
pattynonews Member Posts: 176
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
Im trying I just seem to be losing everything, when Jack got sick I had to give up my apartment, now I am stuck in a situation and no way out, I made the promise to Jack to take care of his dad, but his dad is feaking me out, and his daughter says she tried of dealing with his behavior, He is making inapproiate remarks and I try to talk to him, but he is 85 , Now I am here no place to go because I gave my apartment up and I am waiting for them to rehire me And I promise Jack I would take care of his dad, but why is it all falling on me , I feel like I cant even mourn my man and I have failed Jack, And I still have the feeling that Jack has moved on and no longer loves me, and I have lost him, So things are not getting any better, im alone and scared