Merry Christmas Lisa42!

usakat Member Posts: 610 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello Lisa,

I've been keeping you steadfastly in my prayers. How are you doing with Dr. Cantrell's treatment? I hope with the fewer side effects of his chemo and with the Spirit of the season growing, you are feeling well. Let us know how you are.

Hugs to you, Lisa! And as always, endless blessings to you.....


  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Katie!
    Thank you, Katie for the well wishes and prayers! I'm just getting going for the day- it's only 11:30 a.m.! I gave myself the first interferon injection last night at 8:00. I still felt fine when I went to bed at 11:30. Then during the night, I awakened with chills and chattering teeth- looked at the clock at it was 1 a.m.- so it took 5 hours for those side effects to kick in. The chills lasted about an hour and a half then I fell back to sleep. Woke up at 6 this morning to get kids up and going for school, then went back to bed again. I still have a slight fever and headache. Supposedly, it will be like this for 2-3 weeks (with days of feeling fine in between), then my body is supposed to get used to it and then the side effects will supposedly be very minimal. I suppose I can handle this with the thoughts and hope that this will do in the cancer! I tried to get most of my Christmas shopping done Saturday, but the malls don't have shopping carts & I couldn't carry any more. So, I still need to shop for the men in my life- husband,son, brother, and stepdad. The men are more difficult to shop for- do you find that to be the case? Mom, mother in law,two sisters in law, and my own two girls are easy!
    Anyhow, I'll get it done one way or another this week.
    I go for 8 weeks on this routine of daily Lovastatin and interferon injections 3x a week, then the week of Feb. 8th, I'll get another scan to see what's happening. Waiting will be tough, but then we're all used to having to wait for results, aren't we?

    Thanks again for checking on me! I wish you the very best and a Merry Christmas, as well!

    XO Lisa