Anyone Else Having Problems with "Online Cancer Survey"?



  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Noel said:

    No logging in?
    You have it set up where you don't have to sign in Mimi? How? That would be great.

    I hope that Judy got her pop up quiz to go away. That would be annoying.

    ♥ Noel

    Well, I have tried
    Well, I have tried everything you all have suggested, and this morning when I came to my computer, I had left the cancer board open from last night. All I did was refresh, and up pops this darn survey. Guess I will call my computer "guru" and have him come take a look. It is just so annoying when things like this creep into your computer. Hugs.

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Noel said:

    No logging in?
    You have it set up where you don't have to sign in Mimi? How? That would be great.

    I hope that Judy got her pop up quiz to go away. That would be annoying.

    ♥ Noel

    Someone who is better at computers needs to explain this. But it has to do with your computer's security settings, I think. I have mine set up so that whenever I sign into a site that requires a username and password, my computer asks me if it should remember the sign-in information for me. If I click "yes" it retains that information and I no longer have to sign in when I go to that site. I hope someone can come along and tell you how to actually go in and do that...
