pain on wrong side - could it mean other organs affected?

MaureenH Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Kidney Cancer #1
Hello, I'm a 55 yr. old female and rec'd the shocking news this past Friday...kidney mass, approx 6 cm in size, possibly Stage 1 or 2. No appearance on the CT scan that it spread beyond the kidney.

The Dr. was prepared with a referral and a Monday morning appt w/a general surgeon to discuss options.

I feel shell-shocked. I'm somewhat overweight and have high blood I guess that puts me at some risk for this...otherwise, no chemical exposure I'm aware of and no family history.

I went to the Dr.'s a couple times in last 6 mos complaining of rapid heartbeat and side pains, right side at first and now left. Dr. focused on the heart...lots of tests...and found nothing wrong, though the rapid heartbeat remains an issue 24x7.

This past week I was back at the Dr.'s - my left side had discomfort that wouldn't let up...lower left front, radiating pains. The Dr. thought diverticulitis/intestines and before prescribing antibiotics, ordered a CT scan. Shocking to find that I have a mass on the opposite side... back of the right kidney.

Has anyone else experienced pain on the wrong side?

Has anyone else experience rapid heartbeat with this diagnosis?

One last there a preferred surgeon type to do these types of surgeries?

The appt scheduled for me tomorrow is with a general surgeon. When I asked why Dr. selected him since not affiliated with my preferred hospital...she said she asked around within the office and got his name. He's affiliated only with a smaller hospital...I don't see that they use I'm a bit concerned.



  • patchriston
    patchriston Member Posts: 5
    Post with some answers that may answer your question
    I was diagnosed with cancer 2 weeks before I turned 30. I was very scared, I just wanted to know how I could get better having two small children. On October 19,2009 They removed my whole left kidney.It was not done robotic, the old natural cutting way.I did have an irregular heart beat and I had high blood pressure. I was on medications for my blood pressure. Since they removed the mass 2 weeks ago, my blood pressure has been normal without meds. My doctor told me the tumor was probably the reason I had high blood pressure because it was weighing down my left kidney. I have a 12 inch cut in the upper part of my stomach. I had a tumor that was 20 cm. I thank God that it was encapcitated in one spot. I am greatful. The doctor removed my kidney along with the tumor. After the surgery, he told me that was the biggest tumor he had ever seen. I was indeed the talk of the clinic, he took pictures afterwards to show his staff members. Nothing was involved in this but God. He gave the knowledge to my surgent to help heal me. I had surgery on Monday, Thursday the doctor came in and told my mom that it was cancer, but he was able to get it all. I was in a great deal of pain, I did not need a blood transfusion. They thought I would need one. I had a tube down my nose for two days, and I had two I.V's in me just in case they had to give me a different drug. I am feeling fine. I am still sore but not as sore as I was. I am now on Tylenol and it relieves my pain other than the percocet that was given to me. I stay in the hospital 4 days. The second day they took out my catheter and I was walking trying to get my strength back. Although I was walking very slow, it gave me strength. When they tell you to walk, or try to sit you up outside of your bed, do not get mad do it cause it really helps in the recovering process. After surgery for two days I had to eat ice chips, no food at all. The third day I was able to go back normal. I could eat normal meals. My right kidney kicked in perfectly after the catheter. I cannot tell the difference that I only have one kidney. Today is November 1, I am still sore but the pain is slowly going away. I am taking my time and healing. You can go through this, any one who is going through this you can. I came out of this surgery with the old fashion cut from one side of my stomach to the other side. 12 inch cut, God is Good and the rest is history.
  • patchriston
    patchriston Member Posts: 5
    Last Question/Preferred surgeon?
    I had a Urologist to do my surgery and he was experienced in things dealing with the kidney he was really good.
  • MaureenH
    MaureenH Member Posts: 4

    Last Question/Preferred surgeon?
    I had a Urologist to do my surgery and he was experienced in things dealing with the kidney he was really good.

    update on surgeon
    well, turns out valid concern re: the surgeon...I went to my appt this morning and the Dr. sent word out (so I wouldn't have to pay for the visit) that he felt I'd been scheduled with him in error and that I should see a nephrologist. Notified my family doctor who then scheduled me with a urologist who does these types of surgeries. I see that new Dr. tomorrow. Very hard on me today though since I'd been building fortitude to see the one doctor this morning and now another day's delay. Thanks for the advice and help posted so far. Very much appreciated. Maureen
  • jane99
    jane99 Member Posts: 15
    pain on wrong side
    I had this too. I started out with pain on the side where the tumor was
    and then I would also have pain on the other side. Sometimes the pain on
    the other side was much worse than the pain in the affected kidney. I also had
    pain in my breast on the same side as the tumor. I had my surgery in June and
    I have some pain in the incision from time to time but other than that, I am
    pain free.
  • MaureenH
    MaureenH Member Posts: 4
    jane99 said:

    pain on wrong side
    I had this too. I started out with pain on the side where the tumor was
    and then I would also have pain on the other side. Sometimes the pain on
    the other side was much worse than the pain in the affected kidney. I also had
    pain in my breast on the same side as the tumor. I had my surgery in June and
    I have some pain in the incision from time to time but other than that, I am
    pain free.

    saw the urologist today
    Did you have a full incision...or the smaller one with the holes for the camera and laser (I think its a laser?) He started to explain about the procedure and we didn't have time today...will pick it up next time.

    As far as the pain...he can't tell why its there on wrong side, no diverticulits as suspected by my family doctor and gall bladder appears to be fine too. Though he did say lucky I have the pain, since it caused the Dr. to order the CT scan that found the kidney mass. He said they appear to be unrelated.

    The tumor is 4x6cm which Dr. said is the size of a tennis ball. He's going to take the entire right kidney in the operation, said it would be a laparoscopic surgery unless full open surgery needed during procedure. The mass takes up a little over half of the kidney and he'd have to come too close to vein to remove safely if doing a he's opting to take all. He said he didn't see on the CT scan that it appears to have spread to lymph nodes or liver or that's good news at least. I likely have had this tumor for years...very sad that doctors don't order CT scans routinely. Could have caught this a heck of a lot sooner. I'd been in to the Dr's office complaining of abdomen pain occasionally...but usually I only went in when something else was also wrong...and the focus never ended up on the abdomen pain.

    I'm a bit scared to lose my kidney and be left with just one since there's diabetes in my family and if I get it too...will put a burden on the kidney that remains. Then there's the fact that I hope he gets it all if it turns out to be cancerous...and there's 90% probability that it is cancerous, not sure yet if that's due to size and how appears on scan...or due to the fact that masses of 6 cm are generally cancer? I'll have to research that.

    He ordered a chest x-ray to check the lungs and then I'll talk to him in 2 days to understand more about the surgery and when it will happen. Hopefully soon...I want this interloper out as soon as possible.

  • jane99
    jane99 Member Posts: 15
    MaureenH said:

    saw the urologist today
    Did you have a full incision...or the smaller one with the holes for the camera and laser (I think its a laser?) He started to explain about the procedure and we didn't have time today...will pick it up next time.

    As far as the pain...he can't tell why its there on wrong side, no diverticulits as suspected by my family doctor and gall bladder appears to be fine too. Though he did say lucky I have the pain, since it caused the Dr. to order the CT scan that found the kidney mass. He said they appear to be unrelated.

    The tumor is 4x6cm which Dr. said is the size of a tennis ball. He's going to take the entire right kidney in the operation, said it would be a laparoscopic surgery unless full open surgery needed during procedure. The mass takes up a little over half of the kidney and he'd have to come too close to vein to remove safely if doing a he's opting to take all. He said he didn't see on the CT scan that it appears to have spread to lymph nodes or liver or that's good news at least. I likely have had this tumor for years...very sad that doctors don't order CT scans routinely. Could have caught this a heck of a lot sooner. I'd been in to the Dr's office complaining of abdomen pain occasionally...but usually I only went in when something else was also wrong...and the focus never ended up on the abdomen pain.

    I'm a bit scared to lose my kidney and be left with just one since there's diabetes in my family and if I get it too...will put a burden on the kidney that remains. Then there's the fact that I hope he gets it all if it turns out to be cancerous...and there's 90% probability that it is cancerous, not sure yet if that's due to size and how appears on scan...or due to the fact that masses of 6 cm are generally cancer? I'll have to research that.

    He ordered a chest x-ray to check the lungs and then I'll talk to him in 2 days to understand more about the surgery and when it will happen. Hopefully soon...I want this interloper out as soon as possible.


    pain on wrong side
    I had the laproscopic surgery and lost my whole kidney. The remaining one seems to be working
    fine. I have a scar from my belly button heading south that's about
    3 inches or so and then I have two little scars on the side. They don't
    bother me at all. It's just the one in the middle that stings from time
    to time. My first ct scan was in late April and showed a mass of 4 cm. A few days
    after that, I had hemmorhaging in my kidney and was hospitalized for five days and
    needed blood transfusions and my heart was beating irratically. My doctor wanted me
    to go to a cancer center for surgery asap, but my insurance company nixed that
    and I ended up going almost two more months before I could have surgery in a local
    hospital. During that time the tumor grew another cm. Fortunately though it was
    still small enough to be stage one and hadn't spread anywhere. The path report showed
    it was a grade 4, which is the most agressive, fastest growing type of tumor. I have my
    first follow up ct scan in January and am getting a little nervous. It sounds like you
    will be fine. Ask lots of questions and advocate for youself with your doctors.
  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member
    jane99 said:

    pain on wrong side
    I had the laproscopic surgery and lost my whole kidney. The remaining one seems to be working
    fine. I have a scar from my belly button heading south that's about
    3 inches or so and then I have two little scars on the side. They don't
    bother me at all. It's just the one in the middle that stings from time
    to time. My first ct scan was in late April and showed a mass of 4 cm. A few days
    after that, I had hemmorhaging in my kidney and was hospitalized for five days and
    needed blood transfusions and my heart was beating irratically. My doctor wanted me
    to go to a cancer center for surgery asap, but my insurance company nixed that
    and I ended up going almost two more months before I could have surgery in a local
    hospital. During that time the tumor grew another cm. Fortunately though it was
    still small enough to be stage one and hadn't spread anywhere. The path report showed
    it was a grade 4, which is the most agressive, fastest growing type of tumor. I have my
    first follow up ct scan in January and am getting a little nervous. It sounds like you
    will be fine. Ask lots of questions and advocate for youself with your doctors.

    pain, where?
    Just to let you know that pain refers to the other side sometimes. A co-survivor had a 13 lb. encapsulated tumor and her left kidney remove in 1997. She didn't have any pain on that side. It was all on the right side. Good luck and much success.
  • MaureenH
    MaureenH Member Posts: 4
    donna_lee said:

    pain, where?
    Just to let you know that pain refers to the other side sometimes. A co-survivor had a 13 lb. encapsulated tumor and her left kidney remove in 1997. She didn't have any pain on that side. It was all on the right side. Good luck and much success.

    thanks Jane and Donna Lee. I appreciate the recent input. My surgery is tomorrow. I'll let you know once I'm home how it all went. I already know they are taking full kidney not partial...but hoping to avoid open surgery and end up with only the small incisions Jane talks about. Here's hoping that nothing else found and they get it all! Mo