey. A friend just told me this is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey - yeah, I like that. :)

    Thanks again guys! I will be in touch as recovery allows me to be, and I will return a stronger person, just as you all are.


    So glad you're doing well
    Christine, I've prayed for you every single night since your original post. I'm so glad you're doing well. I'll continue to pray for you to have the strength as you continue with radiation treatments. I've finished 3 of 4 chemo treatments - the last one will be on Feb 9 just 2 1/2 weeks before my daughter's wedding! Isn't it a fact that these events in our lives make all of life take on a new aliveness? blessings! Beth