Our Pammy, aka AKiss4Me, needs our well-wishes~ I know I can count on all of us, right?!



  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Sending you
    tons of love and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! The waiting is so very hard and I'm sorry you have to wait some more again for something else unknown. We are all here for you and please know we are waiting right there with you. Just try to take it one day at a time and trust that your Drs will find the best answers for you soon.
    Take care and know how very much you are loved!

    I will only say that my most
    I will only say that my most positive thoughts and prayers are beaming your way dear Pammy.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    So sorry to hear of your news! Just when you start to bounce back from one thing, you are faced with having to move onto yet another challenge. I know you are one tough cookie and will overcome whatever hurdles cross your path. Slow down & breathe and take it all one-step & one-day at time. Of course we will pray for you and send you nothing but positive vibes!Keep us posted when you can.
    Prayers & Hugz,
  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    hugs your way
    Pammy, my prayers are with you.
    Hugs going your way!!!!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Sniff, sniff....(good tears!)
    First of all, thank you Chen♥ for letting everyone know what has been happening on my behalf. Everything right now seems such an effort and I know it is just stress.
    I do want to let everyone know how much you touched my heart and what a wonderful gift you gave me twofold. Not only did you words and concern lift my spirit, this is my 30th wedding anniversary and my husband had to work all day and night. He felt horrible for not being able to be together on our special day (but the flowers he sent were beautiful!). I was also down, having to spend this day alone and letting my mind wonder, when I decided to turn to all my cyber friends. What a wonder gift you all gave me! I love each and everyone of you dearly.
    Now I will give a gift back to you....take out stock in Kleenex Tissues!! Between the swine flu and my tears, I see a great profit in the future! LOL
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Akiss4me said:

    Sniff, sniff....(good tears!)
    First of all, thank you Chen♥ for letting everyone know what has been happening on my behalf. Everything right now seems such an effort and I know it is just stress.
    I do want to let everyone know how much you touched my heart and what a wonderful gift you gave me twofold. Not only did you words and concern lift my spirit, this is my 30th wedding anniversary and my husband had to work all day and night. He felt horrible for not being able to be together on our special day (but the flowers he sent were beautiful!). I was also down, having to spend this day alone and letting my mind wonder, when I decided to turn to all my cyber friends. What a wonder gift you all gave me! I love each and everyone of you dearly.
    Now I will give a gift back to you....take out stock in Kleenex Tissues!! Between the swine flu and my tears, I see a great profit in the future! LOL

    Pammy, I too am so sorry
    Pammy, I too am so sorry that you have been overloaded. Just when you start to breathe again, something else comes along and takes your breath away again. It just shows me what a tremendously strong person you are. To take all this and be able to express it here means you still have fight in you. Each day is different and my prayers are that tomorrow will be a good day and many more to follow that. We're waiting for the day you can post on here that you're feeling better. Please keep us posted. BTW, happy 30th wedding anniversary. Celebrate it some special way, later if you have too. I always look forward to your posts and your pic makes me smile so much. "You eated my cookie". Have a big rich delicious cookie on me! (and ice cream)
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    Sunrae said:

    Pammy, I too am so sorry
    Pammy, I too am so sorry that you have been overloaded. Just when you start to breathe again, something else comes along and takes your breath away again. It just shows me what a tremendously strong person you are. To take all this and be able to express it here means you still have fight in you. Each day is different and my prayers are that tomorrow will be a good day and many more to follow that. We're waiting for the day you can post on here that you're feeling better. Please keep us posted. BTW, happy 30th wedding anniversary. Celebrate it some special way, later if you have too. I always look forward to your posts and your pic makes me smile so much. "You eated my cookie". Have a big rich delicious cookie on me! (and ice cream)

    Dear Pammy, oh my dear
    Dear Pammy, oh my dear friend, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I know that you are one of the few that need to be reminded of this but here it goes anyway. Can you feel it? All the hands reaching out to you, arms embracing you, sisters lining up to throw a wall of love around you to protect you, to comfort you, to do all they can to share your burden. It is happening right now as you read this.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Pammy, I'm so sorry to hear
    Pammy, I'm so sorry to hear you are having MORE roadblocks. Just how much can one person take? You're a very strong woman and I know you're geting worn down BUT you can and will get through this. We'll be with you every step of the way. Stay strong and keep us posted on your progress. Sending powerful positive vibes your way!!
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Pammy, I'm so sorry to hear
    Pammy, I'm so sorry to hear you are having MORE roadblocks. Just how much can one person take? You're a very strong woman and I know you're geting worn down BUT you can and will get through this. We'll be with you every step of the way. Stay strong and keep us posted on your progress. Sending powerful positive vibes your way!!

    Pammy... you are in my
    Pammy... you are in my thoughts and prayers... I am sending extra special positive uplifting thoughts your way... we will help share your load even if only in a cyber way...we are there/here for you! You are loved!

    ♥ & hugs,

  • helen e
    helen e Member Posts: 223
    I am so sorry to hear your news. I will pray for you and send good thoughts and vibes your way. Please know that we are all here for you if you need anything all you have to do is let us know. Take care - you are in my thoughts.

  • kimber10
    kimber10 Member Posts: 47
    helen e said:

    I am so sorry to hear your news. I will pray for you and send good thoughts and vibes your way. Please know that we are all here for you if you need anything all you have to do is let us know. Take care - you are in my thoughts.


    Pammy,Deep breath and push
    Deep breath and push on. hugs and in my thoughts and prayers

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Sniff, sniff....(good tears!)
    First of all, thank you Chen♥ for letting everyone know what has been happening on my behalf. Everything right now seems such an effort and I know it is just stress.
    I do want to let everyone know how much you touched my heart and what a wonderful gift you gave me twofold. Not only did you words and concern lift my spirit, this is my 30th wedding anniversary and my husband had to work all day and night. He felt horrible for not being able to be together on our special day (but the flowers he sent were beautiful!). I was also down, having to spend this day alone and letting my mind wonder, when I decided to turn to all my cyber friends. What a wonder gift you all gave me! I love each and everyone of you dearly.
    Now I will give a gift back to you....take out stock in Kleenex Tissues!! Between the swine flu and my tears, I see a great profit in the future! LOL

    Only Good Tears
    Dear Pammy, you wish you could give a gift back??? How about understanding and encouragement and laughter and hope and companionship--all these things and more you have given unstintingly since you first found us. Joe and I are praying for you, and sending you the most positive, healing thoughts.

    I'm sorry that your husband was not home to share your 30th wedding anniversary. How about he makes up for it by being with you the next 30?

    Wishing you only tears of relief and happiness,

  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    my prayers are sure with you!! Hugs, Diane
  • Kathy09
    Kathy09 Member Posts: 99 Member
    In my thoughts
    Pammy, keeping you in my thoughts, I know you will get thru whatever it is you are delt. You are a very positive person. Keep your chin up in the down times. It will work out.
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Pammy, hang in there. This
    Pammy, hang in there. This must be so hard to take after all you have been through already but you must stay strong. I believe that you will be ok. I will be praying really hard that everything comes back clear. Love, Eil
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Pammy, hang in there. This
    Pammy, hang in there. This must be so hard to take after all you have been through already but you must stay strong. I believe that you will be ok. I will be praying really hard that everything comes back clear. Love, Eil
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Only Good Tears
    Dear Pammy, you wish you could give a gift back??? How about understanding and encouragement and laughter and hope and companionship--all these things and more you have given unstintingly since you first found us. Joe and I are praying for you, and sending you the most positive, healing thoughts.

    I'm sorry that your husband was not home to share your 30th wedding anniversary. How about he makes up for it by being with you the next 30?

    Wishing you only tears of relief and happiness,


    Our dear Moopy put it

    Our dear Moopy put it so beautifully. You do give to everyone here all the time. And 30 more years together is the best idea I have ever heard. And of course, ice cream all around.
    My anniversary is this month also. I'll confess, it's either the 18th or the 20th but I always get it mixed up. My hubby laughs about it because he always remembers. I'm going for the 18th this year. It is 32 years for us and I've loved everyone of them.
    So my happiest congrats on the 30 years and even if you celebrate it late (or early or on the wrong date like me) it doesn't diminish how much you are loved by your guy. Just hard not to be together that day. See with my way, I get two shots at it. LOL.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Eil4186 said:

    Pammy, hang in there. This
    Pammy, hang in there. This must be so hard to take after all you have been through already but you must stay strong. I believe that you will be ok. I will be praying really hard that everything comes back clear. Love, Eil

    You have been such an uplifting and healing part of my journey...I think we are alot alike, we have withstood alot and are stronger because of it but, it's break time hun, and I am praying extra hard tonight for only good news from now on. I love you my pink sis!
    Hugs, jacke
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Pammy I am holding tight to your request for positive thoughts and prayer. It sounds like you are in the hands of good doctors who want to be sure you get the best of care you so rightly deserve! When you are feeling up to it let us know how you are doing.


  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Sniff, sniff....(good tears!)
    First of all, thank you Chen♥ for letting everyone know what has been happening on my behalf. Everything right now seems such an effort and I know it is just stress.
    I do want to let everyone know how much you touched my heart and what a wonderful gift you gave me twofold. Not only did you words and concern lift my spirit, this is my 30th wedding anniversary and my husband had to work all day and night. He felt horrible for not being able to be together on our special day (but the flowers he sent were beautiful!). I was also down, having to spend this day alone and letting my mind wonder, when I decided to turn to all my cyber friends. What a wonder gift you all gave me! I love each and everyone of you dearly.
    Now I will give a gift back to you....take out stock in Kleenex Tissues!! Between the swine flu and my tears, I see a great profit in the future! LOL

    in there. Like others have said, try to take it one day at a time, the entire picture can be overwhelming.

    Tell your hubby, he gets to take you to an even more special place because of the unfortunate timing!
