Ongoing seroma

k1 Member Posts: 220 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My father dx male breast cancer aug., radical masectomy sept. 8, now through 5 of 6 chemo treatments that have been three weeks apart (sometimes longer due to severe side effects).

For all these months since surgery he has had to go once per week to have fluid buildup drained from surgical site - a seroma. Usually there is a very large amount of fluid. They've sent the fluid off for various culturing at lab but so far nothing reported.

He's been told they do not want to leave a semi-permanent drain in now (he had one for three weeks post op) due to risk of infection during chemo. I suppose since he is getting close to end of chemo then if that is something they can do afterward again they might?

I've read up on seroma and do see it can last for weeks or months, but geez his doesn't seem to be showing any signs of healing at all. Get huge amount of fluid each week. Could this be because he has been reacting so severely to the chemo? He's also under a lot of stress due to other family members having serious illnesses right now.

Chemo is bad enough and to have to have this done every week on top of it is making me worried about him.

Thanks for any insights.



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    for your father situation. I cannot comment and give you suggestions on his very specific case, however Chemo itself can cause many complications, including swelling and water retention.very. The hope is his conditions will improve after he finish Chemo.
    I was completely exhausted by the end of my 6th.