Laying it on the Line..........

I felt the urge to simply let everyone in here know that everything you did for me while I was going through my journey was and forever will be appreciated. I hope that my journey with this is over forever. I hope that for all of us here, and everywhere that someday this disease will be a distant memory. I am deeply saddened by those who we have lost and joyful of the ones that have made leaps and bounds in recovery. We have to realize though that without us, without the trials, blood draws, tissue samples, and the spirit we have during these episodes that treatment for a cure would be almost non existent. We will someday prevent someones son or daughter, sister or brother from going through this. We may never know it but it will happen, and because of the people in here, the Semi Colons, doing their thing as they do everyday, beating back the beast, and doing it rather well I might add, that future generations will reap the benefit of our misfortune, I sincerely think that for the most part we wouldn't have it any other way...
One more thing I need to add and I'll get off my box.....A while back I made a comment that has bothered me to this day and I would like to make a public apology to Cheryl Hutch, for things I said during the debate we had a while back ( not going there again)...
Another is Phil AKA (Phillieg)...I made several rude comments that people shouldn't make and for that I apologize to you. I think you are intelligent, softhearted, and a great person for this group. Your antics and subtle arrogance exemplifies your being and it is one of great humor and wit. If one allows themselves time to really get to know the real Phil then they find the person that allows them to smile and sometimes laugh out loud at some of the rebuttals he has made. Thanks to you both for being there when I needed help and my apologies for letting my mouth overload my rear.......
Thanks Again Semi Colons, all of you are wonderful people......
just had to reply
Hi Clift (although I still enjoy calling you Buzzard),
This was very nice of you to write this. I too, appreciate all the support and information that has been shared between everyone on this board. I've very much appreciated your input, support, and information too.
BTW, I'm planning on calling Neoplas Innovations there in your area tomorrow. It may be a little premature for me to do that, but I like to have options out there for the future when/if needed.
You take care,
Lisa0 -
After reading
your post, the first thing that came to mind was, he is or was a teacher and how did this man get sooo wise?
I have always enjoyed reading your posts and responses to others. You are wise passed your years.
I, like you, agree with your statements above, that we are the generation giving back to the treatments and cures of this disease.
In reaponse to the other parts of your message, my opinion is this, we were all created equal with two eyes, two legs, two hands, etc, but at the same time different (DNA). We have free will, (our) opinions, beliefs, and outlook on life and that my friend, is what MAKES us special and unique above all others
Everyone here has a purpose, but everyone here may not know that purpose.0 -
beating the beast
We all look to you for answers to questions we all might have. You also have a great sense of humor. Thank you Buzzard for helping thru some of my dark moments. Hugs for you. Wish you lived closer to my area, you would be loved in my support group. You really do show everyone cancer can be beat.0 -
Clift..tiny one said:beating the beast
We all look to you for answers to questions we all might have. You also have a great sense of humor. Thank you Buzzard for helping thru some of my dark moments. Hugs for you. Wish you lived closer to my area, you would be loved in my support group. You really do show everyone cancer can be beat.
..I didn't see those postings about what happened, and didn't care too, but it's just an opinion that everyone has, some do get more sensitive to things, I can feel that, but some just step away from even getting into it, like me, who just doesn't like getting in the middle of things.
I miss Cheryl, and hope she sees this, as we ALL loved her here, her sense of humor and wit as well, we all see Phil, I love his sarcasm, he makes me laugh, as you all did, and being from NY, it's just a part of our personality. My kids take me too literally at times.
This was a sweet message, and I love reading what you post Clift.. You're a great brother to all, and have traveled with us even though you don't have too, you're still there for us, and I'm proud to call you a great friend! You know all, Clift is an elder in his church, I thought I'd post that for the new people, and very wise indeed
Clift, you just give me the warm fuzzies
I love ya! Hugsss!!!
~Sis0 -
Your issues with various
Your issues with various posters must have been before my time. I hope they see your post and give you back your pieces of peace.
That being said, you are a valued member of this group and our lives. I bet I am not the only one who searches for your posts Buzzy- they are always full of warmth and encouragement. I absolutely know you love us.0 -
Thanks for the kind words, I'm no different than anyone else but I do try to add a little humor when I can. On second thought maybe I am a lot different than many. We did have an ugly episode months ago with the age-old topic of religion. I think we all were misunderstood in our posts and comments and first then it escalated. I did apologize to Diane (offline) and now I also would like to apologize to you on-line. I'm sorry for any harsh things I may have said.
I do remember butting heads with you early on about being NED and some comments I made to "newbies". After my initial being pissed because I was telling it as I saw it, you opened my eyes and made me realize that newbies do NOT need to hear what I had to say. They come here for comfort and assurance and I was not providing it.
We are all in the same boat more or less but our journeys may be slightly different. You have provided so many with comfort Clift, it's a gift that has been needed and helpful to very many and I thank you for that.
*Due to the H1N1 virus there will be NO Group Hug0 -
(although I too like calling you Buzzard).
In fact, there is a place called Buzzard's Bay on Cape Cod.
You helped me greatly with not only your support and encouragement,
but also the outrageous way you put things at times. (you made me laugh during a time
when I was feeling very, very sad and hopeless as to my future).
I just want to say blessings to you Clift,
Amy0 -
Group hugPhillieG said:Clift
Thanks for the kind words, I'm no different than anyone else but I do try to add a little humor when I can. On second thought maybe I am a lot different than many. We did have an ugly episode months ago with the age-old topic of religion. I think we all were misunderstood in our posts and comments and first then it escalated. I did apologize to Diane (offline) and now I also would like to apologize to you on-line. I'm sorry for any harsh things I may have said.
I do remember butting heads with you early on about being NED and some comments I made to "newbies". After my initial being pissed because I was telling it as I saw it, you opened my eyes and made me realize that newbies do NOT need to hear what I had to say. They come here for comfort and assurance and I was not providing it.
We are all in the same boat more or less but our journeys may be slightly different. You have provided so many with comfort Clift, it's a gift that has been needed and helpful to very many and I thank you for that.
*Due to the H1N1 virus there will be NO Group Hug
If we all put on some Oinkment can we have a group hug? (HEE HEE)
Reading some of the posts I did get the feeling there was a rift. All good families have rifts and even better ones come to realize we are all still a family. As a newbie I have appreciated the humor, sensitivities and even the direct torts, I got a few myself and I am grateful, so I my family because it has made there work easier in convincing me that I needed to go ahead with chemo. (We learned in our family if you want to cause a rift go for politics! Wow did the feathers fly with that one!)
I think you give a group hug like this, tell me if it different:
((((((HUG))))0 -
CLIFTamyboston said:Clift
(although I too like calling you Buzzard).
In fact, there is a place called Buzzard's Bay on Cape Cod.
You helped me greatly with not only your support and encouragement,
but also the outrageous way you put things at times. (you made me laugh during a time
when I was feeling very, very sad and hopeless as to my future).
I just want to say blessings to you Clift,
You shoudda been here 4 years
As others have said, Clift, we are all different people. And yet, we all have the same cause. I would challenge anyone to step up and say "I agree with everyone, all the time" (by doing so, would have no convictions themselves).
Part of being on the 'other side' of this cancer battle is picking up 'life without cancer'. Even if it is for a little while. The grand thing is, in times of trouble, we all know we can return here and get the same warmth and encouragement, and support when one of us falls.
Hugs to you,
Kathi (almost 5 years post-dx!)0 -
Thanks Clift
Your words are filled with grace and wisdom. Characteristics I have come to value in you on this site. Thank you for trusting us enough to share this.
I wasn't party to the great debates of yore but have heard reference made to them. It reminds me that this can be a challenging medium for communication. We often react and hit send before having a time to reflect and respond as we might otherwise in a face-to-face conversation with a friend.
I too miss Cheryl. She lives in my community, Vancouver's West End, but I haven't met her yet. I keep expecting to recognize her smiling face from her picture.
Anyways your words are well spoken, and from the posts above and my perspective, well received.
Peace and blessings... Rob; in Vancouver.0 -
BUZZARDKathiM said:You shoudda been here 4 years
As others have said, Clift, we are all different people. And yet, we all have the same cause. I would challenge anyone to step up and say "I agree with everyone, all the time" (by doing so, would have no convictions themselves).
Part of being on the 'other side' of this cancer battle is picking up 'life without cancer'. Even if it is for a little while. The grand thing is, in times of trouble, we all know we can return here and get the same warmth and encouragement, and support when one of us falls.
Hugs to you,
Kathi (almost 5 years post-dx!)
Hey you will always be BUZZARD to me...I also want to thank you (more than words can say) for all the advice and encouragement and kicks in the butt when I needed them..Boy did I need a few right??? lol lol
I agree with PHIL its all water under the bridge...We know we are all here for each other when it counts and thats what matters most....
Thank you everyone too for all you have done for me...
I am so blessed to be friends with such kind and caring people (even though we have not met in person..)JULIE0 -
Hi guys,obviously people
Hi guys,obviously people have different opinions and when we get into an argument especially on internet we sometimes get misunderstood very easily because we are not face to face,so we don't know what each other's spoken tune sounds like and expression looks like.But I can say this discussion board is full of intelligent people that I haven't seen very often in real life,I have learned lots of knowledge and attitude from you smart people.I feel like I grew up a lot in the last several months and it never happened in my life before.Anyway guys and gals,I have lots of respects for all of you and thanks very much to all of you.0 -
Got to love it!Fight for my love said:Hi guys,obviously people
Hi guys,obviously people have different opinions and when we get into an argument especially on internet we sometimes get misunderstood very easily because we are not face to face,so we don't know what each other's spoken tune sounds like and expression looks like.But I can say this discussion board is full of intelligent people that I haven't seen very often in real life,I have learned lots of knowledge and attitude from you smart people.I feel like I grew up a lot in the last several months and it never happened in my life before.Anyway guys and gals,I have lots of respects for all of you and thanks very much to all of you.
Got to love it!0 -
CP8tiny one said:beating the beast
We all look to you for answers to questions we all might have. You also have a great sense of humor. Thank you Buzzard for helping thru some of my dark moments. Hugs for you. Wish you lived closer to my area, you would be loved in my support group. You really do show everyone cancer can be beat.
All of you come to Fort Worth next year for CP8 and get to know eachother. The first trip I took to see everyone was '07 Nashville, and I wasn't sure the semi-colons were semi-normal and was a little lerry of meeting people online in person. I have been every year since. Such a funny wonderful group of people. I hope to meet you there.0 -
This just feels good.Nana b said:Got to love it!
Got to love it!
And I didn't see the postings you mentioned, either but I think you've offered a very sincere apology today. When we say things that may or may not have been taken out of context it weighs on us, doesn't it? I, too think a group hug is in order. Thanks for bringing some sunshine to this dreary, cool day.
Sandy0 -
The longer I am around........SandyL said:This just feels good.
And I didn't see the postings you mentioned, either but I think you've offered a very sincere apology today. When we say things that may or may not have been taken out of context it weighs on us, doesn't it? I, too think a group hug is in order. Thanks for bringing some sunshine to this dreary, cool day.
the closer to all of these people I get connected to...there is a common bond, just as brothers and sisters have...just they way it goes ..ya'll got me, now ya can't get rid of me....LOL0 -
So sweet
You're very sweet to offer the public apologies like that, Buzz. You're the most wonderful, kind man, and we're blessed to have you as part of our group.
About Cheryl, I thought she answered a post not long ago, so I hope she's at least reading the board. Hope she'll come back on a regular basis soon.
Gail0 -
Group hugthready said:Group hug
If we all put on some Oinkment can we have a group hug? (HEE HEE)
Reading some of the posts I did get the feeling there was a rift. All good families have rifts and even better ones come to realize we are all still a family. As a newbie I have appreciated the humor, sensitivities and even the direct torts, I got a few myself and I am grateful, so I my family because it has made there work easier in convincing me that I needed to go ahead with chemo. (We learned in our family if you want to cause a rift go for politics! Wow did the feathers fly with that one!)
I think you give a group hug like this, tell me if it different:
Group hugs on some websites are like that, but on this one and on the CP7 t-shirts they were like this ((|)). LOL
Semi-Colons Rock0
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