Probiotics question.

tkd3g Member Posts: 767
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all.

I started taking a probiotic almost 2 weeks ago. So far, I am very pleased with the results. Seems to have firmed things up and the frequency has slowed a bit. Unfortunately, the side effects have been gas and gas pain. Does anyone take anything for these side effects? Or do you even get the gas? Does it get better? Go away?

I don't want to get into taking "A" to fix that, then taking "B" to offset the side effects of "A",...and so on.

Thanks guys.



  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey gas girl!
    Try taking digestive enzymes with your meals to help with the gas. I swear by them. I use Super Enzymes by NOW but there are other brands out there.

    So very glad you're getting good results. Probiotics really work like you have discovered.

    I tried to post on your PooPoo page back when you posted it but it was when the boards were acting up and I couldn't post my reply.

    It may have had something to do with poo and pools but not torpedos or speedos or anything like that!

    peace, emily