Post - Op Breast Surgery Class <> Physical Therapy.

RosalieC Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Tomorrow Oct 7, will be four weeks since my right breast
Mastectomy, I guess I am really lucky, as I felt no pain at
all after my surgery, nor any with the drains ( 2 )being removed.
I am now having discomfort in my upper arm and my chest when
I move, still very sore to the touch. I hope the physical therapy
will help this. I am going tomorrow...


  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    Physical therapy can help.
    I'm sorry you're in pain. I found the surgery pretty easy too, but got very tight and sore after a week or two. Physical Therapy was a great help for me. I had my surgery in on May 21 and I did physical therapy once a week for eight weeks. It was really helpful with the stiffness and pain that comes from the scar tissue. They gave me stretching exercises and scar massage techniques to do at home. They also gave me great information about the lymph system and showed me lymph massage to keep lymphedema away. After a while we moved on to strength exercises for my arms and shoulders. They had some great advice about exercise in general and getting through chemo.

    It might take quite a while for your arm and chest to feel totally normal. I still get stiffness in my upper arm and chest, but if I go back to my stretches it goes away. I'm still doing lymph massage daily. They have to really push and pull your muscles during a mastectomy and your nerve system takes a beating too. It will get better - it just takes time. I hope your physical therpy helps! Take care. Debbie
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Welcome to the Group! What a blessing that you came through surgery with no pain! What you are feeling is probably normal considering...Good Luck tomorrow with the PT. Take it slow & easy!
    Keep in Touch!
    Prayers & Hugz,