I P Chemotherapy
IP for recurrent cancer
My onc tells me that once a person has had IP chemo treatments they are not a candidate for further IP treatments. In fact, I just completed my IP treatments in mid-Septmeber and will have my IP port removed next month, so I know I will not receive IP chemo if my cancer returns.
Don't know if this helps, just my experience.
I will say a prayer for your friend,
Stacey0 -
IP Chemo
I had surgery on Sept. 16th to remove an ovarian cancer tumor, which was my first recurrence. My oncologist has recommended that I have IP chemo this time (my first was IV). He told me it hasn't been proven to be more effective as a recurrent chemo regimen, but feels it's the best for me. I was Staged 1C in Sept. 2002, when the ovarian cancer was found.
Because the tumor that was recently removed was well-defined, and the oncologist feels the OVCA is gone, I am totally comfortable with this. This method of chemo has been around for some time now (I had a friend who had it in the early 90's), but is only now being used more for first-line treatment.
My doctor didnn't say anything about it not being an option in the future, should I need it, but I will explore that with my chemo-administering doctor. My chemo will be done locally, and I don't have a date for its start yet.
I sincerely hope your friend has the best result possible, and that you'll come back and let us know how she is doing!0 -
IP Chemo
My mother is getting it as soon as she can after her surgery. I hear it is quite effective, but they do need to be careful about infections around where the port is put in. I have never heard of it not being used again. It maybe the type of chemo that can't be used again as I am beginning to understand that OVCA cells develop resistant to the chemos rapidly and once that has happened they have to switch. It may be the port is really designed for certain chemos. Also, they do use different chemo drugs for recurrences vs. initial onset for the reason I just mentioned, it's a quick to develop resistance cancer. I doubt the oncologist is going to give her something that has been proven to be ineffective. I think this is a complex disease that different people respond to different drugs in their own unique way. Who knows when the article was written or for what cell type. I think you can show the article to the oncologist though and ask. I have learned a lot when I do that and have also learned that this is a very tricky process. Good Luck. Your friend is very lucky to have you!0 -
Thanks to allLisa13Q said:IP Chemo
My mother is getting it as soon as she can after her surgery. I hear it is quite effective, but they do need to be careful about infections around where the port is put in. I have never heard of it not being used again. It maybe the type of chemo that can't be used again as I am beginning to understand that OVCA cells develop resistant to the chemos rapidly and once that has happened they have to switch. It may be the port is really designed for certain chemos. Also, they do use different chemo drugs for recurrences vs. initial onset for the reason I just mentioned, it's a quick to develop resistance cancer. I doubt the oncologist is going to give her something that has been proven to be ineffective. I think this is a complex disease that different people respond to different drugs in their own unique way. Who knows when the article was written or for what cell type. I think you can show the article to the oncologist though and ask. I have learned a lot when I do that and have also learned that this is a very tricky process. Good Luck. Your friend is very lucky to have you!
I wanted to take a few moments while my friend is sleeping to thank all who have responded to my issue and to let all of you know that I am adding each of you to my prayers! I needed a response and yours helped to know that she and I are not alone. I hope that you all find the best care and longevity that your oncologist and God will allow. Thank You all. My friend had surgery on 10/13/09 to install a port for the chemo and a pleuracath to remove the peritoneal fluid from her abdomen in the a.m. and chemo in the p.m. She has had a rough day today (as is usual after a couple of days after treatment. She had 4900ml of fluid drained from her abdomen on that day, and luckily I can draw myself so that she doesn't have to go in the hospital for new punctures (2 punctures in the last 2 weeks @ 2500ml each time). Bad tumor mass in the omentum! I drew 1000ml several hours ago which gave some relief. Her pain is enough that she is on 200mcg/hr of Fentanyl patch and 3 liters of O2 @ this time,but she is resting which gives me some peace. Hopefully the latest regimen of chemo will slow the process and give us the max time. By the way, no I P therapy. The oncologist decided against it after we reviewed the article and he made phone calls. I trust his judgement! To those who are or will have it, I hope it is the best for you! To Lisa13Q, I'm not sure your mothers initial treatment, and Lord knows I am no oncologist, but if you get a chance, please look @ an article @ Caring4Cancer.com dated 10/1/09. In that article there is a great document with great clinical backing that states that the chemo that my friend recieved on her first round of treatments (Taxol and Paraplatin) were the best paired drugs for second round chemo in platinum sensitive patient whose cancer had been on hold longer than 6-12 months. It also states that in platinum resistant patients, they responded better with Doxil and Paraplatin. So what the study suggests is that in recurrent cancer beyond 12 months, the original treatment may be the best, which is where my friend is @. It says that patients with poor response in the short term, that the new combination was superior. So please look @ that article, because if your mom has had short term failure to chemo, and it was the therapy that we tried, you may want to investigate. Just a thought. Hope this may help! Again, to all of you that have responded to my plea, Thank You again. My heart goes out to each and every one of you, you are in my prayers, and because you did respond...Have I told you lately that I love you??? Good luck!!!0 -
Thanks LAJlaj2360 said:Thanks to all
I wanted to take a few moments while my friend is sleeping to thank all who have responded to my issue and to let all of you know that I am adding each of you to my prayers! I needed a response and yours helped to know that she and I are not alone. I hope that you all find the best care and longevity that your oncologist and God will allow. Thank You all. My friend had surgery on 10/13/09 to install a port for the chemo and a pleuracath to remove the peritoneal fluid from her abdomen in the a.m. and chemo in the p.m. She has had a rough day today (as is usual after a couple of days after treatment. She had 4900ml of fluid drained from her abdomen on that day, and luckily I can draw myself so that she doesn't have to go in the hospital for new punctures (2 punctures in the last 2 weeks @ 2500ml each time). Bad tumor mass in the omentum! I drew 1000ml several hours ago which gave some relief. Her pain is enough that she is on 200mcg/hr of Fentanyl patch and 3 liters of O2 @ this time,but she is resting which gives me some peace. Hopefully the latest regimen of chemo will slow the process and give us the max time. By the way, no I P therapy. The oncologist decided against it after we reviewed the article and he made phone calls. I trust his judgement! To those who are or will have it, I hope it is the best for you! To Lisa13Q, I'm not sure your mothers initial treatment, and Lord knows I am no oncologist, but if you get a chance, please look @ an article @ Caring4Cancer.com dated 10/1/09. In that article there is a great document with great clinical backing that states that the chemo that my friend recieved on her first round of treatments (Taxol and Paraplatin) were the best paired drugs for second round chemo in platinum sensitive patient whose cancer had been on hold longer than 6-12 months. It also states that in platinum resistant patients, they responded better with Doxil and Paraplatin. So what the study suggests is that in recurrent cancer beyond 12 months, the original treatment may be the best, which is where my friend is @. It says that patients with poor response in the short term, that the new combination was superior. So please look @ that article, because if your mom has had short term failure to chemo, and it was the therapy that we tried, you may want to investigate. Just a thought. Hope this may help! Again, to all of you that have responded to my plea, Thank You again. My heart goes out to each and every one of you, you are in my prayers, and because you did respond...Have I told you lately that I love you??? Good luck!!!
I will look for that article today. GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FRIEND!!0 -
IP Therapylaj2360 said:Thanks to all
I wanted to take a few moments while my friend is sleeping to thank all who have responded to my issue and to let all of you know that I am adding each of you to my prayers! I needed a response and yours helped to know that she and I are not alone. I hope that you all find the best care and longevity that your oncologist and God will allow. Thank You all. My friend had surgery on 10/13/09 to install a port for the chemo and a pleuracath to remove the peritoneal fluid from her abdomen in the a.m. and chemo in the p.m. She has had a rough day today (as is usual after a couple of days after treatment. She had 4900ml of fluid drained from her abdomen on that day, and luckily I can draw myself so that she doesn't have to go in the hospital for new punctures (2 punctures in the last 2 weeks @ 2500ml each time). Bad tumor mass in the omentum! I drew 1000ml several hours ago which gave some relief. Her pain is enough that she is on 200mcg/hr of Fentanyl patch and 3 liters of O2 @ this time,but she is resting which gives me some peace. Hopefully the latest regimen of chemo will slow the process and give us the max time. By the way, no I P therapy. The oncologist decided against it after we reviewed the article and he made phone calls. I trust his judgement! To those who are or will have it, I hope it is the best for you! To Lisa13Q, I'm not sure your mothers initial treatment, and Lord knows I am no oncologist, but if you get a chance, please look @ an article @ Caring4Cancer.com dated 10/1/09. In that article there is a great document with great clinical backing that states that the chemo that my friend recieved on her first round of treatments (Taxol and Paraplatin) were the best paired drugs for second round chemo in platinum sensitive patient whose cancer had been on hold longer than 6-12 months. It also states that in platinum resistant patients, they responded better with Doxil and Paraplatin. So what the study suggests is that in recurrent cancer beyond 12 months, the original treatment may be the best, which is where my friend is @. It says that patients with poor response in the short term, that the new combination was superior. So please look @ that article, because if your mom has had short term failure to chemo, and it was the therapy that we tried, you may want to investigate. Just a thought. Hope this may help! Again, to all of you that have responded to my plea, Thank You again. My heart goes out to each and every one of you, you are in my prayers, and because you did respond...Have I told you lately that I love you??? Good luck!!!
Not sure I can add a whole lot, and it seems like you moved on with the plan for your friend. My wife had IP therapy and it was a mixed experience, coming as it did on the cusp of return to that alternative. It seemed at the time (3+ years ago) that they had rediscovered its potential. We had four rounds or so and it was a mixed experience in terms of application. So I would recommend to anyone that you ask questions about how it proceeds and how many times they've done it. Suffice to say that's the basics on any cancer therapy, but most important in IP therapy. And I'll leave it at that.
As for results, we'd done 8 rounds of traditional Carbo/Taxol and added the IP. Well, honestly the cancer did return.
We did Cisplatin/Doxol and the cancer has not come back. I think in some ways the second round was tougher. Particularly psychologically, and she lost weight, dealt with ascites and the like. So it's just unpredictable and you have to ask questions in places like here on the forum to get perspective on how things might go.
Chris Cudworth0 -
Chris, Thank You forlindachris said:IP Therapy
Not sure I can add a whole lot, and it seems like you moved on with the plan for your friend. My wife had IP therapy and it was a mixed experience, coming as it did on the cusp of return to that alternative. It seemed at the time (3+ years ago) that they had rediscovered its potential. We had four rounds or so and it was a mixed experience in terms of application. So I would recommend to anyone that you ask questions about how it proceeds and how many times they've done it. Suffice to say that's the basics on any cancer therapy, but most important in IP therapy. And I'll leave it at that.
As for results, we'd done 8 rounds of traditional Carbo/Taxol and added the IP. Well, honestly the cancer did return.
We did Cisplatin/Doxol and the cancer has not come back. I think in some ways the second round was tougher. Particularly psychologically, and she lost weight, dealt with ascites and the like. So it's just unpredictable and you have to ask questions in places like here on the forum to get perspective on how things might go.
Chris Cudworth
Chris, Thank You for the info. Any new info is a glimmer of hope. I agree that the second round is worse than the first and not just for the patient although my pain is NOTHING like hers! I am so sorry for your wife and am glad that the new combo is working! I was excited to share that info with MY wife! I have always said that she is my best friend, but she is my wife. Has been for many years. We met as kids and when she was 18 she began to have problems with her health. I promised her I would take care of her and so far I've kept that promise. Shortly after we were married she was in our car and she said she passed out. She had a head on with another car. No one was hurt. Her parents felt that she was using drugs and begged me to lock her up for evaluation. We refused, knowing she was NOT using. We finally found a great Dr. who gave her affliction a name...epilepsy. That ended her driving privledges and her freedom. We have since searched for answers to her problem, even going to the Barrows Institute in Phoenix but even they couldn't narrow down the origin of her problem. Such is the case with lots of epilepsy. We only knew that the seizures focused around her monthly cycle. 2 weeks prior to her period, and for 2 week beyond her period, she would have as many as 16 seizures in a 24 hr. period. That went on for 27 years.
We have always looked for the good when we could find it, and oddly enough, although Ovarian Cancer is a very brutal disease which has changed the course of our lives, we found some good in it. When my wife had her hysterectomy for the Ovarian Cancer, and things were removed, her cycle stopped, and, to our blessing, her seizures stopped. With meds we have been able to stay in control. So we decided that although her cancer is not ending up good, we recieved the seizure relief we had desperately been seeking for so many years.
Although the cancer helped stop her seizures, we do not welcome it in our lives, and at least I would welcome back the epilepsy to rid her of the cancer. The choices are not great however you look @ it. But we are seizure free, with meds. After all those years, it is relieving to know that she isn't hurt by loss of control that comes with epilepsy.
I pray that God will answer our prayers. But I am alone in this. She has lost her faith, and I am saddened by this. She says she was abandoned by Him. I pray he will forgive her!
Her cancer started as stage 3c and we have been blessed to have 3 years since it first darkened our doorstep.
I am now told it is end stage and we are only doing comfort therapy. And we will continue until she wants to stop. She had a port cath and a pleura cath installed on Tuesday 10/13. On Thursday I pulled 1 liter of ascites, on Saturday I pulled 2 liters, today I pulled 3 liters. It is now advancing extremely fast. I hope the chemo starts to slow the progression down. At least she can stay home with me and she doesn't need to go into the hospital to be punctured anymore. For anyone with continual ascites, or build of of fluid in the abdomen, the pleura cath is a Godsend.
Chris, Thank You for sharing your story with me. I pray your wife continues to hold back the cancer. I wish you both the best. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
That also goes for Lisa, Stacey, and Groundeffect. You are all in my prayers. I hope to meet someday. For now I have to go. My friend needs me.
Danny0 -
Dear Danny,laj2360 said:Chris, Thank You for
Chris, Thank You for the info. Any new info is a glimmer of hope. I agree that the second round is worse than the first and not just for the patient although my pain is NOTHING like hers! I am so sorry for your wife and am glad that the new combo is working! I was excited to share that info with MY wife! I have always said that she is my best friend, but she is my wife. Has been for many years. We met as kids and when she was 18 she began to have problems with her health. I promised her I would take care of her and so far I've kept that promise. Shortly after we were married she was in our car and she said she passed out. She had a head on with another car. No one was hurt. Her parents felt that she was using drugs and begged me to lock her up for evaluation. We refused, knowing she was NOT using. We finally found a great Dr. who gave her affliction a name...epilepsy. That ended her driving privledges and her freedom. We have since searched for answers to her problem, even going to the Barrows Institute in Phoenix but even they couldn't narrow down the origin of her problem. Such is the case with lots of epilepsy. We only knew that the seizures focused around her monthly cycle. 2 weeks prior to her period, and for 2 week beyond her period, she would have as many as 16 seizures in a 24 hr. period. That went on for 27 years.
We have always looked for the good when we could find it, and oddly enough, although Ovarian Cancer is a very brutal disease which has changed the course of our lives, we found some good in it. When my wife had her hysterectomy for the Ovarian Cancer, and things were removed, her cycle stopped, and, to our blessing, her seizures stopped. With meds we have been able to stay in control. So we decided that although her cancer is not ending up good, we recieved the seizure relief we had desperately been seeking for so many years.
Although the cancer helped stop her seizures, we do not welcome it in our lives, and at least I would welcome back the epilepsy to rid her of the cancer. The choices are not great however you look @ it. But we are seizure free, with meds. After all those years, it is relieving to know that she isn't hurt by loss of control that comes with epilepsy.
I pray that God will answer our prayers. But I am alone in this. She has lost her faith, and I am saddened by this. She says she was abandoned by Him. I pray he will forgive her!
Her cancer started as stage 3c and we have been blessed to have 3 years since it first darkened our doorstep.
I am now told it is end stage and we are only doing comfort therapy. And we will continue until she wants to stop. She had a port cath and a pleura cath installed on Tuesday 10/13. On Thursday I pulled 1 liter of ascites, on Saturday I pulled 2 liters, today I pulled 3 liters. It is now advancing extremely fast. I hope the chemo starts to slow the progression down. At least she can stay home with me and she doesn't need to go into the hospital to be punctured anymore. For anyone with continual ascites, or build of of fluid in the abdomen, the pleura cath is a Godsend.
Chris, Thank You for sharing your story with me. I pray your wife continues to hold back the cancer. I wish you both the best. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
That also goes for Lisa, Stacey, and Groundeffect. You are all in my prayers. I hope to meet someday. For now I have to go. My friend needs me.
You are such a strong supporter for your wife. I am praying for your strength to continue during this crucial time as well as comfort for your best friend and wife. I am awed by your constant care and compassion and thank God for husbands such as mine and you. What a blessing. Saundra0 -
When God and Cancer Meetsaundra said:Dear Danny,
You are such a strong supporter for your wife. I am praying for your strength to continue during this crucial time as well as comfort for your best friend and wife. I am awed by your constant care and compassion and thank God for husbands such as mine and you. What a blessing. Saundra
I am awed by your dedication and caring. I am saddened by the faith issue, but understand it entirely. There is a book that I am reading and I read parts of it to my mother, it's called when God and Cancer meet, and it brings me great peace. Of course, I am not the one experiencing the disease, but it may bring you some comfort. I picked it up at Barnes and Noble. I will pray for you both in the coming weeks!!0 -
IP Chemotherapy
I was first DX May 2010 and had a TAH/BSO.
I had a recurrence December and I am currently IP Chemotherapy0
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