Pat P and the return of my fingers after having "Chemo Fingers"

Aliaslisa Member Posts: 16 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey everyone. I have been trying to figure out how to navagate this board, not having a lot of luck. Anyway, I have been trying to find out how to send Pat P. a note privately, but can't figure it out. So, Pat and everyone else reading this, Thank you for your note. It really brightened my day and I am so delighted that you like your ornament. I had it for awhile, waiting for money to send it, so in the meantime I was reading about all the other beautiful, handmade, blown glass, et cetera et cetera. I began to feel unworthy because my ornament(s) was a pair of dancing shoes. Not hooked together, so you can hang each one wherever you want it.

To change the subject, I didn't just get "Chemo Brain," I got "Chemo Fingers!" I'm telling you, it would take me an hour to do an email this long. I was a legal secretary for years and years. Meaning: I CAN TYPE! But my fingers would type thie: jru yjrtr rbrtupmr. jpe str upi/ Instead of the greeting I meant. I would type out the email then go back and change almost every single word. Well, my four rounds of Chemo ended December 15, so it looks like that Chemo Fingers has gone the way of the dodo bird. Thankfully. That's why I didn't write too much. Making up for it now, right. So, I will sign off after I thank all of you (who have read this far) for being there for me. I've been a regular reader but an irregular answer-er (Is that a word) So, thanks everyone, Huggs and all that, Sincerely, Lisa.


  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Hi Pat
    I love love love your idea of the dancing shoes. Oh how we all want that dance with Ned! So sorry that you are having so much trouble with chemo fingers.

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Aliaslisa,this is PatP,Hello
    Hi,I did send you a private message thanking you for my ornaments.I thought the same thing about my ornament not being worthy.The dancing shoes you sent me are beatiful.I would not trade them for any other ornament.I have them proudly on my tree.They are beatiful and resemble dancing with Ned.I am glad to hear you are done with Chemo.I will be finishing up with radiation pretty soon.I can,t wait.I hope your fingers are better soon.I will always put the ornament on my tree every year and remember that a sweat sister in pink gave them to me.Thank you again.Merry Christmas and Happy new Year.Love and Prayers.(Pat).Ps,the dancing shoes are so pretty i am going to keep them out all year.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    ppurdin said:

    Aliaslisa,this is PatP,Hello
    Hi,I did send you a private message thanking you for my ornaments.I thought the same thing about my ornament not being worthy.The dancing shoes you sent me are beatiful.I would not trade them for any other ornament.I have them proudly on my tree.They are beatiful and resemble dancing with Ned.I am glad to hear you are done with Chemo.I will be finishing up with radiation pretty soon.I can,t wait.I hope your fingers are better soon.I will always put the ornament on my tree every year and remember that a sweat sister in pink gave them to me.Thank you again.Merry Christmas and Happy new Year.Love and Prayers.(Pat).Ps,the dancing shoes are so pretty i am going to keep them out all year.

    Congrats on finishing chemo!
    Congrats on finishing chemo!

    Merry Christmas!
  • Aliaslisa
    Aliaslisa Member Posts: 16 Member
    ppurdin said:

    Aliaslisa,this is PatP,Hello
    Hi,I did send you a private message thanking you for my ornaments.I thought the same thing about my ornament not being worthy.The dancing shoes you sent me are beatiful.I would not trade them for any other ornament.I have them proudly on my tree.They are beatiful and resemble dancing with Ned.I am glad to hear you are done with Chemo.I will be finishing up with radiation pretty soon.I can,t wait.I hope your fingers are better soon.I will always put the ornament on my tree every year and remember that a sweat sister in pink gave them to me.Thank you again.Merry Christmas and Happy new Year.Love and Prayers.(Pat).Ps,the dancing shoes are so pretty i am going to keep them out all year.

    All set for dancing with Ned now..
    Hi Pat,

    Yes, you did send me a very nice Private Message thanking me for the shoes and the dream catcher. I am so glad you like the shoes because once I found one I liked, I had to sort through about 300 (ok it was really 50) shoes to find a mate!

    I like the photo you put up. Is that a daughter and a son? I have one son, he's already 30; but I got grand kids!! I spent the morning playing with them and their new toys. Boy, it's a lot more fun to be a grandma.

    Well, thank you for your nice note asking about your nice note (hehe). We'll see you later. Huggs, xoxo Lisa