Hives side effect of tamoxifen?

pattimc Member Posts: 431
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've been on Tamoxifen for 4 months. My onco put me on it before chemo because I wasn't sure if I was going to do chemo or not. When I decided to do chemo, he left me on Tamoxifen because other than a few night sweats I was doing fine on it. I started chemo (cytoxen and taxotere) and after the first treatment I had a few big deal as they went away. After my last treatment, I've had them pretty much everyday. So I blamed it on the taxotere. They put me steroids and they "sort of" went away. Started radiation and now I have them every day to the point that I scratch so much I bruise! They put me on steroids again and it didn't help. I take Allegra everyday, use Benydryl lotion and still have them. They are blaming the hives on stress which I can understand. I googled hives and tamoxifen and it said it can be a side effect. Has anyone else on Tamoxifen suffered with hives? How did you treat them short of going off Tamoxifen?

Thanks for any help!


  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Pattimac,
    I've been on

    Hi Pattimac,
    I've been on Tamoxifen only one month. I have not had hives from it. But I have an autoimmune disease (leukocytoclastic vasculitis) that causes hives whenever my immune system is taxed. Oddly, what 'taxes' my immune system is not germs. I break out when I take certain drugs: Sulfa, and most recently Flagl. I even broke out when I took Airborne (the immune booster you dissolve in a cup of water) before flying. Benedryl usually takes care of it, but years ago, before it was diagnosed, my doc prescribed 3 things: Zantac, Zyrtec, and Singular. It'a a three-drug protocol. Through an accident I discovered it was the Zyrtec that was keeping the hives suppressed successfully. Months later a biopsy of one of the lesions showed I had leukocytoclastic vasculitis, not just simple hives. Don't know if you'll find this helpful or not...
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    I had gotten hives not too long after starting tamox. I brought it to my onc's attention and he took me off of it for a little while,though he didn't think it was because of it.It was strange because my hives came and went around the same time on occasional evenings!
    After some time he put me back on it and I never had a problem again-so go figure...?
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    crselby said:

    Hi Pattimac,
    I've been on

    Hi Pattimac,
    I've been on Tamoxifen only one month. I have not had hives from it. But I have an autoimmune disease (leukocytoclastic vasculitis) that causes hives whenever my immune system is taxed. Oddly, what 'taxes' my immune system is not germs. I break out when I take certain drugs: Sulfa, and most recently Flagl. I even broke out when I took Airborne (the immune booster you dissolve in a cup of water) before flying. Benedryl usually takes care of it, but years ago, before it was diagnosed, my doc prescribed 3 things: Zantac, Zyrtec, and Singular. It'a a three-drug protocol. Through an accident I discovered it was the Zyrtec that was keeping the hives suppressed successfully. Months later a biopsy of one of the lesions showed I had leukocytoclastic vasculitis, not just simple hives. Don't know if you'll find this helpful or not...

    i developed acme type
    of reaction after I have been on Tamoxifen for 9 months. So far I have not find a cure for this. I tried benadryl, steroid cream, and diet changes., Nothing has helped. I have not seen Dermatologist yet.
    Please let us knowif you find treatment for your conditions
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hello.we so need to talk.I had taken two treatments of cytoxen and taxotere.* days after the second treatment I broke out in hives.Starting from my head down.It was evening when i started breaking out.A few hours later it kept getting worse.I kept taking cool showers and it would help for a little while.but come back,some of the hives was as big as 50cent pieces.All over the back of my arms.with in a few hours the itching was so bad it was unbearable.I went to the emergency room.they gave me a IV with benodrle,steroids and 2other drugs.They also gave me a shot. It let up by the time I was leaving the hospital it was breaking out again.Several trips to my Cancer Dr.She gave me a allergy pk.That helped a little.It has been about 6weeks now and i still break out.I used every anti itch cream,lotion you could think of.If I don,t take an allargy pill every day i start itching.I will wake up itching.I don,t wear my wig much because if my head breaks out in hives.The wig iratates it.The Dr. said I had a delayed allergic reaction to the taxotere.I see her again in two weeks if I can wait that long.i would think it would be gone by now.I have found out also that about every week I have to use a different allergy medicine.Then a couple weeks later I can use it again.Its horrible I know.I am begining to think I am going to have to live with this problem.I have tryed different soaps lotions,anything that could be doing this.And nothing helps it seams.She stopped my chemo and I am half way done with radiation.The first night I had it was the worse I thought I would itch to death.Two days later I woke up and my face and hands was swelled about 3 times their size and my hands itched horible.My fase has never broke out in hives though.Now i feel like a hot flush where ever it is breaking out.Then when I scratch it it turns real red.Please let me know how your doing.Maybe we can help each other.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    ppurdin said:

    Hello.we so need to talk.I had taken two treatments of cytoxen and taxotere.* days after the second treatment I broke out in hives.Starting from my head down.It was evening when i started breaking out.A few hours later it kept getting worse.I kept taking cool showers and it would help for a little while.but come back,some of the hives was as big as 50cent pieces.All over the back of my arms.with in a few hours the itching was so bad it was unbearable.I went to the emergency room.they gave me a IV with benodrle,steroids and 2other drugs.They also gave me a shot. It let up by the time I was leaving the hospital it was breaking out again.Several trips to my Cancer Dr.She gave me a allergy pk.That helped a little.It has been about 6weeks now and i still break out.I used every anti itch cream,lotion you could think of.If I don,t take an allargy pill every day i start itching.I will wake up itching.I don,t wear my wig much because if my head breaks out in hives.The wig iratates it.The Dr. said I had a delayed allergic reaction to the taxotere.I see her again in two weeks if I can wait that long.i would think it would be gone by now.I have found out also that about every week I have to use a different allergy medicine.Then a couple weeks later I can use it again.Its horrible I know.I am begining to think I am going to have to live with this problem.I have tryed different soaps lotions,anything that could be doing this.And nothing helps it seams.She stopped my chemo and I am half way done with radiation.The first night I had it was the worse I thought I would itch to death.Two days later I woke up and my face and hands was swelled about 3 times their size and my hands itched horible.My fase has never broke out in hives though.Now i feel like a hot flush where ever it is breaking out.Then when I scratch it it turns real red.Please let me know how your doing.Maybe we can help each other.Love and Prayers.(Pat).

    Oh Pat I'm so sorry you have
    Oh Pat I'm so sorry you have this. I broke out with itchy skin from my 2nd herceptin and put aloe gel on it which helped. The rad nurse recommended Aveeno oatmeal bath that helped as well. Hope it clears up soon.
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    ppurdin said:

    Hello.we so need to talk.I had taken two treatments of cytoxen and taxotere.* days after the second treatment I broke out in hives.Starting from my head down.It was evening when i started breaking out.A few hours later it kept getting worse.I kept taking cool showers and it would help for a little while.but come back,some of the hives was as big as 50cent pieces.All over the back of my arms.with in a few hours the itching was so bad it was unbearable.I went to the emergency room.they gave me a IV with benodrle,steroids and 2other drugs.They also gave me a shot. It let up by the time I was leaving the hospital it was breaking out again.Several trips to my Cancer Dr.She gave me a allergy pk.That helped a little.It has been about 6weeks now and i still break out.I used every anti itch cream,lotion you could think of.If I don,t take an allargy pill every day i start itching.I will wake up itching.I don,t wear my wig much because if my head breaks out in hives.The wig iratates it.The Dr. said I had a delayed allergic reaction to the taxotere.I see her again in two weeks if I can wait that long.i would think it would be gone by now.I have found out also that about every week I have to use a different allergy medicine.Then a couple weeks later I can use it again.Its horrible I know.I am begining to think I am going to have to live with this problem.I have tryed different soaps lotions,anything that could be doing this.And nothing helps it seams.She stopped my chemo and I am half way done with radiation.The first night I had it was the worse I thought I would itch to death.Two days later I woke up and my face and hands was swelled about 3 times their size and my hands itched horible.My fase has never broke out in hives though.Now i feel like a hot flush where ever it is breaking out.Then when I scratch it it turns real red.Please let me know how your doing.Maybe we can help each other.Love and Prayers.(Pat).

    Wow, Pat....
    You have them way worse than I do! I've never had my hands swell but they have itched. I talked to the onco nurse yesterday and they have taken me off the tamoxifen for a week to see if that helps. The radiation nurse also gave me a cream called Miaderm to try. They want me to try Benadryl every day instead of the Allegra I was taking. I know this has nothing to do with anything I'm wearing or eating because nothing there has changed. I do think because my body has been in such stress with surgeries, medications, chemo and radiation that hopefully when this is all over, they will go away. If not, I'm liable to go crazy with the itching!

    Thanks for the responses....they've been very helpful.

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    pattimc said:

    Wow, Pat....
    You have them way worse than I do! I've never had my hands swell but they have itched. I talked to the onco nurse yesterday and they have taken me off the tamoxifen for a week to see if that helps. The radiation nurse also gave me a cream called Miaderm to try. They want me to try Benadryl every day instead of the Allegra I was taking. I know this has nothing to do with anything I'm wearing or eating because nothing there has changed. I do think because my body has been in such stress with surgeries, medications, chemo and radiation that hopefully when this is all over, they will go away. If not, I'm liable to go crazy with the itching!

    Thanks for the responses....they've been very helpful.


    Hoping that the meds work
    Hoping that the meds work and you get rid of the hives Patti!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    pattimc said:

    Wow, Pat....
    You have them way worse than I do! I've never had my hands swell but they have itched. I talked to the onco nurse yesterday and they have taken me off the tamoxifen for a week to see if that helps. The radiation nurse also gave me a cream called Miaderm to try. They want me to try Benadryl every day instead of the Allegra I was taking. I know this has nothing to do with anything I'm wearing or eating because nothing there has changed. I do think because my body has been in such stress with surgeries, medications, chemo and radiation that hopefully when this is all over, they will go away. If not, I'm liable to go crazy with the itching!

    Thanks for the responses....they've been very helpful.


    I been using this lotion where I am getting radiation.21 treatments and no rad. burns yet.It is good stuff.(Pat).