What Craig's Christmas Package Meant to Me - It's My Turn Now

Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well, I've heard from you what receiving the Christmas CD meant to each of you - now it's my turn to tell you what it really meant to me...

I was trying to think of a "universal gift" that I could give to everyone, where the gift would be the same and everyone would still love it - no small task as you know. Everyone loves Christmas music at the holidays and the idea was born.

I put together the "classics" that we all grew up with, sung by the great artists of the day. Even today, they evoke such emotions and take us all back to a simpler time in our lives when we were just kids enjoying the most "magic" time of the year. Part of the gift was to transport us back to those wonderful times when things were so simple and traditional and had such extra meaning - and long before the days of having cancer and worrying about tomorrow.

What I wanted to achieve was to first, SURPRISE you all! As I get older, I find fewer and fewer things that actually are a surprise in life anymore, but I still had this surprise left in my tool bag to give you - so I did and it was wonderful.

After the surprise wore off, the next thing I wanted from this was for you to be HAPPY for just a few minutes of the holidays and to let you all know that I was thinking about each of you out there. I wanted you to have a smile on your face - joy in your heart - and laughter in your voice. I tried to imagine your reactions as you opened the card and found the "autographed" picture with the music CD and what you felt when you first heard the music play.

I know so many of you have had such a rough year fighting your battles, so I just wanted to lighen your load and brighten your hope for a few moments this holiday season, so your mind could just relax and enjoy that moment for what it was meant for - I think I did that from what I read. I could not take all of your troubles away, so I thought that this would represent me being a tiny part of your holidays and for you to know that I cared about you.

The thing I really found amazing was how many "transformations" took place as a result of the gift of Christmas music. Time and time again, I read how pity parties became wonderful tree decorating parties, how husbands were in bad moods, but instantly changed when the music played, how kids were running to the mailboxes in anticipation, how couples began dancing around, singing and laughing and carrying on, how one couple listened to it over and over on their trips to their clinical trial, how a sister wanted to give this gift to her sister for her unselfish and caring ways, etc.etc - all from a SINGLE CD and the loving thought behind it.

So, perhaps this was the gift of "MAGIC." Because it certainly had some healing properties and I felt it from the responses that you gave back to me. Truly heartwarming stories and the gratification that I helped make a difference in some of your lives - if only for a moment, that was enough for me.

From my own perspective, I found that each one of YOU are my GIFT :)

I wanted nothing in return and got back a stocking stuffed with your feelings and I think it's very hard to fake real feelings. I believe you all meant what you said to me and it made me feel so good to be able to give you a little surpirse, a little something extra for all that you have gone through as Patients and CareGivers in 2009.

Santa immediately "deputized" me Santa Craig to help him out with making these packages and getting them where they needed to go.

All in all, I made up "45" special packages and sent them as far away as England, to our sister, Sonia. And several more went across the border into Canada to Kathy (luvinlife2) and Canada Sue, and Canada Rob. I hope you guys have gotten yours by now. We also said "Aloha" and "Mele Kalikimaka" to our Hawaiian family members...and we winged it from Wyoming, Arizona, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas, the Carolinas and up to New Hampshire and all the other states in between HO HO HOing all the way. I want to thank everyone who provided me addresses so that I could send you a card and card stuffer this year and hope that you will enjoy it for years to come. Thank you so very much for being a part of Craig's Christmas Project this year - it was a huge success and very uplifting.

Thanks everyone for keeping it such a secret too! It was fun to see people trying to figure out "what this was." I saw people's mind again redirected off of their Cancer and their worries and just having fun being themselves. That was truly special as well. And thank you again for sharing your touching, heartwarming stories with me and the Board - that's the spirit in which this "gift" was given to you.

And lastly, this was so meaningful for me to give you that this year, because of one very simple thing - I'm still ALIVE to be able to do it for you.

Why is this important?

Because, I will never forget Christmas 2007, before my liver surgery, where 3 different doctors told me "it is highly unlikely that you will live to see another Christmas."

It's Christmas 2009 now, which if I'm adding right is 2 more years than any of them gave me hope for - they pissed me off that day and I said under my breath, "Ol' Craig will just show all of you!" And I did.

The moral of the story:
Be grateful for each minute we are given, that is a real gift. Be a blessing and give of yourself to others, that is another real gift. And DO NOT listen to every thing your doctor, or 3 doctors tell you about your prognosis - had I listened to them, there would be no CD under your tree or in your changer this year and I would have never known any of you - and that would have been a tragedy - instead you are my gift this year and you will keep on giving to me and the others in your life for a very long time...and that is the REAL GIFT!

Happiest Holiday 2009!


  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    love you

    love you
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    What a blessing you are to all of us...Thanks for being you and thanks for being here!!

    God Bless you

  • Julie 44
    Julie 44 Member Posts: 476 Member
    dorookie said:

    What a blessing you are to all of us...Thanks for being you and thanks for being here!!

    God Bless you


    Craig you made me cry!!!! You have such a way with words are you sure you are not a author??? I think you should be lol lol ...Thank You for all of your support and wisdom throught our journey..I know I speak for alot of people we are certainly glad that you didn't listen to those 3 doctors because this world would be a darker place without you my friend!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays...JULIE
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Julie 44 said:

    Craig you made me cry!!!! You have such a way with words are you sure you are not a author??? I think you should be lol lol ...Thank You for all of your support and wisdom throught our journey..I know I speak for alot of people we are certainly glad that you didn't listen to those 3 doctors because this world would be a darker place without you my friend!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays...JULIE

    Brother Lion...
    You are a ray of sunshine in my life, and a huge inspiration for me. I took your autographed pic, and taped it on my mirror on my dresser in my bedroom, next to my family's pics, because now, when I wake up, I can look over and see you all there on my mirror, and thinking, God has blessed me with another day, I'm still here, and all because of my God, My Family, My brothers and sisters on this board, and it will stay there! I wish I had pics of you all sent to me, so I can tape it on my mirror, alongside next to my kids and hubby :)

    It's great to wake up to those pics :)

    Hugsss and Lots of Love Lion!!!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    You are truly amazing. For all the inspiration, encouragement, kind words, talents, thoughtfulness, caring, oh I could go on and on. When God made you, He sure made a gem. I want to thank you again for your generous gift. It is so great to listen too - at any time of the year. Merry Christmas friend.

  • JDuke
    JDuke Member Posts: 438

    You are truly amazing. For all the inspiration, encouragement, kind words, talents, thoughtfulness, caring, oh I could go on and on. When God made you, He sure made a gem. I want to thank you again for your generous gift. It is so great to listen too - at any time of the year. Merry Christmas friend.


    Thank you twice
    First, I would like to say thank-you again for including me as one of the recipients of your wonderful "gift". Your "gift" is more than the Christmas CD (which I have enjoyed so much), it is also your caring and unselfish heart. I know that I speak for many when I say that you have on many, many occasions lifted our spirits and got us hope focused when we were wavering.

    Second, I would like to tell you thank you for making me feel so much better right this minute. I came to the board tonight because I have a repeat PET and 3 level CT tomorrow to check out this liver met. It has been 2 months since the last scan I have spent today feeling very anxious about what else may show-up that wasn't visible or wasn't there 60 days ago. Seems seeking a second opinion has taken so much time. Before I started typing my post, I read this post and what the Drs. told you two years ago. You are such an inspiration. It made me feel stronger about dealing with tommorrow. You have a gift, and you are a gift.

    May you and your wife enjoy a Christmas blessed with love, laughter and memorable moments.
    Warmest regards,
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    So "you"
    Hi, Craig.

    It's so "you" that you have given us a gift and yet claim to have received a gift from our reaction to it. What a rare and beautiful man you are!!

    Thank you for your wonderful contributions to our board and to our lives.

    I'm so glad you're still here enjoying Christmases with us!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    you showed them!

    Thank you for all of your beautiful sentiments! It's great reading what you wrote about how what they told you (about not living to see another Christmas) ticked you off and you said you'd show them- and you did! People need that fighting spirit! It just goes to show that NO ONE knows what's going to happen to anyone and we may all still be around for a long time to come!!

    Merry Christmas Craig and everyone else here on the board!!!!

  • khl8
    khl8 Member Posts: 807
    tootsie1 said:

    So "you"
    Hi, Craig.

    It's so "you" that you have given us a gift and yet claim to have received a gift from our reaction to it. What a rare and beautiful man you are!!

    Thank you for your wonderful contributions to our board and to our lives.

    I'm so glad you're still here enjoying Christmases with us!


    You are not Santa
    You are an Angel....

  • SandyL
    SandyL Member Posts: 218
    lisa42 said:

    you showed them!

    Thank you for all of your beautiful sentiments! It's great reading what you wrote about how what they told you (about not living to see another Christmas) ticked you off and you said you'd show them- and you did! People need that fighting spirit! It just goes to show that NO ONE knows what's going to happen to anyone and we may all still be around for a long time to come!!

    Merry Christmas Craig and everyone else here on the board!!!!


    Craig! you are one awesome fellow for sure. Brave and sensitive. Thanks for being here for us.
  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    Your gift

    Your gift of the CD is a gift I will cherish always, a long with your friendship! I love Christmas music, and especially the older ones!

    Merry Christmas and all the best in the coming year to both you and Kim!


  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    You have a gift
    Craig.. you have a gift of love for people and you do so good at shairing it. I hope you see it as a gift

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    what else can I say except"I
    what else can I say except"I love you".
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    CD Arrived today!
    Thanks Craig,

    What a great Christmas selection! I'm just listening to it. "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"! Yes, these are the great tunes from my childhood! My girls are going to love this one! We'll be dancing to Christmas tunes tonight!

    Thank you so much Craig. You truly "gladden my heart"!

    Rob; in Vancouver

    "Life is short, and we do not have long to gladden the hearts of those who walk the way with us. So let us be quick to love, and make haste to show kindness!" Henri Amiel
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    robinvan said:

    CD Arrived today!
    Thanks Craig,

    What a great Christmas selection! I'm just listening to it. "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"! Yes, these are the great tunes from my childhood! My girls are going to love this one! We'll be dancing to Christmas tunes tonight!

    Thank you so much Craig. You truly "gladden my heart"!

    Rob; in Vancouver

    "Life is short, and we do not have long to gladden the hearts of those who walk the way with us. So let us be quick to love, and make haste to show kindness!" Henri Amiel

    Good - My 1st Mailings to Canada!
    Hi Rob

    Hope this message finds you well as can be - I've had you on my mind wondering if you had received the package yet - I was hoping to hear from you and so glad to see that you got it in time for the holidays! I feel much better now and can relax.

    I just talked to Canada Sue 2 nights ago and she had just gotten hers too!

    So, it takes a long time to get packages from Texas to Canada it seems - it's the first time I've ever mailed International before - very unique experience.

    I mailed the Canada run a couple of weeks ago so now I know how much time is needed - good thing I jumped on it so you would have it in time.

    Makes me wonder about Sonia - I mailed her one to England and am wondering if she got hers - I'd like to pick her spirit up for a minute too - I'll just wait to hear from her.

    So, I knew an old "Southern Boy" like you would love this CD and hope you and your family will really enjoy it for years to come - gonna' be some good music in the Pollock household tonight, and probably in many others Semis; homes too as well as their hearts.

    If you think I gladden your heart, well you and the group return the favor 10-fold.

    Take care and it was so good hearing from you!

    -Santa Craig
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    One Last Thought :)
    Thank YOU Semis;

    For having me into your homes this year...as well as your hearts this year :)

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    One Last Thought :)
    Thank YOU Semis;

    For having me into your homes this year...as well as your hearts this year :)


    No Thank you
    for being here to share this Christmas with us ALL.
