Post Chemo treatment - day 10

pitt Member Posts: 387
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wanted to check with the chemo girls. I am day 10 after my first treatment and I feel AWESOME!!! That neulasta shot must be doing its thing! I have energy and I don't feel nauseous at all. Still a few minor mouth sores but the magic mouthwash works wonders. I haven't noticed any changes with my hair yet, though I know it will happen. On the upside, no shaving under my arms. That need has disappeared. How are the rest on the team doing?


  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    Hi Pitt
    Im about 10 days out from my second and I feel great as well...however, I dont get the neulasta. My blood work came back perfect so guess doc sees no need. Im glad cause I hear many women have lots of troubles with it. I have no nausea, and have lots of energy too. Mouthsores....havent had any yet this time, but had a couple last time. I use tea tree oil, dilute it, and swish with it..its great! Im glad to hear you are well. I feel fortunate to feel this great...could be worse! I read your Halloween post....Im going as Wonder Woman, got a great wig....since Im bald already this leaves wig options open to a lot of possibilities!
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    Sam726 said:

    Hi Pitt
    Im about 10 days out from my second and I feel great as well...however, I dont get the neulasta. My blood work came back perfect so guess doc sees no need. Im glad cause I hear many women have lots of troubles with it. I have no nausea, and have lots of energy too. Mouthsores....havent had any yet this time, but had a couple last time. I use tea tree oil, dilute it, and swish with it..its great! Im glad to hear you are well. I feel fortunate to feel this great...could be worse! I read your Halloween post....Im going as Wonder Woman, got a great wig....since Im bald already this leaves wig options open to a lot of possibilities!

    Hi Sam. I guess I have
    Hi Sam. I guess I have chemo brain because I didn't even consider how much easier wigs would be. Geeeez. I had mono pretty badly as a kid so my immunity has always been compromised, hence the shot. It hurts like crazy but I take 2 ibuprofren and that helps. I'm just so happy to be off that chemo day 3-5 dive that I had to check in with everyone else. Glad you're on the upswing too. I know I'm going to lose my hair in a matter of days, but I'm so excited that one of my friends is about to win some nice money that I find myself strangely relaxed about the whole thing. We'll see how that goes though... So any insights on the second round of chemo? Same as the first?
  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    pitt said:

    Hi Sam. I guess I have
    Hi Sam. I guess I have chemo brain because I didn't even consider how much easier wigs would be. Geeeez. I had mono pretty badly as a kid so my immunity has always been compromised, hence the shot. It hurts like crazy but I take 2 ibuprofren and that helps. I'm just so happy to be off that chemo day 3-5 dive that I had to check in with everyone else. Glad you're on the upswing too. I know I'm going to lose my hair in a matter of days, but I'm so excited that one of my friends is about to win some nice money that I find myself strangely relaxed about the whole thing. We'll see how that goes though... So any insights on the second round of chemo? Same as the first?

    2nd round
    Well...for me it was easier because i was more prepared for side effects, etc..maybe body isnt as shocked as first treatment?? My hair started falling out exactly two weeks from first treatment...I just shaved it when it started. It would have been a mess if I let it fall hair is long and thick!
    Im glad you are keeping in good spirits...I try to keep things upbeat and positive too. After I lost my hair, it was hard, especially after it thinned out. I was very sad..Ive gotten used to it and started wearing a wig, which makes me feel better. I actually have 2 wigs. Its fun mixing it up a little bit..
    We both have the next treatment on same day...22nd. Ill be thinking of you when Im in the "chair" getting pumped full of meds, lol....Ill be half way done with this and be counting the days!
    Keep in touch girl....good luck! If you ever want to vent or have questions feel free to send me a private message.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    hair loss.
    Hi Pitt,after having my first chemo,16 days later my hair started comming out in handfulls.After two days of shedding everwhere I got tired of it.I went in the bathroom and started cutting hair .then i buzzed it to my scalp.i never thought I could ever do it.But i was so horrifyed by it falling out everywhere.Aroung the house I wear my little comfty hat that I order,d from the ACS book.These are the neatest hats.they are so soft and comfty.I recomend them.I got mine in the mail a day after buzzing my hair.So that was this last take,s awhile to get used to it.Don,t have bad hair days,I put a basket of hair sprays and such up I wont need all that for awhile.I have dreaded lossing my hair since the day i found out i needed Chemo.But through help with the wonderful people on this sight.I am dealing with really will be ok.Good luck and keep us posted.(Pat).
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi, pitt
    So glad you're doing well. It's been 5 days since my first round and finally on the upswing too. I've spent alot of time laying and being off work. I'll go back to work Monday and will work the next 2 weeks until the 2nd round on the 26th. I sure hope it's not worse than the first. Had alot of stomach cramps, too, along with the leg aches. I'll be waiting to see when your hair starts coming out, I'll be a few days behind you. What do you plan to wear, wigs, scarves, hats, or a combo of all? So far, no shedding or scalp soreness. Glad you're well.
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    laurissa said:

    Hi, pitt
    So glad you're doing well. It's been 5 days since my first round and finally on the upswing too. I've spent alot of time laying and being off work. I'll go back to work Monday and will work the next 2 weeks until the 2nd round on the 26th. I sure hope it's not worse than the first. Had alot of stomach cramps, too, along with the leg aches. I'll be waiting to see when your hair starts coming out, I'll be a few days behind you. What do you plan to wear, wigs, scarves, hats, or a combo of all? So far, no shedding or scalp soreness. Glad you're well.

    Hey - how do we send private
    Hey - how do we send private messages? i don't know how to do that. I am waiting for the hair to fall out...that seems to be my next step to go. I have already bought night hats for the house, scarves, and one wig. My friend loaned me one of hers from last year to mix it up a bit. I went to the fabric store today and bought a lot of silk material on sale. I figured I could make my own scarves too. ($5 vs $30. Yep, I'm making them.) It's really hot in Florida so I am curious to see if I can stand the wigs. I hate being so tired but at least I'm not as sick as last week. Now if I can just sleep through the night. I usually find myself up at 3 reading the posts online.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    pitt said:

    Hey - how do we send private
    Hey - how do we send private messages? i don't know how to do that. I am waiting for the hair to fall out...that seems to be my next step to go. I have already bought night hats for the house, scarves, and one wig. My friend loaned me one of hers from last year to mix it up a bit. I went to the fabric store today and bought a lot of silk material on sale. I figured I could make my own scarves too. ($5 vs $30. Yep, I'm making them.) It's really hot in Florida so I am curious to see if I can stand the wigs. I hate being so tired but at least I'm not as sick as last week. Now if I can just sleep through the night. I usually find myself up at 3 reading the posts online.

    Go to the homepage and in the middle there is an "inbox" and some other choices. Click on one of those, it will ask you to type in who you want to send the message to, title, then message. It's hard to explain without being there! :-) I too am in Florida. Can you believe this heat wave?! Whew...I'm ready for Fall weather! Are you doing the Neulasta shot? I think that is what's causing my throbbing pain & keeping me up. Let me know if you find a pattern anywhere for the turbans. My mother would like to make some & donate them.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Sam726 said:

    Hi Pitt
    Im about 10 days out from my second and I feel great as well...however, I dont get the neulasta. My blood work came back perfect so guess doc sees no need. Im glad cause I hear many women have lots of troubles with it. I have no nausea, and have lots of energy too. Mouthsores....havent had any yet this time, but had a couple last time. I use tea tree oil, dilute it, and swish with it..its great! Im glad to hear you are well. I feel fortunate to feel this great...could be worse! I read your Halloween post....Im going as Wonder Woman, got a great wig....since Im bald already this leaves wig options open to a lot of possibilities!

    Chemo Chicks as I like to call us ... VickiSam here
    I am a few day away from starting my 3rd chemo treatment -- however, I do not get any breaks .. TCH first week, Herception 2nd week, Heception 3rd week .. no rest for the wicked, I guess .. then I start a new cycle .. I know it's been written that the side efforts from herception are mild, boy that's not the case with me .. Side efforts are the same, without the hair loss. Fatigue and bone soreness galore .. I've had a few nose sores, not many mouth.

    Now here is the WILD part ...I still have hair -- EVERYWHERE .. Yep ... I am still shaving underarms and legs. Eyebrows and lashes have thinned a bit .. still part of my face. In fact, I had my son's girlfriend re-SHAVE my scalp today - as I had baby chick hair coming in all over .. WERID or WHAT ... ??? Stubble regrowth .. I don't know what to think ... Morgan stated that I have no bald spots anywhere on my scalp .. just new hair growth .. she is a stylist ... she is 19 yrs old and just received her California hair license .. I asked her to look again, so we went outside into the sun, and Morgan reexamined my scalp .. regrowth -- Yes, Chemo Chicks .. I am werid .. I know I felt the subble, but I thought it was regrowing back in patches .. I will be asking my onc on Tuesday -- what's going on. Ok .. new plan I'll ask my onc nurse .. she has more inside information than the doc.

    Pitt -- Halloween .. What about dressing up as Star Tak personnel .. Crazy .. Auroa Wig .. black slimming pants & Pink Star trak shirt .. Hubby can go as Captain Kirk .. Just an idea.

    Have a good week-end all .. Did you know that the Rads girls can eat .. ? Found this out earlier in the week... Taste buds are not zapped by rads.

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Day 6
    Getting some energy back today. Was mostly a wet noodle Thur, Fri, Sat with no appetite and burning esophagus. Started taking the claritin as suggested and thus far just had a slight headache. I'm still working on my infection and taking double doses of antibiotics. See the onc this Tuesday to check out the infection which I've had since 8/14. I was due for my 2nd chemo on 10/20 but it was postponed till 10/27 hoping we get rid of this infection. OK maybe there is "a light at the end of the tunnel". Wasnt convinced the last 3 days, but beginning to renew my Hope and Faith.