Finally! 1st Chemo! :-)

Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ok,should I be this happy about Chemo? Had to postpone last week due to a cold,I was expecting to postpone again today due to congestion,they told me to come in anyway & have the doc check me out. Blood work was good,no infection,so we went ahead with treatment. He changed my plan though. Started with Aloxi,then Dexamethasone,followed by Taxotere & Carboplatin. When I was just about finished the nurse shocked me by saying I needed to come back tomorrow for the Neulasta shot!(Mack truck!!??)Thanks for the heads-up Traci! Good thing I have pain Meds on hand! They gave me a script for more anti-nausea meds & a sample pack of Anzemet just incase that wasn't enough. For some reason,I'm not doing the Herceptin until after surgery. 1 more treatment,then surgery. Depending on surgery I guess will decipher whether I will do any more Chemo, but will be doing radiation. Tumor has grown a little more-hoping it will now start to shrink.
Hugz to All,


  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Great News
    One down. Now you have started and you know what to expect it will be easier everytime and it'll soon be behind you. Well Done, Stay Strong Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxx
  • Paula1001
    Paula1001 Member Posts: 35
    1st Chemo
    I had a Neulasta shot after each of the A/C chemo treatments. Going back the next day just for the shot was a pain. I didn't start Herceptin until after the full A/C treatments and the double mastectomy surgery. Three weeks later the Herceptin/Taxol was begun. I'm doing the Herceptin once every three weeks now, after 12 weekly treatments, (until next June) and will finish the Radiation next Monday. These tumors can be nasty little buggers. They found 5 total during the surgery and I went from HER2 positive to a triple positive with multiple lymph node involvement. For a while there, treatment plans changed often and there were surprises with each office visit.

    My point is, don't worry too much about changes in plans, etc. I took it to mean that they were learning more about the individual issues and were adjusting accordingly. Good luck with everything.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Great News
    One down. Now you have started and you know what to expect it will be easier everytime and it'll soon be behind you. Well Done, Stay Strong Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxx

    That is great that you got
    That is great that you got the first one done now. Praying that the rest go smoothly for you.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Paula1001 said:

    1st Chemo
    I had a Neulasta shot after each of the A/C chemo treatments. Going back the next day just for the shot was a pain. I didn't start Herceptin until after the full A/C treatments and the double mastectomy surgery. Three weeks later the Herceptin/Taxol was begun. I'm doing the Herceptin once every three weeks now, after 12 weekly treatments, (until next June) and will finish the Radiation next Monday. These tumors can be nasty little buggers. They found 5 total during the surgery and I went from HER2 positive to a triple positive with multiple lymph node involvement. For a while there, treatment plans changed often and there were surprises with each office visit.

    My point is, don't worry too much about changes in plans, etc. I took it to mean that they were learning more about the individual issues and were adjusting accordingly. Good luck with everything.

    Yes, Neulasta shot is scheduled the very next day
    after Chemo cocktail. It is a pain in the butt, however, I see posting about taking Claratin before hand to keep side efforts at Bay. I normally give myself the Neulasta shot here at home - so that helps with the traveling and traffic.

    I am sorry about the change in med's. Mine have not changed, but I always have that thought in the back of my mind.

    Good Luck ...

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Almost forgot
    When I first got there, I was approached & asked if I wanted to participate in a Research Study. It is for healthcare companies used to gather info that could lead to development of more effective meds & patient communication materials. Verilogue is who's doing it. Anyone heard of them or participated? I guess all they do is record the visit with the Oncologist and it is completely confidential. I'm still reading about it, but wanted to know if anyone else has done this?
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    congratulations on getting
    congratulations on getting through your first treatment. I hope all goes well for you!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Great News
    One down. Now you have started and you know what to expect it will be easier everytime and it'll soon be behind you. Well Done, Stay Strong Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxx

    One step up the ladder. Now I can be better prepared,they didn't have any snacks or drinks there & I didn't lube the port darn it! Wasn't too bad though. One lady brought a little cooler-good idea! Goin' with the flow....
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member

    That is great that you got
    That is great that you got the first one done now. Praying that the rest go smoothly for you.


    I feel relieved now. Finally doing something to beat this instead of constantly "testing" everything! Thank you!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Paula1001 said:

    1st Chemo
    I had a Neulasta shot after each of the A/C chemo treatments. Going back the next day just for the shot was a pain. I didn't start Herceptin until after the full A/C treatments and the double mastectomy surgery. Three weeks later the Herceptin/Taxol was begun. I'm doing the Herceptin once every three weeks now, after 12 weekly treatments, (until next June) and will finish the Radiation next Monday. These tumors can be nasty little buggers. They found 5 total during the surgery and I went from HER2 positive to a triple positive with multiple lymph node involvement. For a while there, treatment plans changed often and there were surprises with each office visit.

    My point is, don't worry too much about changes in plans, etc. I took it to mean that they were learning more about the individual issues and were adjusting accordingly. Good luck with everything.

    I love your picture! That's the life! I know he said he was going to do the Herceptin along with the taxo/carbo,then once a week after surgery for 48 weeks. Now it's no Herc. until after surgery, and every 3 weeks. Not sure why. One of the nurses once commented they thought he may be suffering from a little ADD! Wow! What a surprise you got after surgery huh? That's what I'm afraid of, there going to get in there & it won't be what we thought. I'm not too worried, I'm confident the surgeon will do whatever is necessary & I will also request that he do so as to limit any further surgery if possible.(Guess it's that fear of the unknown.) Thank you for sharing your experience, I did not realize so many things could change even before surgery too!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    elm3544 said:

    congratulations on getting
    congratulations on getting through your first treatment. I hope all goes well for you!

    Thank you! Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now onto the side effects....WooHoo!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Yes, Neulasta shot is scheduled the very next day
    after Chemo cocktail. It is a pain in the butt, however, I see posting about taking Claratin before hand to keep side efforts at Bay. I normally give myself the Neulasta shot here at home - so that helps with the traveling and traffic.

    I am sorry about the change in med's. Mine have not changed, but I always have that thought in the back of my mind.

    Good Luck ...


    Why don't they tell you these things at the Oncologist office? Or do they just want to wait & see? I'd rather be prepared and know what to expect & what to do just incase. How brave of you to do it yourself, I couldn't, but understand it's better for you. It seems that we can't really count on much during this process huh? Never know what to expect-full of surprises!
    Thank You! Glad to see you are feeling better!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Cathy, congrats on putting
    Cathy, congrats on putting the first treatment behind you. I hope you have minimal side effects from the Nuelasta shot. I do experience some bone pain, typically lower back and legs, by the 3rd or 4th day. I am able to control it with Tylenol. Wishing you NO pain!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Cathy, congrats on putting
    Cathy, congrats on putting the first treatment behind you. I hope you have minimal side effects from the Nuelasta shot. I do experience some bone pain, typically lower back and legs, by the 3rd or 4th day. I am able to control it with Tylenol. Wishing you NO pain!

    Just want to add my congrats
    Just want to add my congrats to you Cathy!

    Hugs, Diane ♥