Thank God for???????????



  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    I don't agree with this post
    I am a good christian but I do not agree with ramming christianity down peoples throats..............There are people in here who worship other Gods.. There are people in here who worship nothing... is it right to make them feel like lesser beings because of the way they think?
    How would us good christians feel If a muslim came in here telling us how to pray?
    I really think that God should be left out of our discussions.......IF we don't blame Him for our illness...........We can't expect Him to protect us from it..........Come on people..............Get real!
    I'm sorry for the explosive text I just get really pissed off with people ramming the God Squad advice down my throat!
    There are other religions out here.........Live it........... Going to church on a sunday doesn't cut it..............

    Hi Tasha
    I don't think we need to agree or disagree. I myself certainly do not agree with each post I see here so I choose what is for me and what is not for me. If I do not agree I usually choose not to involve myself. I hope those who do not wish to list their likes and dislikes would simply not do so rather than choose to be offended.

    Now all that said I guess if it said "Thank Satan for" I probably would not even open the post.

    This site is open to many people from many different place, we all have our own likes and ideas of what is good for us, however I think we can all still be cyber friends.

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    Every Blessing!
    Ditto Elm.....and I also THANK MY GOD!!!

    I'm thankful that we can all say what we want in a country that is still free. Sorry if some are offended if we use the name of a being we believe in, from whence we receive our help. Whatever it takes for each of us to get thru this life in peace, love, joy, well-being. Each of us has to get comfort from where we can, otherwise we might find ourselves standing alone. Don't begrudge us this time as even our nation will have a national day of Thanksgiving. We all have much to be thankful for as already mentioned. Again sorry if some are offended but the discussion is all about thankfulness. Doesn't everyone have something to be thankful for?
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I'm thankful that we can all say what we want in a country that is still free. Sorry if some are offended if we use the name of a being we believe in, from whence we receive our help. Whatever it takes for each of us to get thru this life in peace, love, joy, well-being. Each of us has to get comfort from where we can, otherwise we might find ourselves standing alone. Don't begrudge us this time as even our nation will have a national day of Thanksgiving. We all have much to be thankful for as already mentioned. Again sorry if some are offended but the discussion is all about thankfulness. Doesn't everyone have something to be thankful for?

    I am thankful ihave a great
    I am thankful ihave a great husband and DAUGHTER who went out and boought me underwear when i couldnt do it AND THE RIGHT ONES!!!!
  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    carkris said:

    I am thankful ihave a great
    I am thankful ihave a great husband and DAUGHTER who went out and boought me underwear when i couldnt do it AND THE RIGHT ONES!!!!

    I love this! "AND THE RIGHT
    I love this! "AND THE RIGHT ONES!!!!"
    Yay for hubby and daughter!
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    I thank God .
    I thank God for my family,friends,my church,The courage to get through BC,these boards with all you wonderful people,having a roof over my head,that we have food to eat,that we have made due without me being able to work,the strengh to forgive my ex husband for 11yrs. of domestick vilonce,and that they found my BC. early.I try to thank god for everything each time I pray.I have two children a girl and son.My daughter checks on me every day to make sure I am ok and see if I need anything.My best friend also does.I could go on and on.Thanks for these post.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    carkris said:

    I am thankful ihave a great
    I am thankful ihave a great husband and DAUGHTER who went out and boought me underwear when i couldnt do it AND THE RIGHT ONES!!!!

    gotta love this carkris
    gotta love this carkris again someone on here brougt a smile too my face >>>> so I thank you !!!!lol Lisa
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    carkris said:

    I am thankful ihave a great
    I am thankful ihave a great husband and DAUGHTER who went out and boought me underwear when i couldnt do it AND THE RIGHT ONES!!!!

    OH MY GOODNESS, this one made me actually laugh out loud!!! Thanks for brightening my day!

  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Thank you Taina
    I thank God everytime I find answers on this board. For my incredible husband and my wonderful children. For the future that makes me smile as watch my grandson play or hear news of the two that live far away. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you Taina for reminding me.

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    RE said:

    Hi Tasha
    I don't think we need to agree or disagree. I myself certainly do not agree with each post I see here so I choose what is for me and what is not for me. If I do not agree I usually choose not to involve myself. I hope those who do not wish to list their likes and dislikes would simply not do so rather than choose to be offended.

    Now all that said I guess if it said "Thank Satan for" I probably would not even open the post.

    This site is open to many people from many different place, we all have our own likes and ideas of what is good for us, however I think we can all still be cyber friends.


    Amen, Sister
    Can I get an Amen!!! I agree with what you said. We should be free to express our feelings on this site no matter what they may be. Isn't it what it is here for?

  • AmandaMarie29
    AmandaMarie29 Member Posts: 55
    I am thankful that I get to
    I am thankful that I get to live the rest of my life with this new appreciation for it. I am truly thankful for my loving friends and family, and you ladies! This is yet another test that I will pass...and will casue me to live the rest of my life with a whole new respect for it.

  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    thank you all
    Thank you all and i'm sorry if i offended anyone.

    Smile and be happy :):):)