Quite ironic for me

coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Just saw news item on CBS TV, channel 2 in NYC, that cited a study stating people who come down with Alzheimer's are less likely to get cancer; those who get cancer, are less like to get Alzheimers. I hope thats true cos due to family history, I always feared Alzheimers more so than cancer.....Hoping all feel a little better today....steve


  • KATE58
    KATE58 Member Posts: 299
    I think cancer gave me
    I think cancer gave me Halfheimers !
    I can only remember half the crap,half the time.

    I tend to agree, I would rather have cancer.
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Look on the bright side
    If you get Alzheimers you will never know it!!!
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member

    Look on the bright side
    If you get Alzheimers you will never know it!!!

    Yeah, you're both right,Brooks and Kate!!!!
    As I wrote that i had already forgotten I already HAVE chemobrain.Enjoy your Holidays. .Steve
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012

    This friend of mine had felt unwell for months, so he decided to see his doctor. The doctor examined him and referred him to the hospital to see various specialists. After a couple of weeks, all the test results came through, so my friend returned to see his doctor.

    "I'm very sorry", said the doctor. "I'm afraid I have bad news and worse news."

    "Tell me the worst."

    "I'll be honest, you have cancer, you'll be dead in three months."

    "Oh %#@&! " said my friend. "What on earth is the bad news?"

    "You also have Alzheimer's Disease."

    "Alzheimer's? Oh well, at least I don't have cancer!"


    I hope this isn't in too bad a taste!! :):):)

    Rob; in Vancouver
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    robinvan said:


    This friend of mine had felt unwell for months, so he decided to see his doctor. The doctor examined him and referred him to the hospital to see various specialists. After a couple of weeks, all the test results came through, so my friend returned to see his doctor.

    "I'm very sorry", said the doctor. "I'm afraid I have bad news and worse news."

    "Tell me the worst."

    "I'll be honest, you have cancer, you'll be dead in three months."

    "Oh %#@&! " said my friend. "What on earth is the bad news?"

    "You also have Alzheimer's Disease."

    "Alzheimer's? Oh well, at least I don't have cancer!"


    I hope this isn't in too bad a taste!! :):):)

    Rob; in Vancouver

    Not to me it isn't, Rob
    I was gonna conclude with a comment but felt that would be in poor taste.For myself, always had a warped sense of humor.
    My father's mother had Alzheimers bad-I was still relatively young and did not want to visit her in hospital since she couldn't recognize her elder son, my father,nor her husband or anyone else and I told my mother I'd rather remember grandma as I knew her.(Just occurred to me, after all these years, maybe she would have recongnized me?) Its known to skip a generation but i think it was hitting my father who had died at 76. I know I'd never know it tho you should sense some change in mind....At 59 with chemobrain I know something's changed,I know my mind isn't what it was back in May.who knows but I really did fear Alzheimers more than cancer but hadn't thought about that in quite some time till I saw brief newsitem on TV....This is one tough battle against an enemy that never seems to tire ...steve
  • lcarper2
    lcarper2 Member Posts: 635 Member
    I have CRSS cant remember s--t cyndrom lol
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member


    That's so funny! :o)