
pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have made the decision after much research on both sides of the fence that I won't be taken Tamoxin after my radiation. I have always geared my aliments with homepathic remedies and I believe there are estrogen blocking alterative, breast cancer specific. I just finished chemo onto radiation, and I have decided to not poison my body any further after radiation. What is anyone else's feeling on this subject?


  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    magic pill
    If someone said, "Your cancer cells feed on a particular substance that spurs their growth, but we have a pill you can take. It specifically targets those cells and sits on their surface, taking the place of the growth-spurring substance, thereby starving just the cancer cells", I would consider that a magic pill. For the small small small chance of bad side effects, I will take this scientifically proven drug. I do not want to mess around with something unproven and let any possibly remaining "bad boys" continue their mischief unabated. Years from now, should I have a recurrance, I can say I fought as good a fight as possible. Since the dx, I have taken other steps to lower my estrogen: no beef, no dairy (I LOVE milk!), more exercise, lose the fat!

    Please know that I am just sharing my decision with you. I am not in any way suggesting your decision is wrong. Oh no no no. I have not walked in your shoes, have not poisoned myself with chemo (thank you Lord), or suffered as you have. You chemo chicks are my heroes for making it through, staying alive, and staying sane! I don't blame you for wanting to be gentle with your body.

    Please share with us the remedies you decide to try and what your oncologist's reaction to all this is. I will say what I have often seen written here: Go with what feels right for you!
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    crselby said:

    magic pill
    If someone said, "Your cancer cells feed on a particular substance that spurs their growth, but we have a pill you can take. It specifically targets those cells and sits on their surface, taking the place of the growth-spurring substance, thereby starving just the cancer cells", I would consider that a magic pill. For the small small small chance of bad side effects, I will take this scientifically proven drug. I do not want to mess around with something unproven and let any possibly remaining "bad boys" continue their mischief unabated. Years from now, should I have a recurrance, I can say I fought as good a fight as possible. Since the dx, I have taken other steps to lower my estrogen: no beef, no dairy (I LOVE milk!), more exercise, lose the fat!

    Please know that I am just sharing my decision with you. I am not in any way suggesting your decision is wrong. Oh no no no. I have not walked in your shoes, have not poisoned myself with chemo (thank you Lord), or suffered as you have. You chemo chicks are my heroes for making it through, staying alive, and staying sane! I don't blame you for wanting to be gentle with your body.

    Please share with us the remedies you decide to try and what your oncologist's reaction to all this is. I will say what I have often seen written here: Go with what feels right for you!

    Thanks.. The alterantive remedy I will be doing is called Flax Hull Lignans. It has been researched heavily for the last 20 yrs. It was a study of hormone related tumors, immune system and heart disease. Been doing some research on my own on this, but the website that has the info on the product I'm currently using and will continue is: www.healthyyounaturally.com.
    Not sure my response of my oncologist, she will probably think I'm nuts. But I going to start healing myself on a "celluar" level and maintain naturally. I believe this stuff has been around a very long time. I think both western medicine and homepathic can be incorporated with good results. I'm going with my gut on this one!!!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    pgrace35 said:

    Thanks.. The alterantive remedy I will be doing is called Flax Hull Lignans. It has been researched heavily for the last 20 yrs. It was a study of hormone related tumors, immune system and heart disease. Been doing some research on my own on this, but the website that has the info on the product I'm currently using and will continue is: www.healthyyounaturally.com.
    Not sure my response of my oncologist, she will probably think I'm nuts. But I going to start healing myself on a "celluar" level and maintain naturally. I believe this stuff has been around a very long time. I think both western medicine and homepathic can be incorporated with good results. I'm going with my gut on this one!!!

    I haven't taken tamox yet either Pgrace, and, I probably won't. For one, look at all of the women on here that took it and still had a recurrence. That in focus, shows me that it doesn't necessarily work. They throw stats at us like it is the gospel. But, who actually benefits from this? Bc survivors, pharmaceutical companies, oncologists, hospitals, who? I am not sure yet, and, until I am, I won't be taking it. And, speaking of stats, the percentage that it would supposedly help me is almost nothing, so I don't think I want the risk of the se's just because. This is only my opinion and it is only my choice. Everyone has to decide for themselves. I wish everyone good luck on it or off of it.

  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    jnl said:

    I haven't taken tamox yet either Pgrace, and, I probably won't. For one, look at all of the women on here that took it and still had a recurrence. That in focus, shows me that it doesn't necessarily work. They throw stats at us like it is the gospel. But, who actually benefits from this? Bc survivors, pharmaceutical companies, oncologists, hospitals, who? I am not sure yet, and, until I am, I won't be taking it. And, speaking of stats, the percentage that it would supposedly help me is almost nothing, so I don't think I want the risk of the se's just because. This is only my opinion and it is only my choice. Everyone has to decide for themselves. I wish everyone good luck on it or off of it.


    I know it will sound strange but I envy how brave this is. I have seen the doctors more in the last few months than in the last 30 years. I have always used natural none drug remedies. I am allergic to dyes and additives so natural became and alternative many decades ago. It has been difficult process to allow all of the chemicals and poisons to be dumped in me over these short while. It is the right decision for me now. But I would have liked to avoided it and gone to an alternate approach. I did not feel I had the knowledge or the numbers to support that decision. Every step we take in this journey is a very personal decision for our battle. We have to feel in our gut that we have the right information and are confident with the weapons we are using. Flax is and has been a mainstay in immune boosting and is very well documented for its benefits in cancer fighting and various immune deficiencies. I wish you all the best on whatever decision you make. Be sure you have researched and discussed this with anyone that can give you insight to consider both pro and con. My prayers and best vibes are with you.

  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    jnl said:

    I haven't taken tamox yet either Pgrace, and, I probably won't. For one, look at all of the women on here that took it and still had a recurrence. That in focus, shows me that it doesn't necessarily work. They throw stats at us like it is the gospel. But, who actually benefits from this? Bc survivors, pharmaceutical companies, oncologists, hospitals, who? I am not sure yet, and, until I am, I won't be taking it. And, speaking of stats, the percentage that it would supposedly help me is almost nothing, so I don't think I want the risk of the se's just because. This is only my opinion and it is only my choice. Everyone has to decide for themselves. I wish everyone good luck on it or off of it.


    You nailed it on the head jnl...That is also my feeling, who does benefit? My feeling is the pharm.companies... they have some sort of deal with the oncologists and hospitals. No one can tell me that this is the ONLY way to stop estrogen, I know there are other options. It will be interesting to see how my oncologists reacts to this. How did yours?
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    always said:

    I know it will sound strange but I envy how brave this is. I have seen the doctors more in the last few months than in the last 30 years. I have always used natural none drug remedies. I am allergic to dyes and additives so natural became and alternative many decades ago. It has been difficult process to allow all of the chemicals and poisons to be dumped in me over these short while. It is the right decision for me now. But I would have liked to avoided it and gone to an alternate approach. I did not feel I had the knowledge or the numbers to support that decision. Every step we take in this journey is a very personal decision for our battle. We have to feel in our gut that we have the right information and are confident with the weapons we are using. Flax is and has been a mainstay in immune boosting and is very well documented for its benefits in cancer fighting and various immune deficiencies. I wish you all the best on whatever decision you make. Be sure you have researched and discussed this with anyone that can give you insight to consider both pro and con. My prayers and best vibes are with you.


    Always... I wish the best for you,this is a scary decision for me, am I making a horrible mistake? I did do chemo and I will do ratiation, but I feel after all that it will be best for me to heal my body so I can battle a reocurrance, I just see tamoxin as the answer.But weighing out the positive with the negatives I'm taking another route. If they could 100% guarentee me that the tamoxin would prevent me from ever getting cancer again, then maybe, but they can't and it's not worth the possible other health issues. Good luck with whatever you do and put in your mind that no matter what is running through you body it is healing you, good or bad.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    pgrace35 said:

    You nailed it on the head jnl...That is also my feeling, who does benefit? My feeling is the pharm.companies... they have some sort of deal with the oncologists and hospitals. No one can tell me that this is the ONLY way to stop estrogen, I know there are other options. It will be interesting to see how my oncologists reacts to this. How did yours?

    My oncologist says yes, I say I am waiting
    Tamoxifen is scary. The side effects strike fear in me. And, they can't guarantee no recurrence on it. I also feel that there are a lot of people making big money off of our fear. You can try to eat better, relieve stress in your life as much as possible, exercise, do lots of other things to promote a healthy life. I have postponed taking it myself. Taking tamox is a personal decision. I don't feel that anyone is right or wrong for taking it or not.

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    DianeBC said:

    My oncologist says yes, I say I am waiting
    Tamoxifen is scary. The side effects strike fear in me. And, they can't guarantee no recurrence on it. I also feel that there are a lot of people making big money off of our fear. You can try to eat better, relieve stress in your life as much as possible, exercise, do lots of other things to promote a healthy life. I have postponed taking it myself. Taking tamox is a personal decision. I don't feel that anyone is right or wrong for taking it or not.

    Hugs, Diane ♥

    Here here
    Thanks Diane...everything thing you said is so true. I have always eaten well,exercise reg. and now I'm doing energy work with this amazing woman, I'm just going to up the ante on my personal care. And it is so true about the people making money on fear, can't agree with you more. As I go through this process I learn that decisions need to be made individually and there is no wrong answer. Have a great day!!
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    Finding the CAUSE, so no one will need a CURE
    I hate that we are manipulated by others using our fears. And women with breast cancer have plenty of THAT. pgrace, if you would like to get your lifestyle ideas into the 'mainstream' of science so that a lot of other women might benefit from them, here is the perfect opportunity. Dr. Susan Love (the author) has a research arm that is combined with The Army of Women organization. They are just now starting a new study that ALL women with breast cancer, of any kind, can participate in. It is EXACTLY the kind of study that will help to answer what CAUSES breast cancer. If we find the cause, that cuts the pharmecutical companies (and others who make money from treating us) right out of the picture! To participate, I don't have to go anywhere. I just have to have ... email. I went to the website for the ArmyofWomen.org, looked for the HOW study (as in, HOW does breast cancer start). Not tryin' to recruit anybody..., just pointing out something that may interest those of you who want to help find the CAUSE.
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    crselby said:

    Finding the CAUSE, so no one will need a CURE
    I hate that we are manipulated by others using our fears. And women with breast cancer have plenty of THAT. pgrace, if you would like to get your lifestyle ideas into the 'mainstream' of science so that a lot of other women might benefit from them, here is the perfect opportunity. Dr. Susan Love (the author) has a research arm that is combined with The Army of Women organization. They are just now starting a new study that ALL women with breast cancer, of any kind, can participate in. It is EXACTLY the kind of study that will help to answer what CAUSES breast cancer. If we find the cause, that cuts the pharmecutical companies (and others who make money from treating us) right out of the picture! To participate, I don't have to go anywhere. I just have to have ... email. I went to the website for the ArmyofWomen.org, looked for the HOW study (as in, HOW does breast cancer start). Not tryin' to recruit anybody..., just pointing out something that may interest those of you who want to help find the CAUSE.

    Good information
    Very interesting, I will check that site out! Thanks for the info.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    pgrace35 said:

    Good information
    Very interesting, I will check that site out! Thanks for the info.

    T should prevent recurrence while you have been taking it
    The oncologist say that Tamoxifen will prevent patient from estrogen positive cancer, Yes there other block estrogen from its effect on breast cell. If you are taking non-conventional way of blocking estrogen you need to be sure that other remedy does it. You blood needs to be tested for estrogen level. Probably you need to have a good PCP who will monitor your hormones while you are on holistic path.
    Good luck.
    Please let us know about your approach and conditions.
    Good luck
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    pgrace35 said:

    You nailed it on the head jnl...That is also my feeling, who does benefit? My feeling is the pharm.companies... they have some sort of deal with the oncologists and hospitals. No one can tell me that this is the ONLY way to stop estrogen, I know there are other options. It will be interesting to see how my oncologists reacts to this. How did yours?

    Thanks pgrace! Also, women
    Thanks pgrace! Also, women need to realize that your body still produces estrogen no matter what, even if you have a hysterectomy, and, tamox does not always combat it. With the women getting a recurrence while on tamox or after taking it, shows me that. This is just my own opinion. I don't have a research page to show anyone. I brought this up to my oncologist and he said nothing. Sooooooo

  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411

    T should prevent recurrence while you have been taking it
    The oncologist say that Tamoxifen will prevent patient from estrogen positive cancer, Yes there other block estrogen from its effect on breast cell. If you are taking non-conventional way of blocking estrogen you need to be sure that other remedy does it. You blood needs to be tested for estrogen level. Probably you need to have a good PCP who will monitor your hormones while you are on holistic path.
    Good luck.
    Please let us know about your approach and conditions.
    Good luck

    My Choice
    is to not take tamoxifen. I did what I felt I could to prevent a recurrance by having both breasts removed. my lymph nodes were clear and my oncotype score was 10. So I have a 10% chance of recurrance. I have heard but not researched that the average person has a 12% chance of getting cancer so right now if this is true I'm at a lower percentage than the average person. I have a hard time taking advil for headaches and there was no way I could see taking this pill for 5 years and know I would have side effects.. Especially if it wasn't going to lower my chances of recurrance more than 3%. I feel at peace with my choice and know that even if I took it I could have a recurrance. Nothing is 100%!!
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122

    T should prevent recurrence while you have been taking it
    The oncologist say that Tamoxifen will prevent patient from estrogen positive cancer, Yes there other block estrogen from its effect on breast cell. If you are taking non-conventional way of blocking estrogen you need to be sure that other remedy does it. You blood needs to be tested for estrogen level. Probably you need to have a good PCP who will monitor your hormones while you are on holistic path.
    Good luck.
    Please let us know about your approach and conditions.
    Good luck

    Good advice
    Thanks New Flower, never thought of montioring this a blood test, that is really good info to make sure I'm doing the right thing.
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    jnl said:

    Thanks pgrace! Also, women
    Thanks pgrace! Also, women need to realize that your body still produces estrogen no matter what, even if you have a hysterectomy, and, tamox does not always combat it. With the women getting a recurrence while on tamox or after taking it, shows me that. This is just my own opinion. I don't have a research page to show anyone. I brought this up to my oncologist and he said nothing. Sooooooo


    Heal the body
    Nothing we do is 100%, even if it's good or bad for us. I'm just going to really work on healing my body nutritionally, really doing my homework on how to strengthen the body that way, execise, and a good mental attitude I think will go a long way. I am planning on having a hysterectomy as well, hopefully it will lessen my chances. Thanks for your insight, HAVE A GREAT DAY!
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    desicion on tamoxin
    Hi,I see my Dr. the 4th. of Jan.I will be finished with rads. by then.And I don,t think I will take this drug either.good luck to you.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    ppurdin said:

    desicion on tamoxin
    Hi,I see my Dr. the 4th. of Jan.I will be finished with rads. by then.And I don,t think I will take this drug either.good luck to you.Love and Prayers.(Pat).

    Hi there
    I start my rads on Jan 4th...happy for you that your almost done. What do you think your Dr. will say. I'm almost thinking now not to even say anything, don't want to feel I have to explain myself.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    pgrace35 said:

    Hi there
    I start my rads on Jan 4th...happy for you that your almost done. What do you think your Dr. will say. I'm almost thinking now not to even say anything, don't want to feel I have to explain myself.

    I am not taking tamox
    I am not taking tamox either. My oncologist said from what he knew and from his estimation, it would only help me by 2 percent. That isn't enough to get me to take it. So many women have gyno problems on it and almost always having to get a hysterectomy or something it seems. I just don't want or need those problems. I wish everyone well!
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122

    I am not taking tamox
    I am not taking tamox either. My oncologist said from what he knew and from his estimation, it would only help me by 2 percent. That isn't enough to get me to take it. So many women have gyno problems on it and almost always having to get a hysterectomy or something it seems. I just don't want or need those problems. I wish everyone well!

    Did your oncologist insist you take it, or did he give you the info and told you to decide? This is the first response I have recieved where the oncologist didn't INSIST on this drug. 2% for me isn't enough either, it would have to be much much more than that.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    pgrace35 said:

    Did your oncologist insist you take it, or did he give you the info and told you to decide? This is the first response I have recieved where the oncologist didn't INSIST on this drug. 2% for me isn't enough either, it would have to be much much more than that.

    No, my onco did not insist
    No, my onco did not insist on it for me. How could he? It isn't his body or his life here. He suggested it as the "standard" treatment after a lumpectomy, rads and for ER and PR + bc patients. He did downplay the se's, quoting the stats on the blood clots, uterine cancer, eye problems and so on and so on. But, I think even he thought for 2%, it wasn't worth the risks. He didn't say that, but, he kind of talked all around it that way.