Anyone change chemo half way through

JynxPhD Member Posts: 11
Has anyone changed chemo regimes half way through treatment because the tumor response lessened? My husband was getting ABVD and had 50% reduction in tumor size (Hodgkin's) after 2 months but has since only had 10% reduction in the last 2 months. What are our options? Will different chemo work or will he need to get a SCT in your opinions based on your experiences?


  • donald51
    donald51 Member Posts: 62
    Anyone change chemo half way through
    That could be an option. There are also other treatments (drugs) available for patients that do not respond well or at all to another treatment. Thanks to today’s medical technology we now have treatments that are cancer specific. You do not have to rely on conventional treatments anymore. There are also clinical trials available. Some good info can be found here > Good luck!
    Stay Strong and Positive†