Chemo Brain

ritazimm Member Posts: 171
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am 18 months out from my last chemo session and I am still dealing with issues of chemo brain. I know that there are many of you that have also dealt with this so I thought I would share a presentation on YouTube done by Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. I found it to be very interesting and I am thankful that there are people out there that are researching this. I find it very frustrating that even some of my oncologists didn't want to talk about it. They did admit that I could be having issues due to the chemo, but they really have no idea what to do about it. I know that they have enough to just keep up with the new information on their own specialty, but this is my life here and when I needed so much help, they had nothing to offer. Not even a suggestion to try any medication, or try another type of specialist or anything. I hope that one day there will speciailists that can help cancer survivors to find ways to imporve this life that we have after the cancer treatments end. I didn't just want life...........I want a quality life............I want MY life. Anyway, if you are interested in viewing the presentation on YouTube, here is the web link.

God Bless!,


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    have you seen a physiatrist? I was told that there are drugs which can improve concentration. Yes, oncologists do not want to talk about Chemo brain, especially after you finish Chemo. Do you take tamoxifen or any other hormonal therapy. There are limited studies about tamoxifen as well.
    Thank you for YouTube reference
  • xskeetshooter
    xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169
    you didnt just want life?
    you got to be kidding, being alive was what you fought for, so what we have a little chemo brain. had it before chemo sometimes..lmao
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I understand what you're feeling.......quality of life, not just exisiting...We want the life we had before the beast hit us head on.....but that is gone forever. Chemo brain is's not "just in our heads!" During chemo, I finished in late Aug.,I felt like I was in fog and I still do but not as much.My cancer center offers a support group called "Finding a New Normal"

    It addresses these very issues that we face after treatment ends. Such as "chemo brain" etc. Perhaps the American Cancer society can offer some help to you...if such a group doesn't exist in your area. This support group is sponsored by them.....

    I wish you the best
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    MAJW said:

    I understand what you're feeling.......quality of life, not just exisiting...We want the life we had before the beast hit us head on.....but that is gone forever. Chemo brain is's not "just in our heads!" During chemo, I finished in late Aug.,I felt like I was in fog and I still do but not as much.My cancer center offers a support group called "Finding a New Normal"

    It addresses these very issues that we face after treatment ends. Such as "chemo brain" etc. Perhaps the American Cancer society can offer some help to you...if such a group doesn't exist in your area. This support group is sponsored by them.....

    I wish you the best

    I think chemo brain or rad
    I think chemo brain or rad brain is just plain cancer brain, and, I think that all of us suffer with it at one time or another. How long it lasts I guess, who knows. But, it is real.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    I think chemo brain or rad
    I think chemo brain or rad brain is just plain cancer brain, and, I think that all of us suffer with it at one time or another. How long it lasts I guess, who knows. But, it is real.

    Rita, I am sorry you are
    Rita, I am sorry you are having problems. You need to discuss this with your oncologist or a therapist or someone. I have to agree with some though, I think it is just plain cancer brain. We all go thru so much and it sometimes, a lot of times, can overwhelm us.

    KYLEZ ♥
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Kylez said:

    Rita, I am sorry you are
    Rita, I am sorry you are having problems. You need to discuss this with your oncologist or a therapist or someone. I have to agree with some though, I think it is just plain cancer brain. We all go thru so much and it sometimes, a lot of times, can overwhelm us.

    KYLEZ ♥

    I have RAD brain and it
    I have RAD brain and it isn't good. :( lol

    Hoping you feel better soon Rita.

  • ritazimm
    ritazimm Member Posts: 171
    chemo brain is real
    I firmly believe that chemo brain is for real. I'm sorry that I failed to mention in my previous post that the majority of my chemo brain problems are in my past. I did end up seeing a psychologist and she did help me a lot. At the time, I was just surprised that the medical oncologist didn't recommend counseling or anything else, even though I asked several times what I could do to get my brain functioning again. Someone didn't seem too concerned about their quality of life just that they have life. I am glad that you are so easy going! I wish I could be that way but since I still needed to work (I was 47 then) I needed my brain to function so that I did't injure anyone while working - I work in the medical field. I want to have my body and my brain healthy. One without the other is not what I am after!!! It was very scary and although I know some of you know what it is like, I hope no one else ever has to go through it! I hope that some day the doctors will have more answers to help those that do have the symptoms. I'm not saying that the above presentation has all of the answers but I am certainly glad that there are people doing research and trying to find ways to make the lives of breast cancer survivors the best that it can be.

    God bless,