Renal transplant and non hodgkin

Neezy Member Posts: 1
Hello there, my first time posting

My boyfriend has got b cell non hodgkin lymphoma. He has also had a kidney transplant around 14 years ago (both his out someone elses in) Apparently his lymphoma was bought on by his medication - immuno suppresant (sorry about the spelling)

He starts chemo this week.

Well I was wondering if anyone knows of anybody in a similar situation?? Have been told prognosis for his type of lymphoma is good but I am worried about the effect it will have on his transplant.

Man this year sucks my Mum passed away earlier this year from a very agressive rare brain tumour. Now this. Of course nothing like what he is going through. Sorry just letting off nervous anxious steam.


  • DennisR
    DennisR Member Posts: 148
    Hi Neezy,I've had B cell
    Hi Neezy,

    I've had B cell Lymphoma....twice....I wasn't aware that this type of cancer could be caused by Chemo therapy. Usually NHL is associated with Industrial Chemicals and/or Radiation exposure in the workplace. I suppose that Chemo chemicals would fall into that category as well.
    The good news is that B cell Lymphoma is a very treatable disease and the Medical world has a wealth of info and success treating it, I don't know how further Chemo would effect the kidney transplant, but I guess your Oncologist would have a lot of info regarding that issue since he determined that the NLH may have been caused by the chemos associated with that procedure. I suspect that different Chemo drugs would be administrated for the NHL than were used for the transplant, so that may have some bearing on alleviating your fears. I hope that's the case.
    Good luck and keep us informed.
  • yesyes2
    yesyes2 Member Posts: 591
    Hi Neezy, I'm so sorry to hear about your boy-friend and the passing of you Mom. My heart goes out to you.

    This is my first time posting on this site but I felt it was important that I respond to your posting. I have been dealing with a Lympho Proliferative Disorder (LPD) caused by my taking immun suppressing drugs for my Rhuematoid arthritis for the past 2 years. I had been taking immun suppressing drugs for 15 years prior to this. My NHL, both B and T cell, and aggressive, is the same as that found in people who have had organ transplants and the treatment is pretty much the same. I was pulled off my immun suppression drugs and given 4 rounds of Rituxan followed by Rituxan mainenance every 8 weeks for about a year until I relapsed in June 2009. The doctors were hoping that Rituxan would keep me in remission forever. Just not the case. I am now receiving RCHOP and am hoping for a remission. PTLPD, as it is called is pretty rare, if you do an on line search there really isn't alot of information available. I have looked for 2 years to find some one else who has LPD and you are the closes I have come.

    I wish both you and your boy friend the best of luck. I'm sure he will do well with his chemo and it's great that he is a 14 year double kidney transpant survior. So obviously he is a survivor. If you have any questions please let me know as i will be happy to help in any way I can.

    Best to you,
  • William Parkinson
    William Parkinson Member Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Neezy.
    I am also a renal allograft patient. Immune suppression with drugs such a FK506 (tacrolimus,) cyclosporine, and other drugs, cause a 90-fold increase in certain lymphomas!!! These drugs inhibit the CD4 T-cells, which activate CD8 T-cells and so-called natural killer cells via cytokines. There is one drug that might help in certain lymphoproliferative disorders and that is sirolimus (rapamycin or as it is sold under, Rapamune). It too can cause LPD, but it is also a great antiproliferative drug in its own right and is used to treat various cancers. Moreover, it is less nephrotoxic than other immune suppressants such as tacrolimus. It does have some nasty side effects. One is that is inhibits wound healing, so any surgery would need to postponed until your bf could switch back to his old drugs. There can also be hyperlipidemia, lymphocele formation, and stomatitus. These problems can usually be medically managed, however. It might be worth it to try a 2 month switch to rapamycin and see if it helps with his lymphoma. I hope this will help you. I wish you and your bf the best of luck!
  • prabuelita
    prabuelita Member Posts: 6
    Primary (CNS) Lymphoma with immunocomprised patient
    The diagnosis given for immunocompetent patients is different to ummunocompromised patients for obivous reasons. My significant other was diagnosed with inoperable primary (CNS) Lymphoma. There are several masses throughout her brain, some deep within and others somewhat on the surface. She does not want to lose the tranplanted kidney of 16 years, so she is opting for radiation only.

    I don't really know how much longer she will have with the radiation, but it will be longer than without it.

    I would like to much longer after radiation does she have at for quality of life...and what is the deteriation process like,