Sonny -Checking in with Radiation Treatment Updates

WHW Member Posts: 189
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Greetings to all,

It's been a while since my last post. Hope you all will forgive me. Needed a little break and things have been a little busy on the home front.

Thought I might update those that have been following along with Lynn and my travels down the cancer path.

Just a little memory jogger on why Lynn and I are both going through radiation at the same time.

Lynn has Multiple Myeloma Cancer. She was diagnosed with a plasmacytoma recently on her skull near the brain stem and it was causing some problems with her vision. I went through da Vinci on September 17th and none of my following PSA tests came back as undetectable. The 30 day test was .4, 3 weeks later .53 and two weeks after that, just before radiation began it was .6.

Today I completed IG/IMRT treatment #9 of 35. Tomorrow will end my second week and so far (hear me knocking on wood) there have been no side effects and no issues with the treatment. The folks at MD Anderson Orlando are a well oiled machine. I am receiving my treatments on a TOMO Hi-ART machine. It is an all-in-one machine for alignment and delivery of radiation. I lie down in the table, they line up the tattoos on my hips and abs with the lasers and slide me in for a CT to check alignment. Once the calibrations have been done, I slide through for a second time for delivery of the radiation. Start to finish, 14 minutes.

Lynn completed #11 of 13 today. She is doing well, except for the issues caused by her taking steroids. The are making her face swell and the mask they made to hold her down for the rad treatments is getting more than a little snug. When she comes out she looks like the kid who had his nose pressed up against the screen door too long. Her entire face has these little squares impressed into her skin and it takes about 30 minutes before they go away. She says that with only 2 to go she will get through some how. I told her to take a little can of Crisco with her tomorrow as a joke and tell the techs she felt sorry for them and the work they have to do to get the mask on.

So there you have it. All is going well in the Wolfe household.

I'll be checking back in with an update on the rad treatments. I am posting this info for those that may follow in my footsteps down the Radiation Treatment Path in their battles with the beast known as PCa.

Blessings to all of you and your families,


61 years old
PSA 11/07 3.0
PSA 5/09 6.4
Diagnosis confirmed July 9, 2009
12 Needle Biopsy = 9 clear , 3 postive
<5%, 90%, 40%
Gleason Score (3+4) 7 in all positive cores
CT Organ Scan - negative
Nuclear Bone Scan - Negative
da Vinci 9/17/09
Post Surgery Pathology:
Gleason: Changed to (4+3) = 7
Stage: T3a
Tumor Volume 12.5%
NERVES SPARED-positive margin, extra-prostatic extension
30 day PSA 0.4, 50 day psa 0.53, 64 day psa 0.6
IMRT scheduled to begin Nov 30,2009 (74 days post surgery)


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  • spottydog10
    spottydog10 Member Posts: 73
    Hi Sonny,
    Glad to hear from

    Hi Sonny,
    Glad to hear from you, I was getting a bit worried thgere for a minute.
    Great that Lynn has only 2 more to go and you seem to be taking the rad fine.
    Lots of luck
  • spottydog10
    spottydog10 Member Posts: 73
    Hi Sonny,
    Glad to hear from

    Hi Sonny,
    Glad to hear from you, I was getting a bit worried thgere for a minute.
    Great that Lynn has only 2 more to go and you seem to be taking the rad fine.
    Lots of luck
  • gkoper
    gkoper Member Posts: 173
    It appears Sonny that we are walking the same path. Both Davinci "failures" and current (#29 today of 37 for me) IMRT out patients.

    I started radiation with a .7 psa. So far no side effects. Has not affected my quality of life as did Davinci. The Ocala, Fl. Boissoneault clinic has been flawless in my and out in 20 minutes.

    Merry Christmas & a LOWER psa result to you all.:-)
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    Sonny good to see you back!
    Wish you two success in the latest treatment regime so both are cured!

    Randy in Indy
  • LBlanks
    LBlanks Member Posts: 44
    Good To Hear Back

    Thanks for updating us on your progress. Keep up the positive attitude. We know it's hard with everything that's going on.

  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169
    Have been reading your posts -
    I was pointed at this site by a support group, and have been following you and the crew since August. I had DaVinci in October, and am also on the list for radiation (44 sessions starting in late February), but then they knew that before the DaVinci (I had 9 of 12 biopsies with 4+3 or 4+4, and a path report of 4+5, multiple positive margins).

    I was wondering where you were - finally decided to register and wade in with what I've "learned". In the process of putting out altogether too many comments I noticed this post.

    My best to you and Lynn. I'm just a bit behind you on the path.
  • qjenxu
    qjenxu Member Posts: 19
    Sonny, glad everything went well
    haven't see you on other site and wondering how you and your wife doint. Came here and be happy to know you guys are doing good.

    Wish you and your family have a wonderful holiday!



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