Eye Cancer

gjstark Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
Hi, I just diagnosed with a cancer growth in my eye. I am getting scheduled for a PET scan and I am scared. Any help,support,or advice?


  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    go to the best hospital in
    go to the best hospital in your state. google eye cancer and go.
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    sue Siwek said:

    go to the best hospital in
    go to the best hospital in your state. google eye cancer and go.

    Eye Cancer
    Thanks for your response, I am scheduled to be in Rochestor,Mn on Oct 27 & 28 for further tests.
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    gjstark said:

    Eye Cancer
    Thanks for your response, I am scheduled to be in Rochestor,Mn on Oct 27 & 28 for further tests.

    a good place. the pet scan
    a good place. the pet scan is not painful so don't worry about that. i know you are scared so take someone with you so that they can listen to the drs. it will be helpful from 2 standpoints, they will give you emotional support and will more likely remember some of the things the drs. have said and you being nervous will forget. best of luck.
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    sue Siwek said:

    a good place. the pet scan
    a good place. the pet scan is not painful so don't worry about that. i know you are scared so take someone with you so that they can listen to the drs. it will be helpful from 2 standpoints, they will give you emotional support and will more likely remember some of the things the drs. have said and you being nervous will forget. best of luck.

    Eye Cancer
    Thank you for the advice.My wife and two daughters will be there with me. My doctor tells me the type/growth I have is not the kind that comes from other places in the body. The growth is detaching my retina,sounds like I will get a radioactive implant for a few days. I hope and pray they do not find any more else where !!
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    gjstark said:

    Eye Cancer
    Thank you for the advice.My wife and two daughters will be there with me. My doctor tells me the type/growth I have is not the kind that comes from other places in the body. The growth is detaching my retina,sounds like I will get a radioactive implant for a few days. I hope and pray they do not find any more else where !!

    Eye Cancer?
    I am in the same state...........I had what I thought was a stye for 4 weeks, my doc is worried, and he has worried me.............It does NOT appear to be going away........
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    gjstark said:

    Eye Cancer
    Thank you for the advice.My wife and two daughters will be there with me. My doctor tells me the type/growth I have is not the kind that comes from other places in the body. The growth is detaching my retina,sounds like I will get a radioactive implant for a few days. I hope and pray they do not find any more else where !!

    it is good that it is a
    it is good that it is a primary cancer. glad you have support. let this site know how you are doing. will be watching.
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    tasha_111 said:

    Eye Cancer?
    I am in the same state...........I had what I thought was a stye for 4 weeks, my doc is worried, and he has worried me.............It does NOT appear to be going away........

    just be positive. when the
    just be positive. when the results come back then worry if need be. good luck. let this site know how things are.
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    sue Siwek said:

    it is good that it is a
    it is good that it is a primary cancer. glad you have support. let this site know how you are doing. will be watching.

    Eye Cancer
    Sue, you must be experienced or a doctor or both? Thank very much for your concern. I will post what I learn next week.
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    gjstark said:

    Eye Cancer
    Sue, you must be experienced or a doctor or both? Thank very much for your concern. I will post what I learn next week.

    husband had brain cancer as
    husband had brain cancer as well as parkinson's disease, diagnosed 10yrs. ago in oct. so i guess you could say i have a lot of experience. it was inoperable grade 3, very serious and he is still with us. you and your family will learn a lot through this, wish you didn't have to but it is what it is as they say.
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    sue Siwek said:

    husband had brain cancer as
    husband had brain cancer as well as parkinson's disease, diagnosed 10yrs. ago in oct. so i guess you could say i have a lot of experience. it was inoperable grade 3, very serious and he is still with us. you and your family will learn a lot through this, wish you didn't have to but it is what it is as they say.

    Eye Cancer
    My heart and prayers are with you and your husband.I am trying my best to stay positive and I believe these things happen for a reason that only god must know.
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    gjstark said:

    Eye Cancer
    My heart and prayers are with you and your husband.I am trying my best to stay positive and I believe these things happen for a reason that only god must know.

    back at you.

    back at you.
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    sue Siwek said:

    back at you.

    back at you.

    Test Results
    After two days in Rochester it was determined to be a cancer tumor in my eye. PET scan found no other cancer in my body (GOOD NEWS).Plac(radioactive chip) surgery on Nov 30. Doctors are optomistic that will take care of it. Hope and Pray !!
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    gjstark said:

    Test Results
    After two days in Rochester it was determined to be a cancer tumor in my eye. PET scan found no other cancer in my body (GOOD NEWS).Plac(radioactive chip) surgery on Nov 30. Doctors are optomistic that will take care of it. Hope and Pray !!

    sounds like you couldn't
    sounds like you couldn't hope for a much better outcome given the circumstances. stay positive that will be a big help.
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    sue Siwek said:

    sounds like you couldn't
    sounds like you couldn't hope for a much better outcome given the circumstances. stay positive that will be a big help.

    Still Scared
    Even with the good outcome I am still struggling with the depression and anxiety !!
  • mr steve
    mr steve Member Posts: 285
    gjstark said:

    Still Scared
    Even with the good outcome I am still struggling with the depression and anxiety !!

    still scared
    gj, I'm a care giver, and I waited too long to treat the depression now don't let it get a strong foot hold on you!
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    mr steve said:

    still scared
    gj, I'm a care giver, and I waited too long to treat the depression now don't let it get a strong foot hold on you!

    Still Scared
    I have been treated for depression for 10 years, now this diagnosis has me at the edge. I have tunnel vision mind, I can't seem to think of anything but cancer and keep running worst case senerio's thru my mind. I don't know how to live with the fear of cancer return after treatment.Thanks for careing and listening.
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    gjstark said:

    Still Scared
    Even with the good outcome I am still struggling with the depression and anxiety !!

    talk to you drs. they can
    talk to you drs. they can put you on a mild antidepressant that will help you. it will take about 3 weeks to kick in, do it you don't any more stress. my husband and i both were put on them and it calmed things down greatly. it is not a sign of weakness, you need all your strength to fight your cancer.
  • gjstark
    gjstark Member Posts: 10
    sue Siwek said:

    talk to you drs. they can
    talk to you drs. they can put you on a mild antidepressant that will help you. it will take about 3 weeks to kick in, do it you don't any more stress. my husband and i both were put on them and it calmed things down greatly. it is not a sign of weakness, you need all your strength to fight your cancer.

    Still Scared
    Already there, been treatng depression for 10 yrs. with meds, now this diagnosis. Don't know how to cope very well. Don't know how to deal with the fear of return after treatment.
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    gjstark said:

    Still Scared
    Already there, been treatng depression for 10 yrs. with meds, now this diagnosis. Don't know how to cope very well. Don't know how to deal with the fear of return after treatment.

    this is different, a real
    this is different, a real kick in the gut. talk to your dr. a change in meds may help. get some counseling to help you deal with your fears. i will say that 10 yrs into this journey that we are a little more relaxed about the fear of a return and try to make each day count. this will take time but it will come.