Attn Chemo Chicks... have you wrapped yet?

Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I usually have a marathon of wrapping the weekend before Christmas and I fair through it quite well. I found that I had to take probably a 5-10 minute break after every present I wrapped and now I am sooooo sore! God, what I wouldn't do to be back in shape! Thankfully I haven't had many side effects but tonight was a real eye opener that I am not at all myself. "What a wonderful time of the year" (to be on chemo... UGHHH!)


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    I know what you mean.It's
    I know what you mean.It's hard to keep up with everything.
  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    Kat11 said:

    I know what you mean.It's
    I know what you mean.It's hard to keep up with everything.

    Im done
    I suckered my mom into doing it for me last time she was here for my chemo treatment! She likes doing it and does a much better job. I still have a few left but she will be here Wednesday, LOL!! Moms are great..
  • Whoknowz
    Whoknowz Member Posts: 82
    Trying to finish
    I feel your chagrin over the needed rest periods. It's maddening. I'm trying to get everything finished today. I have chemo tomorrow so I want everything ready. It's been a different sort of Christmas season that's for sure!

    Happy wrapping!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I don't quite know what to
    I don't quite know what to say...this has seriously never happend to me before! The house is pretty, the lights are up, the tree is lovely, but there is NOT ONE PRESENT under the tree! Neither Reggie nor I have even gone Christmas shopping, and honestly, I don't even have any ideas about what to buy! I usually buy online, as I truly ABHOR shopping~ Retail therapy for me would probably send me into actual therapy! But now, with no ideas floating like sugarplums in my head, I have just not "gone there". I don't even have a gift for my sweet Reggie. I can scarely believe that. But its true...sigh

  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    wrapped ? I have yet to buy!~
    too much goings on!
    I will do the best I can during the week, We have a major snow storm in MA
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    Lynda53 said:

    wrapped ? I have yet to buy!~
    too much goings on!
    I will do the best I can during the week, We have a major snow storm in MA

    I finished what shopping I'm doing yesterday morning before the snow hit. Now I have to wrap it all. I didn't put up a tree this year--couldn't deal with it but did decorate a bit around the house. As with many of you I took a financial hit with medical bills so I asked a friend if we could not exchange gifts this year. She said the best thing...I was her present because I was still here. Cried like a baby. Through this journey you really find out who your friends are.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Haven't started
    WraPping, and I'm not done shopping either. First chemo was Wednesday, so I already planned on taking this week off. I'm not having terrible SE's so I hope to be up to getting stuff done over the next few days. My mom is in town and dying to help with something, so I'll probably let her drive me around shopping and maybe she will help wrap too. I normally enjoy wrapping but any little thing is bigger these days. I'll probably end up buying more gift cards than I usually do, but I just refuse to worry about everything being perfect this year.

    Hang in there, ladies! We'll get through this !
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256

    Haven't started
    WraPping, and I'm not done shopping either. First chemo was Wednesday, so I already planned on taking this week off. I'm not having terrible SE's so I hope to be up to getting stuff done over the next few days. My mom is in town and dying to help with something, so I'll probably let her drive me around shopping and maybe she will help wrap too. I normally enjoy wrapping but any little thing is bigger these days. I'll probably end up buying more gift cards than I usually do, but I just refuse to worry about everything being perfect this year.

    Hang in there, ladies! We'll get through this !

    Personal Elf
    My daughter has been my personal elf. She has done an amazing job. The only things I had to go and buy was her gifts. She helped me wrap everything. I only have her things and a few odds and ends and I am done. As I speak the tree is brightly light, my 16 year old son has his ipod playing Christmas music and is sitting across the room on his laptop while I am on mine. Hubby is reading us the internet news from the PC. Today has been all Christmasy and we are just in enjoy each other mode. My son and his family are in town visiting and will be back soon from visiting other relatives. My daughter will be popping in any minute and they will pull out board games...the quiet will turn to the best kind of competitive chaos! I am loving this Christmas.

    My best wishes that you all find special moments with your special people.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    Haven't started
    WraPping, and I'm not done shopping either. First chemo was Wednesday, so I already planned on taking this week off. I'm not having terrible SE's so I hope to be up to getting stuff done over the next few days. My mom is in town and dying to help with something, so I'll probably let her drive me around shopping and maybe she will help wrap too. I normally enjoy wrapping but any little thing is bigger these days. I'll probably end up buying more gift cards than I usually do, but I just refuse to worry about everything being perfect this year.

    Hang in there, ladies! We'll get through this !

    I haven't finished shopping either will finish this week--of course.
    Helped a friend today wrap gifts for her two kids--2 hours of wrapping at her house.

    Santa only brings her kids one big gift and the rest are from mom and dad.
    At my house Santa brings a few and then mom brings some.

    I will do all my wrapping on Thursday when Jake is with his dad.

  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Sher43009 said:

    I finished what shopping I'm doing yesterday morning before the snow hit. Now I have to wrap it all. I didn't put up a tree this year--couldn't deal with it but did decorate a bit around the house. As with many of you I took a financial hit with medical bills so I asked a friend if we could not exchange gifts this year. She said the best thing...I was her present because I was still here. Cried like a baby. Through this journey you really find out who your friends are.

    Oh I sooo agree!
    Friends I thought were true friends, weren't. Or at the very least, they don't know how to deal with it. One of my most recent friends, turned out to be the best I've ever had. "Everything happens for a reason" and even if we have to go on this rough journey, it helps us weed out what's most important and precious in our lives.

    Chen, this holiday has become much too commercial. It's a shame that we can't just enjoy the 'reason for the season' and not be stressed out over buying!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I haven't finished shopping either will finish this week--of course.
    Helped a friend today wrap gifts for her two kids--2 hours of wrapping at her house.

    Santa only brings her kids one big gift and the rest are from mom and dad.
    At my house Santa brings a few and then mom brings some.

    I will do all my wrapping on Thursday when Jake is with his dad.


    Well, just finished my chemo treatments .. 16
    weeks .. straight .. Tuesday, 12/15. Mailed out Christmas cards today, not many. No decorations, or tree up. No energy, spent the past 3 plus weeks in bed, just to finish my chemo treatments.

    Christmas gifts purchased weeks ago, now wrapped by my husband and kids. My husband will go out to Home Depot today with our daughter and purchase a christmas tree, and we will decorate all together tonight.. or shall I say, I will sit and point, while the family decorates .. no energy, but I am fighting to stay strong and MERRY.

    Going to my sister's house - where I can take naps when I get tired. Not cooking this year, just taking 4 Marie CAllendar pie's to my sister's home.

    All I want for Christmas is 'SCALP' hair ..

    Love, Peace and Strength to all,

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I, too, have to admit that
    I, too, have to admit that this year in my household is different than in years past. The general attitude this year is "don't sweat it". What can get done, will and what doesn't get done, won't. Luckily, I don't have small children and therefore can get away with more than those of you with little ones. My goal this year is to get through my treatments. I finished chemo on 10/15 and will finish radiation on Monday, 12/28. I never throught I'd get here but here I am. I have bought a few presents for my family but haven't wrapped anything. I will go out to finish some shopping hopefully tomorrow after work. Then, I'll get the wrapping done. Worst bags. They are very easy!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    I, too, have to admit that
    I, too, have to admit that this year in my household is different than in years past. The general attitude this year is "don't sweat it". What can get done, will and what doesn't get done, won't. Luckily, I don't have small children and therefore can get away with more than those of you with little ones. My goal this year is to get through my treatments. I finished chemo on 10/15 and will finish radiation on Monday, 12/28. I never throught I'd get here but here I am. I have bought a few presents for my family but haven't wrapped anything. I will go out to finish some shopping hopefully tomorrow after work. Then, I'll get the wrapping done. Worst bags. They are very easy!

    I still have all the
    I still have all the wrapping but think husband will do most of it. I have no energy. This will be a different Christmas as well. Dont know what I think of it, but our theme is the bill Belechek saying "what is" I will miss geting together with family but cannot do it. congrats to all who have finished. Great accomplishment.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    carkris said:

    I still have all the
    I still have all the wrapping but think husband will do most of it. I have no energy. This will be a different Christmas as well. Dont know what I think of it, but our theme is the bill Belechek saying "what is" I will miss geting together with family but cannot do it. congrats to all who have finished. Great accomplishment.

    THANK goodness for my daughter
    who likes to wrap each gift as we get it. So when we have a lot of gifts we just turn on the Christmas music, flop on the floor and wrapathon together. What kills me is how the scissors/ tape/ markers seem to disappear all the time! At least it makes one of us get up occasionally and move around.
    MERRY CHRISTMAS Ya'll! from Fla!