question for Emily and Scouty about juicing and diet

ittapp Member Posts: 383 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I did get a juicer and had a couple of questions...what is a good juice to start with for colon cancer? At one time I think you said carrots, romaine, apples (can't remember) and the big question is what to eat as a diet in between juicing? I am not even sure how much to juice, I know Donna said she juiced too much and threw up. I have to wait until after Christmas for anykind of bood on juicing and or diet but any advice would be so appreciated.
Love you guys, Patti


  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Juicing...start your engines!
    Hi Patti,

    When I was researching juicing for myself I focused on veggies that were colon or digestive helpers:


    To this I added green green green (spinach, kale, romaine), protein and flax seeds.

    Scouty has a different juice given to her by her Naturopathic doc:


    I think that a combo of the two is a really rockin' juice for colon cancer.

    Start easy on the green and build up your ability to ingest the greens. Same goes with the beets and ginger. They can overpower. A great intro juice is just carrots and apples depending how used to veggies your system is.

    As for eating between juices, it depends on which cancer fighting diet you'd like to follow which depends on your own body and system. I loosely followed a vegan macrobiotic regime (Muchio Kushi) of steamed veggies, sea veggies, brown rice, millet and nothing else. NO sweets, no dairy, no meat, no fish, nothing processed whatsoever. I committed to 6 months of this.

    Someone else may want to just be vegan, or eat grass-fed meats, or follow The Makers Diet, or follow an alkaline diet. You have to find what works for you.

    Right now I'm focusing on a low allergy/low histamine anti-inflammatory regime due to some serious allergic reactions I had this summer/fall. So again, my diet has changed.

    In my research over the years, the one thing I have found that's common in diseases is the issue of inflammation. To many, it's the very ROOT cause of disease. (aside from the emotional aspects of disease). So any diet that addresses inflammation is one you may want to look into following.

    You may want to check out The Gerson Method also for the juicing part of your regime.

    Ok, gotta get off the computer now....lunch break is over.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily
  • ittapp
    ittapp Member Posts: 383 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Juicing...start your engines!
    Hi Patti,

    When I was researching juicing for myself I focused on veggies that were colon or digestive helpers:


    To this I added green green green (spinach, kale, romaine), protein and flax seeds.

    Scouty has a different juice given to her by her Naturopathic doc:


    I think that a combo of the two is a really rockin' juice for colon cancer.

    Start easy on the green and build up your ability to ingest the greens. Same goes with the beets and ginger. They can overpower. A great intro juice is just carrots and apples depending how used to veggies your system is.

    As for eating between juices, it depends on which cancer fighting diet you'd like to follow which depends on your own body and system. I loosely followed a vegan macrobiotic regime (Muchio Kushi) of steamed veggies, sea veggies, brown rice, millet and nothing else. NO sweets, no dairy, no meat, no fish, nothing processed whatsoever. I committed to 6 months of this.

    Someone else may want to just be vegan, or eat grass-fed meats, or follow The Makers Diet, or follow an alkaline diet. You have to find what works for you.

    Right now I'm focusing on a low allergy/low histamine anti-inflammatory regime due to some serious allergic reactions I had this summer/fall. So again, my diet has changed.

    In my research over the years, the one thing I have found that's common in diseases is the issue of inflammation. To many, it's the very ROOT cause of disease. (aside from the emotional aspects of disease). So any diet that addresses inflammation is one you may want to look into following.

    You may want to check out The Gerson Method also for the juicing part of your regime.

    Ok, gotta get off the computer now....lunch break is over.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily

    Thank you Emily, this helps
    Thank you Emily, this helps me to know what diets to look for on the net. God Bless, Patti
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    ittapp said:

    Thank you Emily, this helps
    Thank you Emily, this helps me to know what diets to look for on the net. God Bless, Patti

    With stage IV in my liver and lung
    I did 1/4 each of

    cabbage (alternated between red and green)

    Celery is a super good cleanser and adds a great flavor but be sure and juice it last and drink right away, it can sour after 15 minutes or so.

    Start slowly and add as your tummy tells you. I did too much beets and gagged but backed down the next time and it was wonderful. Oh and if you do juice beets, that dark red color follows all the way thru to stools so don't be alarmed. It just means the good stuff got all the way into your bloodstream and beyond.

    I never drank anything other than this recipe for over a year and after I had gotten great news. Experiment, you can always pour it out. I am still surprised at the flavors of things. Cantalope juice is amazing!!! But my absolute fav is V-8 made during the summer when the veggies are fresh from my garden.

    I initially started mid Nov. 2004 and kept up pretty good over the holidays but really kicked it and kicked butt after New Years. You can and will do the same!

    As far as diet, goggle chemical Ph balance of foods and print out the chart of what foods are alkaline versus acidic. I started with a 90/10 (alkaline versus acidic) diet and after a year dropped to 85/20 and then 80/20. I still mostly follow a 80/20 diet but do venture off every so often while out of town and usually get constipated and bloated. Once home, I get back on program quickly with a few days of 85/15 (no meat and lots of fresh raw or lightly steamed veggies is the easiest way for me) and my bowels and everything get all back on track.

    Lisa P.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Juicing...start your engines!
    Hi Patti,

    When I was researching juicing for myself I focused on veggies that were colon or digestive helpers:


    To this I added green green green (spinach, kale, romaine), protein and flax seeds.

    Scouty has a different juice given to her by her Naturopathic doc:


    I think that a combo of the two is a really rockin' juice for colon cancer.

    Start easy on the green and build up your ability to ingest the greens. Same goes with the beets and ginger. They can overpower. A great intro juice is just carrots and apples depending how used to veggies your system is.

    As for eating between juices, it depends on which cancer fighting diet you'd like to follow which depends on your own body and system. I loosely followed a vegan macrobiotic regime (Muchio Kushi) of steamed veggies, sea veggies, brown rice, millet and nothing else. NO sweets, no dairy, no meat, no fish, nothing processed whatsoever. I committed to 6 months of this.

    Someone else may want to just be vegan, or eat grass-fed meats, or follow The Makers Diet, or follow an alkaline diet. You have to find what works for you.

    Right now I'm focusing on a low allergy/low histamine anti-inflammatory regime due to some serious allergic reactions I had this summer/fall. So again, my diet has changed.

    In my research over the years, the one thing I have found that's common in diseases is the issue of inflammation. To many, it's the very ROOT cause of disease. (aside from the emotional aspects of disease). So any diet that addresses inflammation is one you may want to look into following.

    You may want to check out The Gerson Method also for the juicing part of your regime.

    Ok, gotta get off the computer now....lunch break is over.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily

    Oh yeah
    I forgot the celery. I also had celery. But be careful to only put in one stalk. If too many it tends to be too salty. (potassium?)
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    2bhealed said:

    Oh yeah
    I forgot the celery. I also had celery. But be careful to only put in one stalk. If too many it tends to be too salty. (potassium?)

    My Daughter...
    Made the juice from Tomatoes and 2 stalks of celery, with lemon, which I think was the juice that got me sick, and I drank 3 juices in one day, which maybe is too much? But they tasted so good lol...

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Shayenne said:

    My Daughter...
    Made the juice from Tomatoes and 2 stalks of celery, with lemon, which I think was the juice that got me sick, and I drank 3 juices in one day, which maybe is too much? But they tasted so good lol...


    there you go Donna
    Drinking too much again!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks for the laugh.

    I love your attitude and spirit!!!!
  • fringetree
    fringetree Member Posts: 65
    Nana b said:
    I'm a believer!
    I really like the Linus Pauling Institue website for a good summary of current literature. Linus Pauling was a two-time Nobel Prize winning scientist who dedicated the latter part of his career to research into how diet can be used to prevent and treat disease.

    I also like the WH Foods website (World's Healthiest Foods). They are very comprehensive, although their interpretations of scientific literature are a little less stringent than L.P.I. (colon cancer specific info) (food specific info)

    You can also do your own search at PubMed, which is a database for peer-reviewed scientific journals. Sometimes you can't access the articles, but the abstracts are usually available. I'm not sure if this is everyone's cup of tea (I am a molecular biologist) but I just thought I would put it out there.