I lost it



  • TLynn0102
    TLynn0102 Member Posts: 86
    Lynda53 said:

    Good for you!
    Sometimes people just do not have a clue what to say. Back in September I asked a friend to stop talking of her distant family, and death etc etc, she did not heed the warning, I said sorry and hung up, and sadly have not spoken to her since. I did ask 1 friend to not speakf sadness but of joy,and it worked.another friend ecently told me she and her fiancee (I introduced them)are sorry not to see me just cant stand to see me sick. Go figure
    There is a googled list for what not to say to a cancer patient that I have handed out from time to time.
    Speak yur mid, speak the truth, some people need to e educated.

    Did the same thing...
    I did the same thing, lost it...took a poke at everyone in the room. I knew it was wrong and mean and that I said some things I should not have but it sure the heck felt good. Actually three weeks later it still feels good. Ironically I am finding that unless you go through cancer you have absoutley no idea what anyone is going through. Everyone is different and handles it in their own way. I made a promise to myself after blowing up, I will no longer allow things to be bottled up. When I gt upset with someone I am going to tell them flat out without the sugar coating. So far I diid this once and it really worked nice. Said my peace, let it go and moved forward. I will no longer waste my time on stuff like that. You are not alone, what you did was healthy for you. Keeping all of it inside will not do you any good.
    God Bless
  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    i feel your pain
    Hello and happy New Years!!!!
    You have the right to loss it....
    Everyone is so different.....there are so many stupid people
    that talk without thinking....
    I pray God give you the strength you need to overcome
    all the obstacles he puts your way....Yoy are a very
    strong, pretty lady who we love very much....
    hugs and kisses your way....
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    that ask
    for the person that ask the reason that i am on oxygen is that i also have lung cancer that the chemo will kill and i get short of breath when i am out walking around, don't need it when i am at home but if i am out shopping i need it. after i went kinda off on the lady my mom and sister was like wow its nice to see the old Stephanie come back, i have always been the kinda of person to say what is on my mind but for some reason when i was told that i had bc i changed, didn't have nothing to say stop doing most things that brought me joy, just stop living didn't say much didn't want to hurt people feels and didn't want them to hurt mine. In a way i was letting people walk over me and i am not that kind of person at all. but guess what the old Stephanie is back...
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    You go girl
    Nothing wrong with losing it. Unless I know someone has had BC or is wearing the telltale hat/scarf or bald head, they DON'T know what I'm going through. Thank you for saying what most of us would like to say in that situation! Sending ((((hugs))))your way. Lola